Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pouring the Whine


Back in the day
when happy go lucky me
still rolled in a spiritual way
I faithfully subscribed
to the pious bromide
to hate the sin
but love the sinner..

Clinging to the cliched belief
that the power of forgiveness
would lead to redemption eventually..

God was I naive..

And thus I now live cynically..

A bitter old man
existing is this Age of Suspicion..

Bubble wrapped in skepticism..

Always moving cautiously
through my mind field of trust issues..

I do take a twisted degree of solace
(tinged with spasms of sadness)
that I finally get to ride
with the grievance majority side
I formerly use to deride
back in my former innocence..

Now I am one of those twisted creatures
forever shaking our fists at the clouds
destined to rain down disappointment
on our unfulfilled lives..

For cynicism is indeed
a self fulfilling prophecy

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