Sunday, December 29, 2013

Consumed Innocence

Consumed Innocence

Once upon a time

in the haze of

playground memories

Children once were we

joyous and care free

an innocent breed

frolicking in a bubble

play time
away from responsibility

Corruption got to us inevitably

accumulating teen age stains

leading us into temptation

compromising situations

so many options

splintered choices

trust shattered

egos bruised

cynical walls constructed

hardened shells

We become 
what we fight

in order to survive

we rationalize
and compromise 

So it goes
so it goes

Life has a way

of stripping away

our halos


  1. Oh, yes...when we were young and the lines were sharp and bright and not blurred. Loved this, Steve.

  2. Thanks Kim...Guess we could all use some new perspective glasses ;)
