Sunday, January 28, 2024

Revenge of the Abused Pussy


We truly live 
in a FUCKED UP society
where our she's
can't walk down the street
alone at night
or in the day for that matter
without looking over their shoulders
for some monstrous creep
who feels entitled
to grab them by their pussy's
or other bodily parts
just because they can..

Our mothers, daughters, sisters
by jungle necessity
gotta always proceed cautiously
and more often than not
endure locker room boys
clumsy groping grabs silently
in deference to the tyranny
of the entitled patriarchy
which traditionally
in matters of he/said she/said controversies
pees down on the teasing sluts
for dressing too provocatively..

Now that rape and sexual assault
have been stirred into the cauldron
of modern combat politics
as yet another lame rationalization
to counter the long overdue Me Too accusations
girls today may be better served
exercising their 2nd Amendment
God given rights
to defend against predators
when these cavemen feel the primal urge
to get overly physically affectionate..

At the very least they'll get the cave man's attention 
as well as their post carnage bullet slicing castration
thoughts and prayers 

Wise Ass Knight


Far too many times

I've been victimized

by the harsh process of elimination.. 

My defense mechanism

is to go inner numb..

Wear the cloak of apathy

spiked with sarcasm..

This liberating indifference

shields me from shame

and the accompanying

feelings of life inadequacy 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Over the Wall


Once you have gone past

the point of no return

you may as well speed up... 

Lose all forward resistance


cause commitment

demands personal acceleration

and lack of reservation

about the fast approaching 

walls of consequence 

Non Rhetorical


What's wrong with me? 

A multiple choice question definitely..

One of those desperate

self indulgent queries

that defects like me 

always seem to ask..

Maybe we're just deep sea fishing

for some sort of life validation

that behind this smoke screen

we're really OK..

So the next time

I post this inquiry

please feel free to lie..

The life you save may very well be mine 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Edge Busters


Every contradiction
we struggle with daily
is tinged with irony
but if we manage to see
the full landscape view
our future begins to make
big picture sense
sans distractions of proximity

It's these snarling beasts existing
on the margins of the periphery
in the shadows of anonymity
who feed on our ignorance
and end up wrecking us

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Down Bound Train


Waiting patiently on cathedral steps
for the impending Apocalypse...

True believers commiserate
about their glorious afterlife plans
post Rapture
after a pissed off Lord
dispenses man's fiery fate...

Airlifting out only true believers
from the pit of the damned
which will be quite the packed place
filled with pissed off sinners
and very shocked atheists 

Worst in Show


I took the contrarian position
when our self pity party
devolved into a boo hoo competition..

Rather than playing can you top this
in the side by side
my life stinks worse than yours comparison test
I chose the more noble option
of counting my blessings
[meager as they may seem]
and think of those truly less fortunate instead

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Thought Break


Windows of opportunity
close with hyper speed
much like everything else
these microwave days...

Somber reflection time
has been accelerated
and crammed
into the blurred out sections 
afforded knee jerk reactions
compounding the frustrations
of modern fractured communications...

The tyranny of swift processing
makes us long
for a little buffering interlude
which allows us the chance
to catch our collective breath


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Tool Time


Always gotta respect
the power of cause and effect.. 

The relationship definition
that drives all human interactions..

So when you find
yourself of a perplexed mind
use your best available tools
to alter the root cause
til you properly calibrate
and achieve the happiness equation
required to solve this problematic life

Ode to Peacocks


I really despise
self indulgent girls and guys..  

Could do without all that vanity
and selfish proclivities..

And yet..

My admiration for their audacity
always doing their own thing
against the hurricane head winds
of stifling conformity
that keeps we cowards in line
is the ultimate conflict
of mixed feelings 
I'll never come to grips with..


I can find the inner courage
to move past my judgmental
action inhibiting inclinations
and adopt the philosophy
of grudging acceptance

Saturday, January 13, 2024

This Ain't Easy


I confess I am from another time
all the way back to the last century.. 

Many of my views no longer fit
current acceptable narratives..

Concerning gender especially
from the bygone days
when only two held sway..

This whole fluidity concept
is difficult for me to accept
though choosing what you wanna be
is a freedom I really should embrace..

You may also say
holding doors for ladies
is condescending toxic masculinity..

That's OK..

I should do it for everyone I guess..

Maybe this is evolutionary progress
for outmoded males like me
but I will never accept men who whine
as is the political norm today..

My role model John Wayne
would never approve
of the current Republican Party 
with their daily grievance cacophony..

The Duke would be aghast
that the undisputed chief
of his former political tribe
is such a vain poser
who wears too much makeup
and plays the victim perpetually..

Objection is the new currency..

Complaints without action..

There's never a better plan
cause it's so much simpler
to continuously make demands
than it is offering up solutions 
which may never pan out..

Always easier to destroy than create..

The curse of man
and what use to pass
as the myth of real men 

Time Tocking


Time for us to reconcile
with our inevitable mortality
and accept the reality
that we will all be forgotten
a century from now..  

So fret not about legacy..

Kick the ass of lost history..

Live life to the fullest today
cause someday
we'll be nothing more
than deleted memories..

Who knows when this show ends

Carpe Diem my friends

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Heart of the Matter


Dreamers and pundits
pontificating incessantly
on issues of questionable relevancy
in the grand scheme of this story..

The majesty of lofty philosophy
is lost on those of us whose only luxury
is found in stale bread and a sliver of hard cheese..

Real life is grounded in such economic reality
that exists in the shadows of ignorant ideologies

Puddle Problem


Seeping through
the cracked facade
of our daily decay
tears of frustration
permeate the potholes
we navigate every day.. 

Some go out of their way
to dance around the pit
with rationalizations applied
while others grit their teeth
and decide impulsively
to plow right through it..

I for one perpetually
try to leap over
the man made obstacle
of unknown depth
and more often not
get drowned 
by the overconfidence
that comes 
with reality denying arrogance

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Jamming Justice


We are all accomplices..

We are all victims..

Playing out crime scenes
on perpetual loop..

Rotating roles
as the script dictates..

Allegations roll incessant..

Innocence is subjective..

Guilt irrelevant..

Justice but a stale buffet
of bitter leftover concept scraps

End Gaming


Fret not my worrisome friends
about your legacy after you end.. 

Once we fall permanently out of rotation
we'll be relieved of these nagging aggravations..

No one will sing odes to our life history
for dusty bones in the ground we will be..

Joining all the other anonymous fading names..

In a forgotten cemetery..

In the middle of nowhere..

Carpe Diem Damn It

Monday, January 1, 2024

Noise Makers


Verbally we duel
like two blabbering fools..

Mainly for entertainment value
for like many others
we suffer from the affliction
of a chronic monotony condition..  

Since we hold no firm convictions
on the alleged burning issues before us
we gotta defend to the death
these fake contentions
once we've established
the proper contrarian positions
that best fits the philosophical
hysterical narrative
to advance our circular debate
devoid of any final conclusion

These contentious days
the debate is the thing
where volume is king
and inflexibility
is a veritable symphony
before a jammed social media arena 
of wanna be influencers
hopelessly allergic to listening