Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Joy of Nothingness


In my life
these waning days
there is nothing I love more
than doing NOTHING..

Absolute vegetative leisure..

Freedom at it's purest..

I'll leave the dream chasing
and attached disappointments
to you goal oriented
get it done yesterday
heavily medicated
movers and shakers..

No need to bitch to me
about your impossible schedule
while you small talk inquire
what I am up to since I retired..

For I am doing the same now
as I did yesterday
and hope to do tomorrow

All I plan on accomplishing
is eating, sleeping, and breathing..

This is and will be
the sum totality
of my daily regimen..

So spare me your judgements
and allow me to be me in peace..

I'll save you a spot here in Tranquility

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