Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hard and Dirty


Purists of heart
rarely play it smart
cause these would be martyrs
and inflexible saints
live in a world of pious purity
of how things should be
as opposed to the messy
"as is" reality
the rest of us practical
slightly cynical sinners
insist on residing in
as a matter of practical necessity..

While we often gag
on forced compromise
and imperfect work arounds
we have no choice
but to try and digest
as best we can
the slop indifferent Circumstance
plops on our stained

All the while enduring 
the condescending critiques
of the holier than thou freaks
looking down with their quaint philosophies
from a lofty cloud existence
that keeps them above the mess
and all the contentious nastiness
that would soil their pristine wings
if not for our dirty work trench efforts..

Can you sense our bitterness?

No wonder we're all in therapy

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Twitter Down


If it's nuance you seek

the X domain

sure ain't the right place..

The algorithm unseen

caters to the extremes

for maximum clickage

which leaves no place for moderates..

Those perpetually frustrated

seekers of common ground

and boring shades of gray

have become so minimized

these contentious days

they now exist

only in empty museums...

Someday these forgotten fossils
will make a necessitated return
but only after
the current fringe element tyrants
have stretched the limits of free speech
to such a dangerous extent
that they snap this once noble concept


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

At the Prison Show


I do so adore offensive things..

Unbridled debauchery..

Social anarchy
pissing down on the foundation
of what passes for normal conformity..

I can't ever be shocked enough..

Over stimulation
to my sense of propriety
is the opiate I crave..

Maybe cause I'm so damn bland..

My spirit of adventure
forever locked away in a gray prison
of self conscious paralysis..

An overly civilized citizen
always doing the right thing
as I've been programmed to do
by centuries of oppressive morality..

I do so envy the freaks and geeks
with all their flashy excesses
that go way beyond the boundaries
uptight peeps like me see only in dreams..

Unleashing our deepest liberating fantasies..

I do so adore offensive things..

Even if only as a voyeur spectator..

Which regrettably is all I'll ever be

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Safety Last


Merrily we dance
over and around
this trip wire existence..

Not because
we are foolhardy
or have a death wish..

And certainly not because
we roll oblivious
to life's inherent dangers
every time we venture forth
into the pit of social bullshit..

What you consider reckless
we view as a life choice necessity
cause only by challenging mortality
can one truly feel alive

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Salvation Deferred


Oh great..

Here I am
at my coming to Jesus moment
only to find the Son of God
ain't paying attention..

Proclaims he is being pulled
in too many directions..

Apologizes for being distracted
and requests I come back
for absolution another day
when he'll be more focused 
to dispense standard anointments...

Timing has never been my forte
but I will return anyway
cause I have an unshakeable faith
in my very human ability
to be continually disappointed

Truth Filtration


I choose NOT to be set free

by the uncomfortable truths

you constantly seek

to inflict on me..

It's such a snug existence

here in my secure fortress

of plausible deniability...

This blanket of blissful ignorance

is my joyful fortress

that offers maximum protection

from the messy realities

determined to piss on

any and all chances

of my selective

well regulated happiness

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Drug Looping


When self soothing failed
and it became quite obvious
that I could not stop the pain
I turned to my trusted friends
who love and guide me
from their flat screen scripted reality..

My handsome companions 
always know
what to say and do..

They know what it will take
to make my sad ass happy..

Now it seems I'm sick
from overconsumption
of all the numerous
over the counter
joy inducing products
as pitched on TV
by my well meaning 
guardian angels..

I am duly advise
by the distinguished looking
white smock clad actor guy
playing the part
of a calming presence
who is also very smart
that I must first
consult with my real physician
to get the miracle medication
as seen on TV..

This will numb
not only my new 
consumer fueled addiction
but the tele prescription
comes with plenty
of disclaimer side effects
that can only be remedied
by the same Big Pharma chemists
who made me sick..

Strung out me has gotta admit
this chemical death cycle is pretty slick..

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Myth Makers


It's true..It's true..

MAGA media has made it clear..

Life was perfect during the Trump years..

I know history is a blur
but that's how things really were.. 

The rain never fell til after sundown..

The lights shone brighter did they not?

Inflation was what you did to a tire..

In Trumpalot.. Trumpalot..

Where subjects walked the streets without a care..

There was peace and joy everywhere..

Love was always in the fragrant air..

Cause those filthy immigrants did not dare
cross the border into Trumpalot..

Deep State historians may have forgot
but there was nary a more congenial spot
than happy ever afterings 
than here in Trump..a..lot

Clocking Out


Another day..

Leaking away...

Seeping into days
previously played
til the calendar blurs
into a polluted stream
of murky yesterdays
clouding our overloaded memories..

The ending now
an undeniable certainty 
of an all too finite reality
as the realization hits me
that time is a precious commodity
I really need to stop wasting 
writing this weak ass poetry
that nobody ever bothers to read
cause they have better things
to do with their own dwindling time

The End


Malfunctioning me
just can't catch a break these days
cause all my shit is breaking..

I hold my breath
every time I flip a switch
and try to turn on a device..

Ain't life a bitch?

Obsolescence by design..

Erosion of the mind..

Corrosion of the soul..

The curse of longevity
is realization of the certainty
that we are every bit as finite 
as our current broken toys..

Only we can't be replaced or fixed..

Ain't life a bitch?

Carpe Diem or bust my temp friends..

Glory Be the System


Ladies and gentlemen...

Please be advised
there will be collateral casualties
during our glorious transition
from here to there...

Rest assured our beloved pliable populace
Project Darwin has been carefully crafted
for Society's greater protection...

The drop off losses
of those deemed weak
fall within acceptable parameters
as calculated by leadership
who of course roll with zero risk
as they rightfully take maximum benefits

Pay no heed to those of selfish dissent
constantly whining about perceived inequities..

They have zero concept of the sacrifice
good citizens like you are required to make
to build and maintain
this magnificent economic pyramid..

These dangerous anarchist malcontents
want not only to piss on our great traditions
they seek to obliterate your dreams
of ascending to the top some day..

Rest assured our firm but fair Peace Forces
will make these communists
go away permanently..

Which brings us to our next glorious initiative..

Operation Authoritarian..


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Captain Dunsel


Here in Automation..

Robots perform all labor manually..

AI has now assumed all thought processes..

Today we builders of said devices
have all become
so functionally obsolete
we now do existence
without purpose..

Without thought..

In many respects
we are now the mindless machines
like the early models we built
to relieve our lazy asses
from what we perceived to be
the mundane burdens 
of our former involved lives
we now wax nostalgic about

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Check the Weather Vane


Sure these headwinds are stiff
and our tasks straining
against maximum resistance
but based on past experience
we know this is a temporary impediment..

The persistent forces
we are struggling against
which currently stand intransigent 
are destined to shift
in a direction that eventually benefits
patient grinders like us

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Meet Me on the Baseline


I know you want your team to win
in this contentious
political combat cauldron..

So I always expect 
major creative spin
to frame the issues your way..

And blaming the other side..
for everything bad
is standard procedure today
but can we not at least agree
on basic standards
of human decency
that can still unite us?

Can not we 
as part of this shared humanity
mutually condemn those cretins 
on either side
who violate even the minimum
baseline of morality?

There still has to be a line
of appropriate behavior
that good people never cross..

But if we continue 
choosing to value politics
over doing the right thing
then we as a species
are indeed forever lost 

Overdue Repairs


The hypocrisy do flow
in both directions...

You know how it goes...

All the righteous indignations
and high volume protestations
blast posting on perpetual loop..

And you know what?

It's all partisan bullshit..

Tit for tat nonsense..

Gotcha combat politics..
wrapped with useless verbiage..

Diarrhea hyperbole on a stick..

Nothing will ever get solved
if we sensible moderates
continue to let these zealots
dominate every conversation..

Time to escort these bastards
back to the opinion fringes
and let us adults fix this mess

Stranger Than Fiction

 There was a time

when I could post satire

of an over the top nature and it would be very obvious I was tweaking the ignorant
bastards of intolerance who reek of various
illogical prejudices
that cry out to be lampooned..
Not so today in corrupted
social media platforms where bigots and white supremacists
hold sway with unchecked arrogance as the toxic bile they spew daily
blurs the line between satirical content and what passes as serious political commentary