No need to pray for me
where I locked in future grace
in exchange for my foregoing
to ever spew
the invective GOD DAMN again
as he mumbled something
Who knew the Lord
so god damn literally?
Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
She fascinates me
And not in a mere sexual way
which I guess
in my developmental sense
is real human being progress
I just find her quirkiness
and humorous innocence
so very refreshing
in this contentious age
of smart ass cynicism
OK I gotta confess
she does ooze cuteness
so maybe
there is a slight
lusty component
to my carnal attraction
but more as a wholesome
holding hands
on a carousel
G rated concept
As I slide into blissful unconsciousness
from the cobra squeeze
tightly wrapped around my existence
my final thought will be
if only I had tapped out
when I had the opportunity
this soon to be calamity
could have been preventable easily
All the signs
of a potential disaster situation
were staring me
right in my oblivious face
Though even if I had been
paying attention
I would not have taken
the obvious threat seriously
Pride goeth before termination