Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blessed Be the Woke


Hi Ho..Hi Ho..

It's off to Woke we go..

Gonna care about unfortunates..

Give comfort to people labeled deviants..

Won't demonize those persecuted
for living life different..

Gonna laugh off the righteous wrath
of MAGA based Christian hypocrites
because everyone knows
with us bleeding heart wokesters
Jesus has always rolled 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Stars of the Bizarre


If the clown shoes fit
you may as well wear them
and then own it..

Not the footwear
which anyone can buy
or temporarily rent..

Embrace what they represent..

Next level shit..

Your personal life choice statement..

Be the best freak
YOU choose to be..

YOU write your script..

Not them
with their judgmental
smirks of condescension..

Life's too short to be untrue
to the true YOU

Friday, September 6, 2024

Suckers Remorse


The leech of considerable popularity
is greatly celebrated
for it's pliability
and unrivaled slippery ability..

So what if this ravenous parasite
is slowly draining out the soul
of our wavering national integrity?

Perhaps getting sucked dry
by this nasty unqualified guy
is the penance for our past arrogance?

Maybe if we manage to survive
this one last senseless attack
we will learn the valuable lesson
to never be so gullible again

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Changing Up


Time to reboot philosophies..

Refresh world views..

Access the fountain of knowledge

that sits at our fingertips..

Absorb these truths we never knew..

Drain off tired assumptions

that have not been challenged in years..

While we're at it 

let's lower anger levels..

Face down those irrational fears

that block fresh ideas

causing us to be

non receptive


