Monday, April 20, 2020


For every square on your screen
neatly stacked and arranged
there is a head waiting to be seen...

When the audio spotlight is activated
the enlarged face so designated 
is chosen to dominate the cyber conversation

This is the new Zoom democracy
our brilliant tech wizards did create
to fully empower our confined congregation

Those dinosaurs still seeking human relations
will have to pray when world rotates back
liberated body less people will want to reengage 

Don't count on it....

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Need to hit the reset button
to return to factory settings
since this damn thing ain't working

The reset button I just can not find

For it's existence would certainly inhibit
it's well crafted sleek aerodynamic design

The instructions manual has also gone missing

Much like my present absence

Assigned to dysfunctional obsolescence

Guidance is quite useless anyway

Lost deep in this quarantine life abyss
Where time is now as irrelevant as reset buttons

Friday, April 17, 2020

Sharp Pin Meet Balloon

"I am the State"
Louis XIV proudly exclaims
to the cheers of the mob
who chant his name

All the many character flaws
the authoritarian carries
get magnified exponentially 
and bubble to the surface

For power without responsibility
really does corrupt absolutely

Now operating beyond restraints

Devoid of checks and balances

The heads of Kings swell eventually
bloating to the point where the now insulated
self proclaimed Sun God
gets totally detached from reality

Once the tyrant becomes fully deluded
their eventual descent
becomes an historical imperative

Which would be of course
Louis XVI's harsh headless fate


(rinse and spit)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Clicking on the Crucifix

Did you happen to see
the latest rocking vid stream
starring Jesus the Nazarene?

That log haired socialist freaky preacher
recently snuffed out by the authorities
for speaking of love and other treasons

Got over a million views the other day
Replete with numerous hearts and sad faces

His dream of reaching the masses came to fruition 
for he was now finally an internet sensation
which probably came as little consolation
though this brutal execution exposure
did get his radical message out
about peace and turning the other cheek

An extremely painful way to succeed
if you've ever been to a Crucifixion
you know exactly what I mean 

Anyway, in today's insane episode
of a show we thought complete
I'll be damned if the J Man
we had all seen previously bloodied and deceased
did not rise up and somehow beat death

It may just be amazing CGI
but it sure as Hell looked real to me

I wonder how he is ever going to top this?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Light Reading

I rail incessantly about life's iniquities with my flickering spotlight which occasionally hits the mark but usually only finds darkness as personal anger clouds my esoteric poetic proficiency
So I write not for profit or fame but for those rare moments of word clarity when my light becomes a beacon flame and my rants do illuminate the shadows we all too often create

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Faded Shade of Jade

Standing alone
in the rain

the bag again
Which breaks
of course 

Cause it's been
that kind of day 

Feeling betrayed
by fake friends
I relied on 

My faith in humanity
takes yet another hit
with each
passing disappointment 

The cumulative effect
of continuous

A cocoon of numbness
envelopes me
as expectations fall

Now fully encased
in cynical walls
that serve to provide
a false sense of security
from life's external storms 
I am now 
a solitary prisoner
of jaded isolation

I am now
a bitter remnant
of a raging pandemic

I am now
a self defeating virus

Totally infected

A mutant strain

Socially distant

Locked away in quarantine
by a terrified society
that wants nothing to do with me

Can't say I blame them