Sunday, April 25, 2021

Morning Necessities

Morning lung excavation
as the night's stagnant phlegm secretions
get power coughed up the chute
into manageable spit clumps
for easy evacuation...

The pools stubbornly hanging on
from the depths of A.M. congestion
are the last to be cleared...

Once the passageways
are opened up fully
and oxygen intake
is finally uninhibited
we can proceed
to perform
other necessary
wakeup bodily
emptying activities...

Contrary to popular myth...

Life ain't all glamour and glitz


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Writer's Crock

If I be a writer
that nobody reads
do the words I spew
truly get through?

So why should I really care
if my wayward craft goes nowhere?

I'm just slaying time
trying to make rhymes
of minimal consequence
to this impervious Universe

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dream Team

The best distractions
are pliable commodities...

The stuff of impractical fantasies
that release us from the clutches
of our monstrous realities...

Even if only temporarily...

The best distractions
are the ones we can share...

For they can take us anywhere...

All the way 
to these dreams
we Earth bound beings
can craft together

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Peace In Our Minds

Let's not debate
the color of the sky
or quibble about
the quantity of fish in the sea...

Don't wanna fight anymore
over topics totally lacking in relevance
to the challenges in life we face daily...
Our nonsensical arguments
have turned us into
social media caricatures
creating nothing but useless friction
that serves as contentious entertainment
for the bored Cyberverse masses

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hands On

Let's take a break
from our self centered race...

Take off those blinders
that serve to narrow our view
and take in the beauty
that exists on the periphery...

The glorious panorama of ALL humanity
with ALL the potential possibilities...

Now see the frayed edges of our quilt...

Seek out and savor every imperfection...

Find those souls in need of a boost...

Kindness provided so very easily
if we access our own memories
when we were feeling lonely
and in desperate need
of basic human inclusion

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Mr Second Banana

The crazy joker I once use to be
married a joketress way funnier than me...

Today I play the support partner...

Setting up her humor shots on a tee
as she dazzles the world with comedy lunacy...

Exasperated reaction shots now define my role
like the good nonplussed straight man I am...

Not a bad gig if you must know
cause I no longer gotta carry the show alone