Wednesday, October 30, 2024

19th Century Reboot


Stop your incessant whining..

Lose the boo hoo lamentations..

We're gonna streamline your institutions..

Filet and gut those confusing regulations
that inhibit the conduct of our business..

For a slight charge
we'll gladly neuter your democracy
and get you to accept the persuasion 
that America is an antiquated concept
desperately in need of an upgrade..

Embrace the benign Captains of Industry
pulling your strings benevolently..

For the greater good of the public
and corporate profit margins
are a one and the same equation..

So place your trust
in the Great Corporate Fathers
and their bought and paid for
media/politician bitches
to trickle down the riches
to you easily manipulated peasants..

Fret not these needless rights
you shall be required to sign away
for they will make us all prosperous..

OK, maybe some more than others
and perhaps for a few none at all
but this is a trade off sacrifice
we at the top of the pyramid
are willing to bless
to Make Oligarchy Great Again

Monday, October 28, 2024

United States of Weeds


Tossing and turning
I slept with uncertainty..

Awoke in a cold sweat
awash in anxiety..

At the end of that black night
the morning arrived right on time..

But instead of bringing
much needed light
the dawn revealed 
a deeper depth of darkness..

All previous illumination devices
in our house so badly divided
were cracked and beyond repair..

We collectively cursed
the new reality nightmare..

This perpetual storm
would now be the new norm
as unpleasant truth we long ignored
knocked down our denial door..

The somber dirge of our dissolution
would be a familiar tragic refrain..

The false sense of security
in a decaying foundation
of once mighty institutions
we stubbornly believed in..

No match for the withering weeds
that suffocates misplaced trust
cause in the end
there were more of them
than there were of us

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Good Vibrations


Hard to imagine
dreams coming to fruition
when stricken with the condition
of chronic pessimism..

The obvious bond of success
and positive reinforcement
is not an accident..

It's the winning byproduct
of positive vibes

Friday, October 18, 2024

Escape Clause


I don't plan on breaking
for any animals today
so the wee beasties
best stay away..
from my determined motion..

Humans too..

The annoying ones especially..

Of course I am speaking figuratively
wrapped in the language inflammatory
of modern day text exaggerations..

So don't take this bullshit rant seriously..

I'm just flexing my poetic license..

Tis all good clean violent nonsense.. 

Damn these legal disclaimers
I gotta drop
to protect my written venting spasms 
from verbatim fools
who may take my loose hyperbole literally

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Friction Formula


Here deep in the bowels
of clouded ignorance
where we have been consigned
light is the primary anti hate agent

We need to guide
our battered craft
into the slipstream
knowledge provides
and take a ride
with this acceleration..

Organize and weaponize
the power of particle friction
to slice through
the toxic atmosphere
of thought stagnation

It's the super charged residue
of positive resistance
to this current negative existence
that will provide moral sustenance
along the journey
to lasting progress 

Only when armed
with painful kinetic agitation 
and the application
of laser beam persistence
can we wear down
opposition impediments 
until the tipping point is reached
where the concept of true social justice
finally perfects
our ongoing social experiment
called Democracy

Fertilizer Conveyor


Time to plug in
to the opinion machine..

Tell me please
what I just saw..

Tell me please
what I need think..

Load me up
with our daily ration
of fresh talking points..

Gimme sound byte snippets
to bolster our simple arguments
which we of the thought collective
will dutifully carry to the field of ideas..






Move the needle
of fickle public opinion
toward the approved conclusions..

Rinse and spit..

Cleanse the propaganda palate
and reload fresh bullshit
for we conveyors to spread

Friday, October 11, 2024

In the Interim


Exit ramp dead ahead
as I am starting to envision
my life after this endless
disjointed employment..

Slow fade to retirement
and welcome obsolescence
away from the bored chorus
of clock punching drones
themselves counting the days
til one by one
the calendar says they are done
to be replaced
by the next wave
of temporary worker bees
hauling the honey
to feed the indifferent system

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Truth DOA


This much is a certainty..

Here in the contentious abyss
of modern combat politics
one man's disinformation
is another's political dogma..

So pervasive are the stiletto slants
that truth which once passed for fact
gets sliced and diced daily to such an extent
as to now be unrecognizable

No witnesses ever found at this crime scene
who will corroborate the evidence
that should be obvious
if anyone was still interested
in paying attention

Hit Fowl


When the caged canary
began gasping
and getting all teary eyed
from the foul suffocating stench
of the toxic hyperbole
and sheer volume of lies
that permeate our environment
we knew what we had to do..

We executed the alarmist bird
and returned to the slow cook
soothing denials of the day
because not only
do we always shoot the messenger
we filet their Chicken Little asses
and serve them up with a nice Chianti

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Joy Hopping


I am finally content
to simply be who I am..

Took me years to understand
there is no long term plan..

No tightly crafted narrative..

Only these fleeting moments
that make this trip tolerable..

Connected specks of sand
in the vast desert of eternity
where we well meaning inhabitants
spend our allocated time 
seeking out snippets of happiness

Monday, October 7, 2024

Time Vessel


I love
the tick tock of the clock
gently caressing
the silence of the night...

It sounds like
wisps of ethereal time 
seeping into the sky..

Fear not
the moment's 
inevitable abandonment..

There will be eventual replenishment
of this eternal resource
carried by the chimes
and deposited in our laps
when the time is right

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mr Sickness


A pox on these damn coughing spasms !

Lungs expelling moss green sludge
that have populated
and multiplied unabated
from the dark depths
of my bronchial tubes
since the 80's..

I shall spit out the offensive sputum
like I do everything else in my congested
sickening fungal excuse of a life..

This chronic incurable condition
will one day be the death of me..

As with us all just a question of when

Friday, October 4, 2024

In Defense of Loneliness


Here on the periphery
silence is my primary currency..

This view from the edge
is always crystal clear..

From my perch on the side
I see and hear
all the chaos within..

The bickering discordant symphony
that passes for relations these days..

Here on the periphery
feel free to pity me
and label my solitude
as the epitome of being lonely..

But in the grand scheme
I am far more happy
than imprisoned you will ever be

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Light Pretzel


Gazing though
the cracked prism
of intolerance
yields a distorted vision
which blurs the distinction
between fact and fiction.. 

Once the truth gets refracted
it mutates into modern propaganda
for mass transmission
to those desperate for an alternate reality..

These disciples of the corrupted light
thrive in the shadows of minimal sight
free from the contradictions
of rational thought

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Battle Bot Men


The contentious man
of an ornery bent
revels in his daily battles..

Pointless as they may be
these circular arguments
are the ultimate nowhere trip..

Self generated
and eternally perpetuated
this vile hatred
of those who oppose his views
is returned with equal fervor..

A peaceful solution
these friction junkies
will never find
for they are of a like
tightly bolted closed mind

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Nut Soup


Twas decreed
by reliable shrink authorities 
that extremely warped me
is definitely
manic depressive..
obsessiveness compulsive..
psychotically repressive..
anti socially self destructive
with just a pinch of OCD..
and a few other quaint acronyms
I fail to recall
cause I don't focus too well
(must be my attention deficit thing)

Of course this made distraught
having so many things wrong with me
that I felt a smothering sense of inadequacy
so my self esteem was destroyed
and I became unhinged at the very thought
that quite possibly I was a misfit toy
adrift in a sea of social uncertainty..

This feeling was compounded
by the diagnosis
that my dire mental condition
was so hopeless
and beyond modern medications
that the best remedy for my ailments
would to become a psychiatrist myself

Today I am a world renowned head doctor
dispensing the best bar tender type advice
and mood altering elixir cocktails
to the Loony Tune populace