Sunday, August 25, 2019

Paradise Frost

The King on his frozen throne
reads the latest dire weather charts

Struggles to make sense of it all

What the Hell happened here?

No one foresaw this extreme climate change
The dawn of an impossible Ice Age
in the capital city of Pandemonium

There is panic in snowy streets

A grand conclave of experts is convened
to see if this icy calamity can be reversed
The demons are having a devil of a time
dealing with a Hell that has frozen over

The crack task force decrees
extreme blow torch methodology

An army of fire breathing dragons is dispatched

The chilly invader is no match

This solution creates a massive melt down scene
and a raging tsunami flood unforeseen

Extinguishing the famed flames of Hell permanently

Somewhere in the thick steam cloud

Satan sobs at the smoldering shroud
dropping to his now soggy knees
for his best laid plans misapplied
where the cure was worse than the disease

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