Stop your incessant whining..
Lose the boo hoo lamentations..
We're gonna streamline your institutions..
Filet and gut those confusing regulations
that inhibit the conduct of our business..
For a slight charge
we'll gladly neuter your democracy
and get you to accept the persuasion
that America is an antiquated concept
desperately in need of an upgrade..
Embrace the benign Captains of Industry
pulling your strings benevolently..
For the greater good of the public
and corporate profit margins
are a one and the same equation..
So place your trust
in the Great Corporate Fathers
and their bought and paid for
media/politician bitches
to trickle down the riches
to you easily manipulated peasants..
and their bought and paid for
media/politician bitches
to trickle down the riches
to you easily manipulated peasants..
Fret not these needless rights
you shall be required to sign away
for they will make us all prosperous..
OK, maybe some more than others
and perhaps for a few none at all
but this is a trade off sacrifice
we at the top of the pyramid
are willing to bless
to Make Oligarchy Great Again