Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Freaky Sheep

I know you want me
to stay in my assigned lane

React in the prescribed ways
as the playbook dictates
for all crammed in the pigeon hole

Sorry to disappoint...

I wanna make my own choice

Which very possibly
will not endear me
with all the other sheep
sucking on conventional orthodoxy

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pink Slip Trip

Your once grand designs
have lost their relevance
in the new reality..

(formerly dismissed as pie in the sky)

Sorry we had to move the finish line

Costs just gotta be reduced..

That means you
and your quality crew
are consigned to history

Nothing personal

It's just business

Thanks for the memories

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Post Apocalypse Harvest

The tide rolls in as scheduled..

Churning a foamy blanket..

Always good to see old friends..

Though we know it's temporary

We hungry gulls wait patiently
for the inevitable global revolution
to reveal the feast when the tide recedes
as we reap the spoils of planned anarchy

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rolling Hollow

Don't wreck my non sequiturs
posing as avant garde art

So what if the message is unclear?

I'm shooting for a higher truth here

Scour between my clouded lines

After empirical analysis you will find
a great spiritual reveal
about the depths of my emptiness

Mirroring our frivolous society
wrapped in a transparent shroud
of disposable nothingness

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Theory of Maybe

There is no reality like alternative reality seeping through the cracks of the Multiverse Time and space when bent do get frayed as the dimensions become stacked and overlayed I know this blended Universe concept is mind bending disconcerting but it's just another fucked up theory A comforting blast of scientific creativity designed to bolster our species self esteem that we be all knowing beings

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Every Day is Mother's Day

In this womb existence our very first sensation is the warmth we feel with the body we share.. Every being's origin of a life eventually to be tethered to mommy's body during her period of gestation.. This primal love connection is hard wired in our psyches for the duration of our lives

Friday, May 8, 2020

Slugs and Bugs

I do so prefer living under this rock
with all the slugs and bugs
society rejects and seeks to suppress
The climate here is damp and cool
Our hard cover protects
from the deadly effects
of the glaring spotlight
which brutally evaporates
and reduces to dust
we non conforming types
who just wanna live in peace

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ghost Writer

I find I write my best nonsense
when scribing anonymous
to a ghost audience

Only then can I be honest
and not fret about loose consequence
from the legions of friends and foes I know
saddled with preconceived notions
about who they perceive me to be

Familiarity certainly does breed
honesty inhibiting self censorship

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poison On A Sharp Stick

"Time to bail on this failed experiment ! "
screamed the frustrated mice legions
trapped in a nowhere maze
not of their own creation...

A rodent task force was convened
to explore the varied alternative exit strategies..

All the most toxic poisons available
were laid out on a warped table..

None of the options seemed very promising
but the best worst choice had to be made..

Can't stay in stagnation forever
though there are many who want to
cause they fear future uncertainty
dire as all possibilities seem to be..

Such are the trap doors of history
for we only study the paths taken
and never the discarded paths forsaken
that actually may have been better