Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Free To Be Freaky

So bored am I
with my grind of a life
I hop into a pharma cab
to whisk me away
from this gray state of monotony..

A zombie cabby
of questionable morality
takes me on a surreal trip
and drops my soon to be sore ass
deep into the murky mist
of party down Apocalypse..

The evening is replete
with sinners and fake saints
casually intermingling
in a steamy cauldron
beneath neon illumination
bathing our congregation crew
in a soothing bluish hue..

When the moon finally retreats
our hypocrisy is complete
as all pretenses
of stifling normality
we wore previously
spill out onto the street
along with us denizens
of liberating debauchery 

Those of us weary participants
who are still upright
hug and do a numbers exchange
so that we may keep in touch
with new found freaky friends
who like us have to assimilate again
into a repressed society
none of we mutants understand

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