Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Case for Fate

the currents of destiny
takes us to streams
we never imagined
we would ever be

we wash ashore
and are unsure
if we'll ever get back

This is why
the best course
is to go with the flow

Cause at the end of the day
we're all going to end up
in the same place anyway

Gargling Anarchy

The free flowing dance
is trending experimental

Semi rhythmic

Fully barbaric

Don't overthink it

Lose the judgmental

The structure is optional

Some would call this art
but that's just a convenient
well intentioned definition
of the unruly chaos
swirling unrestrained
down the cultural drain

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Homeland Insecurity

Muffled screams
bounce off
dungeon walls

This be the chorus
of our designated enemies

Extracting facts
we need to know

creative justice 

A tortured soul
nailed to the wall

Such the
bloody mess is he

Now part 
of the bloody

Nobody sees

Nobody hears

If you were
to petition to improve
his condition
and treat our enemy 
you will
replace him
on that wall

Take his pain
for your

So goes the law

No place for dissent
or antiquated arguments
about human rights
in the current
lock down environment

Might makes right
here in the ever expanding
confines of Guantanamo 2020

Displaced Mutant

Triangulated me

Not fitting in
to any defined holes

Not of similar mind
or culturally inclined
with the normal side

So weary of this
lame charade

Gonna jump
off this planet

Ride the super nova express
to another dimension
where no one
knows me

Where no one
judges me

Where I can
cease being

the Alien