Monday, August 5, 2024

Better Out Than In


So here I am..

A man bereft of a plan..

Desperately seeking

that most human feeling

of belonging..

I stumbled upon

the coveted after party

tucked away 

in the exclusive part of town..

All the cool kids were inside

doing all the special things

that the Beautiful People do..

Maybe they could be me

and I at long last

could find social acceptance..

The bored Minotaur

guarding the door

with great intimidation

barred my admittance 

to the hedonistic festivities

cause I was deemed unworthy

due to my lack of participation

in the original boring soiree

where paid dues were collected..

I inquired to the now agitated beast

if an appeal to this decision 

could be expedited

and grant me an exception

for my prior coolness ignorance..

The freaky behemoth let out a sigh

then shared his version of wisdom

on pathetic despondent me..

"Seek not the company

of those shallow creatures

who not only roll phony

but are more miserable than we"

my new friend whispered softly,

"For deep down they know

the camaraderie they share

with their fellow dancing bears

is as fake as they".

I thanked my fellow outcast

for such profound thoughts

and never again

sought to be part of the scene

that's all flash and zero substance

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