Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bull Doged


Don't lay
this darkest before the dawn
played out comfort cliche
on me and my
scared shitless society
of former rational creatures

Let's push the panic button
if we can somehow find
that modern security blanket
amidst all this darkness..

And in our desperation
we turned to the Disruptor
and his agents of chaos
to perform shock therapy
on our malfunctioning nation

The fatal flaw in this plan
is that rampaging bulls
don't give a damn
about the consequences
of shattered plates in their wake
strewn all over the place
Now we few adults who remain
are gonna have to clean up this carnage
along with the bloody mess
the long gone stampede crew made

All because we fools opted
for mindless random
mass destruction
over the nuanced adjustments
of precision reconstruction

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