Saturday, April 20, 2019

Mirror Prayer

the stain glass canopy
the holy types do say
in their pious
sanctimonious way
that Jesus died 
for our sins

Twas a real bloody show

He then rose from the dead miraculously

It was in all the papers

but seriously ...

Who asked him 
to take
the rise and fall
for Daddy's
flawed creation?

It wasn't us for sure

and to complicate matters
the prophets constantly say
in their ominous dire way
the sequel
when he returns
at the precipice
of the Apocalypse
to save the day
will be even more
spectacular than
the first act 

What the Hell?

We flawed beings
(historically a constantly
disappointing species)
need to take ownership
of our self generated transgressions

Deal with the consequences

We gotta carry that damn cross
our various sins crafted 

Do not depend on a bail out
of divine intervention

Stand on our own two feet
and not be so reliant
on a power out there
that for all we know
may no longer care


  1. If such a warrior exits, by now he is tired of sacrificing for such whimpering, sniveling individuals as we have become. I truly feel this martyr, like so many since (ex Joan of Arc) was of his own accord and not some divine calling except that existed in his own mind for it sure did nothing to improve the human race, except for the expulsion of more fairy tale stories which seem to have no real everlasting changing power

  2. It truly is sickening(though not surprising) how our demented species has totally corrupted and perverted the beautiful message of peace this man preached after we executed his ass two thousand years ago...
