Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Little House On The Scary

After I finally found
my elusive happy medium
we settled down
in the Land of Mediocrity
where we eventually
impaled each other
on our white picket fence

Media hounds posted our bodies
under their tragic narrative
of a double homicide

Psycho babblers were called in
to neatly bubble wrap the spin
with their best quicky analysis

Once we were written off
the bankers made the scene
to recoup their investment equity

The source of our demise
was repaired beautifully
as the stains of our sins
were power washed away

Now with the market value
of our broken castle restored fully
chattering real estate whores
sold the home as a horror novelty

Citing the shattered American dream
tragically gone awry  
as a marketing hook
to lure in the next victims
more than willing
to buy into the lie


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