Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Time Check



Decades roll on
til they pile up
and bottleneck
as the clock chimes 
yet again

Our relentless chorus

Counting us down

Always there

in the background 
to remind us
with gentle dings

Whispering warnings 

that time is fleeting

Time is forever there

Commanding us
oblivious passengers
to always make the most
of our chapters allotted...

Tick tock bitches

Friday, December 27, 2019

Motion Desensors

Did you know
our Earth spins
at 1,040 miles per hour?
(or 1,675 kilometers 
if you be metrically inclined)

I googled this fact of course
since there be 
no need to memorize
trivial shit like this
since Jedi Al Gore
invented the internet 

So we're all high speed spinners
gravitationally hanging on
for dear life on a blue ball 
we never get to view
(except in pictures)
since from birth to death
we're too close within the scene
inside this forest
to ever see the trees

Though we never feel 
our rapid rotational existence
beneath our grounded feet
(thanks gravity)
we do know it to be so
cause the search engine says so
and it's always 
sunrise somewhere
(and a contrary sunset too)
on the flip side
of the spinning planet  

That spin thing again!!!

The paradox never ends 

The illusion visual deception
that the sun on which we so rely
is crawling across our sky
when in fact it be us
who are constantly
in motion
at 1,040 mph
for you see
you and me
are perpetually
flying objects
in the dark expanse of space

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Respect Is.....

Respect is...
the common denominator
and is the golden thread
that connects
all successful relationships

Respect is...
the epoxy that binds
and seals the love we feel
that cements
our common humanity

Respect is...
an essential element
and vital component
that paves the bridge
between long standing divides

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ode To Leverage

Life be an exercise
in applied geometry

Playing the proper angles
for the best point of entry

Fitting divergent pieces 
to make our puzzle
into a sensible outcome
to match and someday exceed
our load bearing expectations 

All the varied combinations
and creative leverage permutations
added to the positive possibilities
of our human equation
making us greater
than the sum
of our perceived limitations

Friday, December 20, 2019

Damn Holograms

We can no longer distinguish
the real from the virtual anymore

Tis all the same now...

Our very existence registered
in the new style cloud reality

Behaving as stealthy programmed
yet haunted by thoughts suppressed

Are we still alive
or just blips on a silicon chip?

Sunday, December 8, 2019

No Trick Pony

Things that once flowed smoothly
now spinning wildly

Time seems to be buffering

Moments going frozen

Pixalating cubes dancing
in random flashes

Strobe damage imminent
to my cerebral cortex
as once solid shapes now skew irrelevant

If only I could turn off the insanity
for this disjointed life
that is rapidly
becoming way too surreal for

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Slot Racers

This collision course against society
I charted to feed my many anxieties
is rapidly approaching the end of the line

The impending crash should be quite the event
given the acceleration of my descent

The "I told you so" crowd will surely be pleased
as they finally get to scrape up my remains

I sure would hate to give them that validation

Playing the lead in their future forewarning stories
to unborn rebellious generations
about the folly of living life contentiously 

I guess it's time to confess my trepidation
that's been slow cooking in my brain
regarding this soon to be fatal situation

Now comes the inevitable post game regrets

All those useless could and should ofs
as if we somehow are the captains of our destinies

For you see my soon to be grieving friends
the die is cast for us the day we are born

Hard wired into quite finite time lines

Playing the roles perception rigidly defines
written in the unwavering stars

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jungle Loop

I come before you today
to preach truth you already knew
beneath the thin veneer
of paper mache boundaries
we wrap around
our tenuous humanity
is the haunting reality
that coursing through
our pulsating veins
is the savage blood
of primitive beasts
living vicariously
through the carnage in the streets
we condemn publicly
to soothe the carnivore guilt
though deep down we know
this moral indignation show
is leaking relevancy
as our very fucked up society
continues it's inevitable descent
back to the predator dominated jungle
from whence we commenced

Monday, November 11, 2019

Compromised Positions

The raging neo cons
finally found
a useful idiot in chief
to carry out
their us against them
nationalist agenda

This reactionary blend
of bible thumping
unrelenting hateful
socially backward
foam at the mouth evangelicals
and rape the environment for max  profit
pillage and take no prisoners capitalists
have formed quite the effective
turn back the clock coalition 

This of course
has provoked a prolonged counter reaction
from the perpetually pissed off opposition
desperately grasping
at every social media driven
the King is a corrupt asshole straw
destined to fizzle out and go nowhere
cause these accusations no matter how true
just ain't ever going to move
the flush the turd needle

Now once dormant socialists
with their tired us against them
class warfare bullshit
want their shot now
to topple the arrogant beast
in the next election

Oh they all got their very ambitious
spread the wealth to the maximum voter bloc
smoke and mirrors programs
All the while requesting with great sincerity
we pay no attention to the cost wizard
spinning the cost deficit wheel behind the curtain

So how do we break ourselves free
of these two lose/lose future scenarios?

The answer my friends
is found in the not too distant past
when the extreme wings of both parties
who dominate the scene today
were relegated to corner shadows
while the adults in the room
practiced the art of compromise

Working through differences of ideology
to produce the imperfect solutions
one would expect in bastardized mutt legislation
where neither side got everything they dreamed
but there was enough respect to go around
to realize the us against them philosophy
if we are going to ever succeed
has to yield and blend to the practicality
of the power of we eventually

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rebels On A Sharp Stick

The man who chose
not to follow protocol
will be executed today
in a most painful way
in the village square

That publicly bloody place
where we administer consequence
to any and all breakers of rules
who think their defiance
of strictly enforced norms
makes a bold statement

Truth be told
such brazen actions
only serve to reinforce
our harsh dominance
over the thoughts and souls
of a scared shitless populace
so easily controlled
through example setting
mega terror shows 

Salvation Sale

Tis just another Apocalypse Sunday
here on the road to fiery Armageddon

Some pilgrims come
for the warped soul redemption

Rapture seeking on their knees fools
chanting by rote ancient hypocrisies

Lapping up every morsel of false prophesies
from preachers serving up after party salvation
heaped high on the congregation's collection plate

Preaching the greatest fallacy
hard sold throughout history
that we sinners can somehow be saved
from the pit of eternal damnation 
with a few clever prayers
and generous donations
to a God too busy taking down names
to participate in this hosanna con

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mona Lisa Dreaming

Staring across the bar top wilderness
my gaze catches the sultry eyes
of sweetness personified

What are her intentions?

Her smile seems flirtatious

Or is she just being polite?

So hard to read the signals 
when hope clouds objectivity

While partying with her crew
she throws a quick glance in my direction

Or was she checking the TV?
Seeing right through me

Imagination now takes over

Visualizing us together

Is the same fantasy playing
inside her angelic head?

The song list plays on

Lyrics nobody hears

Deep into the longing night
the stars sink into the horizon

The dream I will never get to know
puts on her coat and leaves

Casting me a wistful smile on her way out

One last bouquet for the us that could have been

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Distant Replay

So here I lay at three A.M.

Deep in the dark with my thoughts

Replaying a pivotal scene from my life

How it got in my head
I do not know

Taking me back to 1984,

The break up scene with my first love

Oh how I wish I could go back
and redo that pivotal moment

Let my heart have it's say

Express the truth I know today
tempered by the ensuing years

We don’t realize at the time
those fork in the road events
that shape who we become

Taking us to the place we are

Deep in the dark with our regrets

Muttering to ourselves at three A.M.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Faithfully Connected

I hear a booming voice way above me
from a source that is a mystery

Is it God or a chemical hallucination?

Hard to tell based on my current situation

Eternally tapped into this group chat force

Transmitting on a global frequency somewhere

Praying to a concept that may no longer be there
and yet faith is an up link required by man

Believing deeply in a connection we don’t fully understand

Deep Dementia

Disturbing social media generated
disinformation revelations
about Deep State infiltration
into the heart of government
may in itself be a deflection
from the insidious penetrations
of the real string pulling demons
rattling around inside my head
as I become a victim
of creeping paranoid infestations

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Calamity At The Distillery

The bloody murder weapon
found at the scene
of the Jim Beam homicide
had the gold initials JW applied

This led detectives to suspect 
the victim's arch rival
a Mr J Walker
to be the perpetrator of the crime

Forensics was able to match
the crimson stained evidence
with prints
from a fancy walking stick
owned by the dapper suspect

DNA fragments of glass
found in the suspect's ass
matched those at the scene
which indicated a desperate struggle
between Mr Walker
and the late Mr Beam

Alcohol of course
played a major factor
in this tragic fatal dispute

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Play It As it Lay

My words
slid right off the page
and made quite the stain
on the refurbished floor
of conventional elements
required in all decent writing

I know I really should edit this mess
but I kind of like the chaotic thought process
which so neatly reflects my head currently

One of the advantages of being a prose illiterate
is the freedom afforded to those blessed with ignorance
to float through all these regulation impediments
that serve only to impede the creative process

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Modern Realism

Ever feel overwhelmed
by the randomness of it all?

Events drifting in and out
on the currents of time
with no apparent reason or rhyme

Humanity always in react mode
collectively theorizing
in a futile attempt to make sense
of the sporadic nature of chaos

Flying tattered kites
into a raging tornado

Never quite knowing
which way
the wind will be blowing

Destruction is the fate of man

So close your soon to be
permanently shut eyes

Hold on tight
and ride your ignorance
for as long as you can

Black Hole Down

All the energy
faithfully stored in our battery
has now fully dissipated
into the vastness
of the misty galaxy

Potential all gone 

Never to return

Never to participate
in the kinetic epoxy
that generated the gravity
which once held all our shit together

Welcome to the New Void
where dreams come to be destroyed

Consumed by this eternal darkness
we foolishly believed we could avoid
through the power of prayer
and misapplied science

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Little House On The Scary

After I finally found
my elusive happy medium
we settled down
in the Land of Mediocrity
where we eventually
impaled each other
on our white picket fence

Media hounds posted our bodies
under their tragic narrative
of a double homicide

Psycho babblers were called in
to neatly bubble wrap the spin
with their best quicky analysis

Once we were written off
the bankers made the scene
to recoup their investment equity

The source of our demise
was repaired beautifully
as the stains of our sins
were power washed away

Now with the market value
of our broken castle restored fully
chattering real estate whores
sold the home as a horror novelty

Citing the shattered American dream
tragically gone awry  
as a marketing hook
to lure in the next victims
more than willing
to buy into the lie


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Medicine Man

Adverse circumstances
forever in the air

The scene continually
tension filled

Rampaging pressure

It comes in waves

Head now spinning

Another bad case
of life fatigue

Took a pill

or two

maybe three?

I forget myself

Skin goes electric

Close my eyes

Light show internally

Tis all about
chemical serenity
in the 21st Century

Finding the numb we seek
to flee this life
we treasure supposedly

So I consume more
loose prescription candy
as the howling dogs
claw at my door  

Next time
I'll have to take four

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Paradigm Crimes

Mr Literally
always takes life
at face value

and absolutely committed
to the narrow proposition
of perfect certainty

Nuanced interpretations
dance over
his rigid head

Subtlety is a mystery
he'll never comprehend

He's a between the lines illiterate

Him and his tribe deeply dug into
the bedrock foundation
that can not be moved
by varying interpretations

Zero shades of gray
allowed to be in play

These unquestioning
unblinking types
so easily manipulated
by statistical analytically
based predators

Always swallowing the lies
spoon fed to them
from those who rely
on mass exploitation
of the pre conceived notions
embedded in the DNA
of the intellectually lazy

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Surreal Reality

All of life
as we think
we know it
reflected back
in rapidly flashing images
dancing in our eyes

Entertainment now
sold as absolute truth

The human condition
reduced to reality TV
where dysfunctional dopes
do the see me dance
and drop their pants
for profit and a snippet of fame

Messing up
a generation of kids
who imitate
the media whore
behavior they see

As posture posing
and posting
indulgent selfies
becomes the new gold standard
in social interactions

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Sensitive Patient

You cut me to my core
when you malign my poetry

It lacks polish obviously
and often strays
from any semblance
of coherent thought
but it's my frickin therapy, OK?

The only true outlet I have
cause booze makes me puke
and meds just too much expense

So if you think my verse is that bad
I would greatly appreciate
if you'd kindly shut up
and proceed to fuck off

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Scary Fairy Tale

The fair maiden in distress
shoots up a flare
seeking assistance
from everywhere
and anywhere

Mr Noble Knight
jumps at the chance
for a little
chivalry romance

Rides into the fray
the heroic
save the day
kind of way


This is where
the fairy tale
ending fails

As our hero
loses his head
over unrequited love

For you see
our very dead dreamer
laid down his life
for a heartless wench
who was not impressed
by his sacrificial largess

The royal bitch
did not require rescue
from her plight
by a delusional knight

All she needed
was two Midol
to combat
her desperate princess cramps

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Happening Street

This thing we thought was inevitable...
just ain’t happening

All the fears we’ve been fermenting...
just ain’t happening

All the wild scenarios we conjured up...
still ain't ever happening

Things go down for a reason

or maybe not..

Good, bad, and indifferent
tis all a roll of the bouncing dice

There be no quantified logic in play here

So we gotta adapt on the fly

Dance with chaotic happenstance
and fully embrace life's randomness

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Loving Left Overs

Speaking statistically...

It can be very odd
to perpetually
tie out evenly...

To equate perfectly
and consistently numerically
is quite the mathematical impossibility...

So we gotta accept
quantitative reality
that life tends to trend fractionally..

Since we rarely tie out equally
contingencies must be made
for carry over excess
we gotta find a proper home for...

Imbalance is always a possibility...

Best embrace the solutions
when they skew messy

Monday, September 16, 2019

Butterfly Droppings

The once immaculate debutante
clad in her soiled white gown
loves to hang around
with disheveled metal bands
on the disjointed side of town
with all the other
disaffected groupies
and assorted hanger ons

Her concerned 
family and friends
abduct the former suburban princess
to perform a radical musical intervention

They tie her rebellious ass to a chair
and subject her heavily pierced ears
to a heavy rotation
of Taylor Swift 
and Katy Perry

After sweet saturation is complete
a steady stream infusion
of bubble gum pop
is pumped via IV
into her heavily tattooed arm
to close out the cultural correction session

Our reformed princess seems to have
learned her indoctrination lesson

Returns to the mainstream
to one day assume 
a pre programmed life
of doting child bearing wife
and servile homemaker

Baking cookies
while humming
Bruno Mars tunes
while group chat bitching
to her frustrated friends
about their out of control kids

Saturday, September 14, 2019

What's In Store

After my number
was proclaimed

I went to the counter
to claim my prize

The clerk with laser eyes
took me in the back
to have my unregistered ass
time stamped

While waiting to be processed
two burly zombie employees
rudely threw me
on a conveyor belt  

At the end of my trip
a disinterested 
former prom queen
slapped a sticky barcode
on my forehead
and product placed me
eye level high
on a freshly wiped shelf

Dazed and confused
I complained 
to the leprechaun manager
who was not amused
that a valued customer
was so thoroughly abused   

He dropped me in a cart
and rolled me over
to customer relations
where a gum smacking teen
gave me a key chain
and a coupon
I was told not to lose

As I wandered 
the dimly lit 
parking field
looking for my car
I had the chance
to reflect
on the sins
of the dying
brick and mortar
retail establishment
and wondered
where I should shop
online next time

Monday, September 2, 2019

Pawn Power

In the corner
of our dusty dark box
we pawns convene
and plot to overthrow
the demented King
and his court
of well heeled fools

We shall organize

Leverage our
strength in numbers

Become an
unrelenting horde

Move en masse 
like tiny droplets
in a tidal wave 

Push our smug
oppressors off the board

We will change the rules

Level the playing field

Make our world more just

Cause when all is said and done

There is no game without us

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Scavenger Hunt

Gotta love those vultures
circling so elegantly
above my soon to be
rotting carcass

Tis a death scene so serene
here in the desert
that's all horizon
and no substance

Or is this simply my just desserts
served before the main course?

I love these scavenger creatures
of natural recycling efficiencies 
even though their imminent destiny
involves feasting on me

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Paradise Frost

The King on his frozen throne
reads the latest dire weather charts

Struggles to make sense of it all

What the Hell happened here?

No one foresaw this extreme climate change
The dawn of an impossible Ice Age
in the capital city of Pandemonium

There is panic in snowy streets

A grand conclave of experts is convened
to see if this icy calamity can be reversed
The demons are having a devil of a time
dealing with a Hell that has frozen over

The crack task force decrees
extreme blow torch methodology

An army of fire breathing dragons is dispatched

The chilly invader is no match

This solution creates a massive melt down scene
and a raging tsunami flood unforeseen

Extinguishing the famed flames of Hell permanently

Somewhere in the thick steam cloud

Satan sobs at the smoldering shroud
dropping to his now soggy knees
for his best laid plans misapplied
where the cure was worse than the disease