Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Funeral Party

we put on our
best somber threads
and lay to rest
another player dead
from team humanity

The Pious Man of God
the closing show
even though
he did not know
our stiff friend
who had not set
foot in a church
since his wedding day

We snicker at the irony

His grieving widow
dressed in death black
leads the boo hoo brigade
showing affections
she displayed rarely 
for hubby in life

We snicker at the irony

The middle aged kids
who hadn't
spoken to 
dearly departed Dad
in years
struggle to spout 
proper funeral cliches
in all the morbid
chit chat

"At least he's at peace now"

We snicker at the irony

The farewell caravan
runs red lights
all the way to the cemetery

The death mob gathers round
the perfectly shaped
final resting place hole

One last chance 
for the women to sob
and the men to pretend
they have their tear ducts under control

We the assembled know
the terrifying
threatening truth
staring back
from the coffin
is a reminder
one day
the hole
and the 
preceding hypocrisies 
will be for us

Think I'll get
my sorry carcass cremated
and my ashes scattered
all over my grieving asshole enemies
so they can collectively choke on their hypocrisy

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