A sunny Spring day,
Perfect in every way
A day just like many years
When we were young and off to
Marching in a glorious parade,
Soaking up patriotic accolades
Old men spoke impassioned
For a noble cause now blurred
Lost somewhere in the fog of
The war took us in a
different direction
To an inferno where our
demons convened
Scarred battlefields strewn
with mangled dreams
Tourists today visit the manicured
Trying to get their photo ops
Right next to the souvenir
shop stands a plaque
Recounting a litany of
casualty facts
Most don’t even bother
reading the sign
Now just big numbers
diminished by time,
But to us forgotten ghosts
who didn’t come back
Our sacrifice is more than a
mere statistical fact
Not that we require any
bronze statues
Dying was never what we
intended to do
Heroes we became quite
Fighting forever battles
throughout eternity
We are the faceless
casualties of war
Still trying to figure out what
we died for