Sunday, April 28, 2024

Gender Blocks



Please pour me another drink
cause like those horny girls over there
currently ignoring my unappealing ass
I got painful chains to dissolve too..

Though my constraints are male specific..

Forged over centuries of gender restrictions..

Human feelings harshly suppressed..

So I don't wanna play a stoic
emotionally repressed guy tonight...

I wanna wallow in a sobby pool
like a self pitying teary eyed fool
and really get into my misery

But please don't worry about depressed me..

Come morning I'll crawl back
into my stone casing
and become emotionally numb again
like a REAL man

Concept Requiem


Our deceased friend we bury today
was a real relic of yesterday..

A dinosaur of the highest quality
saddled with a maddening morality
that made him a freakish outcast
in a jaded world tilted off it's axis..

Now he's just another disillusioned stiff
who saw all of existence go to shit
and became extinct
cause the bastard could not adapt
to this cynical reality..

Alas there are so few of us left
to mourn our fellow mocked misfit
now buried with his diminished values
that hopefully one day
will become fashionable again..

If not, the society
who ridiculed him
with his antiquated ways
will be joining our fossil pal
in extinction some day

Spreading the Badness


Slimy sycophants
seeking absolution
for their monstrous creation
flock to the cathedral of social media
armed with their best rationalizations
and desperate whataboutisms..

Deep within these thick walls
they stand on the Tabernacle of Alibis
where the very concepts of truth and lies
gets stirred in the propaganda mix
til reality itself becomes a blur
to be dispensed to all true believers..

The sludge they dish
to the eager congregation
that "everybody is doing it"
as if the immorality of their beast
can be magically diluted..

As if sin can be forgiven
by the alleged mass participation
of all the other naughty children

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Modern Transitions


We painstakingly
copied electronically
volumes of Renaissance poetry
from a delicate parchment
to a silicon microchip..

A program of modern efficiency
and coveted convenience
but nowhere near as elegant visually
as the now rapidly fading original..

Progress need not come
with such draconian trade offs
though we always seem to choose
the path of maximum aesthetic resistance

Cursed Be the Appeasers


Oh great...

The beast we admire secretly
for his hard core tenacity
is doing beastly things again..

While the global uproar
is entirely predictable
we'll stick to our hardened principles
that stoke the flames of anarchy..

If we keep appeasing the bully
maybe he'll go away eventually.. 

He's not such a bad guy actually..

Putin is an ultra strong authoritarian
who projects strength just like us
with the fervor of a mega nationalist..

Sure sometimes Vlad gets a tad crazy
but he's not after us currently
so let's ignore future reality
and hide behind denials
that have been toxic throughout history 

He's still preferable
to Biden and his band of socialists
who mock our many grievances
and treat us patriots like terrorists

We are gonna hang our MAGA hats
on the antiquated cliche of a concept
that the enemy of our enemy is our comrade..

Anything to own the Libs

Friday, April 26, 2024

Boomer Parade


Blew off my hand
cause I did not understand
the whole fuse length concept
as it relates to explosives
ignited with minimum respect
for the power of combustion
and the attached time element..

Now that I'm a bloody mess
I gotta now deal
with complex consequence..

Just another gaping wound to patch
as the immutable truth gushes out
that accidents are destined to happen
to foolish children who play with matches

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bitchin in the Kitchen


calls the kettle black.. 

Said it with such a disparaging tone..

All assembled let out a gasp..

comes back and retorts "Bullshit"..

Labels the pot
a phony ass hypocrite.. 

Blind to the obvious reality
staring him in the face..

The meddling gray pan
sticks in it's two cents
and suggests cookware group therapy..

All agree
their insipid tepid lives
really need more heat action..

And definitely a lot more
above table honesty

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Believe the Hype


Once upon a time
in a place right here
those of us
of a spectator bent
viewed modern politics
as strictly an entertainment

A veritable Roman Circus
complete with bad ass
gladiator wanna be freaks
using word swords of sharp positions
to verbally bludgeon the opposition...

We'd run to social media daily
to participate in the spectacle
by posting our two cents
in pointless circular arguments...

It was all good time devouring fun...

Few of us took any of this hyperbole seriously...


Clever jesters not so innocent
began taking advantage
of our consequence indifference...

Til all the freedoms
we had taken for granted
were now slayed victims
of the scorched earth retribution
they had angrily pledged to enact
if they managed to con enough pilgrims
to bring their vengeful asses back...

Those of us naive
institution believing dupes
who believed
we had no skin in this game
are now learning the hard truth
that pay back is a bitch
and history is replete
with sad tales of the corpses
who refused to LISTEN

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Busted Us


Post blunder event..

Time to assign fault..

That badge of dishonor..

Unholster the worn finger of blame

and point it in the general direction

of our favorite scapegoat collection..

Just another rote exercise 

of convenient alibis..

Cause deep down we know

the biggest enemy of us

is usually US.. 


Let's pretend

as a face saving

deflection gesture

it's really THEM

and broadcast their complicity

on all social media frequencies

but truth be told

past experience shows

most times

the foot that trips us up

is usually US..

Of this we are quite aware

as dazed us stares up from the floor

where we've landed many times before..

Trying yet again

to hide from the embarrassment

of being the flawed human

all of US most certainly are

Post Game Show


In the bosom of pure blackness
that was conjured up last night
with ancient incantations
(that may have been Satanic)
we desperate Shadow People
summoned the Beast..

It would be our avenging savior
to do battle with the forces of change
that mocked us defenders of the old ways..

In our arrogance
we believed we could control the beast
or at least point it in the direction
of our rapidly advancing enemies..

Such the classic error of history
which should have taught us fools by now
that concentrated evil power
can not be easily moderated..

Scholars of the Theology
can debate if our monster creation
is indeed the anti Christ
or just a corrupted manifestation
destined to one day
turn out our collective lights..

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hell Bound


I've been to Hell and back
on more than one occasion.. 

The joint is really not that dire..

Sure tis hot as it's namesake
with all that brimstone and fire
roasting many of the inhabitants
to a toasty shade of burnt..

And it's overcrowded definitely
but there's great sinner camaraderie
in this atmosphere of esprit de corps 
as misery does indeed love company..

Next time
you really should come down with me..

Maybe stay for the season..

Savor the rush of pure freedom
in a non judgemental environment
where no one is ever turned away..

Ledge Musings


Go out on that ledge..
and take a strong stand..

Take your disillusioned toes
right to the edge of the abyss..

Harsh consequences be damned..

If you are going to take the big fall
may as well go down with your convictions..

I support this freedom of expression
and the radical statement conveyed..

Just please don't land on me
or you'll lose my undying support

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Fish Tales


Gasping for sustenance
the fish out of water
flops about desperately..

Soon to be suffering
from a severe case
of life deprivation
viewed on voyeur flat screens
in a shared experience globally..

His public tribulations
generates mass speculation
and much social media commentary
from self anointed experts
in the field of everything
with their drop dead analysis..

Self serving predictions..

As the subject flips it's last flop
the peanut gallery contingent
hurriedly checks posts past
for self gratification
of accuracy verification  
as they take a victory lap
on the carcass of the recently deceased..

Don't let life's tragedies make you cry..

They'll be other fish to fry
and other unfortunates
soon to be gone 
to collectively crush
as the show grinds on

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Attention PLEASE


So much can be derived 
from our discerning eyes
if we concentrate on the obvious..

These visual cues we need to embrace
staring oblivious us right in the face..

Deciphering signals
transmitted by exposed
and repetitive 
body language displays
that convey true intent..

Suppressed feelings
gravitate toward outlets
that cry out to be seen
in bursts of revelation
to those paying attention..

Pep Talking

Just another fine mess
in the Book of Duress
we've crafted chapter and verse
one mistake at a time.. 

So let's cut our chafed uptight asses
some much needed slack..

Practice gaffe self forgiveness..

Treat every day as a learning experience..

Turn the tear drenched page
and proceed with a clean slate
to the next adventure

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Make America Hate Again



Why in the 21st Century
here in the Land of the Free
must we still have to deal
with the idiocy of bigotry?

Why in this age of easy access information
is mass ignorance still even relevant?

Why must we suffer these intolerant fools
who insist on spreading this hateful bullshit?

Why can't we as a nation ever get past this?

While we were founded
on a mountain of hypocrisy
we at least pretended to have ideals..

Now it's all about scapegoat prejudices
inciting the fears of the gullible
courtesy of manipulative puppeteers..

Waiting on social evolution 
sure is an exercise in frustration

Wash and Rinse Rewind


Disciples of black and white mindset
live to compartmentalize
and neatly slot all issues
into their narrow 
us versus them narrative...

The truth they do twist
with shameless daily bullshit
may have been diluted impure
but it still exists
and will be resurrected some day
by the cleansing force of destiny..

Those who chose to make the mess
to further their toxic agendas
are destined to be flushed away
though if the past teaches us anything
these sludge clogs of humanity
will return with a vengeance
to once again stain our history


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Hit Me Chief


Medication time..

Get these sheep asses in line..

Herd the numbed masses
into their cubicles
for their daily pharmaceuticals
to keep them level set..

The sick irony of it all
is that
the keepers
of this madhouse
are crazier
than the committed inhabitants
trapped within

The Friendly Lover


Dating a princess way out of my league..

A real beauty and the beast tryst..

She's my latest vanity project
in a long string of conquests
that to the world makes zero sense
cause we ain't exactly a perfect match..

But here's the thing..

I know how to listen
and cut through the bullshit
when all a girl wants to do is talk..

or vent..

or confide in a friend
she trusts and respects..

Getting deep into the depths
of the muddled mess
churning in her fair head..

Where few of my gender dare go
cause we fear being trapped
in the dreaded friend zone abyss..

I have am not burdened by that fear
as my options are more limited
by this flawed face in the mirror..

So patient me let's time
and the natural progression
of human relationships
do the rest..

Physical barriers being no match
from the force of erosion
that wears down all resistance
in the end

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Golden Ruler


They should teach
the golden rule in school 
every day
til it becomes rote
like multiplication tables
and gum stalactites under the desk.. 

Call it the Pledge of Respect
until hopefully
the daily lesson rolls into habit
and the kiddies
grow up to be decent adults

Past Prejudice


Let's have MY people
meet YOUR people
at the designated place
where we will interface
and formulate secret plans
against THEM
who have no people
of any consequence..

We entrenched natives
gotta unite
because if we don’t
those we fear
will succeed in eventually
becoming part
of us
and the blood purity
of our former ethnic exclusivity
will be forever lost
as part of the Great Replacement
Deep State conspiracy