Saturday, June 22, 2024

Drug Looping


When self soothing failed
and it became quite obvious
that I could not stop the pain
I turned to my trusted friends
who love and guide me
from their flat screen scripted reality..

My handsome companions 
always know
what to say and do..

They know what it will take
to make my sad ass happy..

Now it seems I'm sick
from overconsumption
of all the numerous
over the counter
joy inducing products
as pitched on TV
by my well meaning 
guardian angels..

I am duly advise
by the distinguished looking
white smock clad actor guy
playing the part
of a calming presence
who is also very smart
that I must first
consult with my real physician
to get the miracle medication
as seen on TV..

This will numb
not only my new 
consumer fueled addiction
but the tele prescription
comes with plenty
of disclaimer side effects
that can only be remedied
by the same Big Pharma chemists
who made me sick..

Strung out me has gotta admit
this chemical death cycle is pretty slick..

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