Friday, August 30, 2024

Ugliness Emptiness


So what if I am a little sensitive

about my unsightly appearance?

Multiple sources have informed me

I look better with the mask on.. 

Guess I should take offense

when the barb hits so close to home

but the mirror has this annoying way

of confirming disturbing reality..

Each and every perceived deformity

reflected in the horrified eyes

of our judgemental society

has come to define me..

They recoil at the very mention

of my accursed name

and the stigma attached

to we of the freakish element..

So they define and dismiss us 

solely by the outward package

they see with typical surface superficiality..

Monsters to be avoided religiously..

I contend

these beasts of mass condemnation

are the ones projecting ugly

with their cruel social hypocrisy..

Truth be told..

I am the one shunning them

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