Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hard and Dirty


Purists of heart
rarely play it smart
cause these would be martyrs
and inflexible saints
live in a world of pious purity
of how things should be
as opposed to the messy
"as is" reality
the rest of us practical
slightly cynical sinners
insist on residing in
as a matter of practical necessity..

While we often gag
on forced compromise
and imperfect work arounds
we have no choice
but to try and digest
as best we can
the slop indifferent Circumstance
plops on our stained

All the while enduring 
the condescending critiques
of the holier than thou freaks
looking down with their quaint philosophies
from a lofty cloud existence
that keeps them above the mess
and all the contentious nastiness
that would soil their pristine wings
if not for our dirty work trench efforts..

Can you sense our bitterness?

No wonder we're all in therapy

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