Friday, August 30, 2024

Ugliness Emptiness


So what if I am a little sensitive

about my unsightly appearance?

Multiple sources have informed me

I look better with the mask on.. 

Guess I should take offense

when the barb hits so close to home

but the mirror has this annoying way

of confirming disturbing reality..

Each and every perceived deformity

reflected in the horrified eyes

of our judgemental society

has come to define me..

They recoil at the very mention

of my accursed name

and the stigma attached

to we of the freakish element..

So they define and dismiss us 

solely by the outward package

they see with typical surface superficiality..

Monsters to be avoided religiously..

I contend

these beasts of mass condemnation

are the ones projecting ugly

with their cruel social hypocrisy..

Truth be told..

I am the one shunning them

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cult of Carlin


Anyone who knows me
knows if I were to ever sign up
to belong to a mindless cult
it would be to the Cult of Carlin..

If I were to ever pray
to a marble deity
I would kneel by George..

Seeking snippets of wisdom
from the greatly missed critic
of our flawed humanity..

Of course he would call bullshit
on this misguided worship
which would make me love
my genius God even more 

Pouring the Whine


Back in the day
when happy go lucky me
still rolled in a spiritual way
I faithfully subscribed
to the pious bromide
to hate the sin
but love the sinner..

Clinging to the cliched belief
that the power of forgiveness
would lead to redemption eventually..

God was I naive..

And thus I now live cynically..

A bitter old man
existing is this Age of Suspicion..

Bubble wrapped in skepticism..

Always moving cautiously
through my mind field of trust issues..

I do take a twisted degree of solace
(tinged with spasms of sadness)
that I finally get to ride
with the grievance majority side
I formerly use to deride
back in my former innocence..

Now I am one of those twisted creatures
forever shaking our fists at the clouds
destined to rain down disappointment
on our unfulfilled lives..

For cynicism is indeed
a self fulfilling prophecy

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Clinging to Inevitability


Masters of Alternate Reality
are currently holding sway
with their relentless hyperbole
flooding the airwaves
with a seemingly endless stream
of toxic grievance..

Locked away
in the Vault of Ignorance
the Truth patiently sits
secure in the knowledge
that it will be set free someday..

The greedy Legions of Darkness
always overreach..

their base outrageousness..

And when they do
the light begins to seep in..

Once the cleansing process commences
the lying bastards
who once seemed indestructible 
are through..

They know it too..

For in the oft repeated tug of war
between these ancient foes
human history shows
the good guys prevail eventually..

Though definitely not today..

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cloak of Doubt


So secret was the secret
no one in the know
knew what was true..

It was all too max classified
for even high ranking insiders to analyze..

Locked away in perpetuity
the invisible key
was too invisible to see..

This caused a major drain
on what once was
a mystery of much urgency
that has diminished over the years

Cause when people live without
for a sustained period of time
they eventually begin to doubt
the need for what no one has ever seen
or even believe they require any more..

In fact skeptics now question
the ever was existence
of the eternal mystery
lost in the dusty archives
of maybe not history

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cheap Talkers


Whisper away
my gossipy friends
of the fake variety..

Share trite asides
with fellow chatter boxes..

Render venomous opinions
on each other too..

Behind their backs of course..

It's what losers like you do..

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Prey Power


The bigger fish
chases the smaller fish
for the purpose
of doing the food chain..

The smaller fish gets pissed
by it's shitty role in all this
and decides to enlist
a few dozen of it's friends
to mutually defend
against the tyranny 
of the natural order..

Strength in numbers
ain't no myth
as the power
of a motivated collective
can even the odds
in this very rigged game

Monday, August 19, 2024

Special Offer


We foggy people
forever searching for clarity..

Desperate seekers
of shared communal values
can never seem to agree these days
on the most current version of truth
being peddled on all web outlets
like a late night infomercial
crafted to convince us eager consumers
that contrived reality
is not only possible
but preferable
to hard to digest facts
that can cause thought nausea 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stage Blight


Come not to me
for rhyme or reason
or even
a lame rationalization
to explain this
poorly crafted script of a life..

If this shit does not turn around quickly
cancellation of my oft panned production
may be imminent
and I'll find my splintered ass
on permanent happiness unemployment

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Joy of Nothingness


In my life
these waning days
there is nothing I love more
than doing NOTHING..

Absolute vegetative leisure..

Freedom at it's purest..

I'll leave the dream chasing
and attached disappointments
to you goal oriented
get it done yesterday
heavily medicated
movers and shakers..

No need to bitch to me
about your impossible schedule
while you small talk inquire
what I am up to since I retired..

For I am doing the same now
as I did yesterday
and hope to do tomorrow

All I plan on accomplishing
is eating, sleeping, and breathing..

This is and will be
the sum totality
of my daily regimen..

So spare me your judgements
and allow me to be me in peace..

I'll save you a spot here in Tranquility

OK to Be OK


Hello again Depression..

My persistent life long companion..

I'm all out of pharma medications
to glaze over your bitterness
about my life 
of unfulfilled expectations..

So maybe it's time 
I summon the personal courage
to finally face you down..

Cause I'm so sick and tired
of crushing introspection
and all the attached angst..

These self inflicted complications
clouding every perception
that need not be murky
if only we can embrace acceptance
that every self generated imperfection
is in fact
a validation of our flawed humanity..

Once this internal fix is accomplished
these mood pills
on which I have been so dependent
can be happily flushed away
down the drain of self improvement

Monday, August 12, 2024

Mayo On White Bread


Two wealthy Deep State oligarchs
walk into a social media bar..

The Crynamic Duo gonna pour the whine
about how the world they wanna run
ain't doing so fine..

The Grievance Squad poised to pontificate
on these scary times for the white race
with the brown skinned gang bangers
poised to move into our neighborhoods,
rape our women,
parasite our resources,
expropriate our culture,
and basically take over
what was once a beautiful pristine place..

Time to rally all outraged pale faced patriots
in a grand torchlit display
to make America Caucasian again..

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Standards of Complacency


Our glorious authoritarian
is displeased with his minions..

So the order has been mass distributed..

Time to make amends
with the pissed off man
of limited patience
and questionable intelligence..

Acceptance of ignorance
now a requirement
as the median bar sinks lower
into the muck of the mediocrity
that now reeks like our putrid destiny
very much deserved 

Piss on the Gougers


The storm long forewarned
in forecasts oft ignored
rolled in with a vengeance..

It's severity was without precedent
and the damage inflicted
was one continuous 
horrific accident..

Of course those who thought
they could benefit
by exploiting our predicament
took full advantage..

Proving yet again
that greed fueled avarice
is a vice beneath contempt

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Matter of Taste

In the course
of human persuasions
first head toward
the butter up department
to slather on the compliments.. 

Invoke this timeless recipe..

Sweetness enhances popularity..

Without stirring in the sugar
the lemonade would be sour...

Even when the dosage is artificial..

Taste can be manipulated easily..

For we are more addicted
to the immediate buzz sensation
than ever turned off by
obvious contrived embellishments..

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Disaster Dancers


The grievance ballerina
on the social media stage
dances shamelessly
over any human tragedy
that can be made to fit
their us versus them narrative..

Marvel how they pivot so gracefully
when the facts become an obstruction
as they do a pirouette spin
on the latest mass regurgitated outrage..

For there's no crisis
that can't be enhanced
by a well choreographed 
negative propaganda dance 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Better Out Than In


So here I am..

A man bereft of a plan..

Desperately seeking

that most human feeling

of belonging..

I stumbled upon

the coveted after party

tucked away 

in the exclusive part of town..

All the cool kids were inside

doing all the special things

that the Beautiful People do..

Maybe they could be me

and I at long last

could find social acceptance..

The bored Minotaur

guarding the door

with great intimidation

barred my admittance 

to the hedonistic festivities

cause I was deemed unworthy

due to my lack of participation

in the original boring soiree

where paid dues were collected..

I inquired to the now agitated beast

if an appeal to this decision 

could be expedited

and grant me an exception

for my prior coolness ignorance..

The freaky behemoth let out a sigh

then shared his version of wisdom

on pathetic despondent me..

"Seek not the company

of those shallow creatures

who not only roll phony

but are more miserable than we"

my new friend whispered softly,

"For deep down they know

the camaraderie they share

with their fellow dancing bears

is as fake as they".

I thanked my fellow outcast

for such profound thoughts

and never again

sought to be part of the scene

that's all flash and zero substance