Sunday, October 13, 2019

Medicine Man

Adverse circumstances
forever in the air

The scene continually
tension filled

Rampaging pressure

It comes in waves

Head now spinning

Another bad case
of life fatigue

Took a pill

or two

maybe three?

I forget myself

Skin goes electric

Close my eyes

Light show internally

Tis all about
chemical serenity
in the 21st Century

Finding the numb we seek
to flee this life
we treasure supposedly

So I consume more
loose prescription candy
as the howling dogs
claw at my door  

Next time
I'll have to take four


  1. Interesting and relate-able poem there. I like the one-liners and the flow they created. I guess the world will soon turn us all into zombies.

  2. Thanks Nada...Numbness can be such the double edged sword ;)
