Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reckless Assumptions

Let us descend en masse...

Enter that dark place again...

The bleeding insanity bin
to store our collective madness...

Surely it is inevitable
that we are destined to climb out of this shit
like we have so many times before

Liberate ourselves from our current abyss... 

The miraculous escape is our specialty

Is it not?
Is it not?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Underachiever's Plea

I want you to acknowledge
just once before I die
that I am trying my best...

What more can you expect of me
in this accomplishment worshipping society? 

Stop sodomizing the bottom lines

Try reading between them instead...

Maybe then you can forgive my underachievements

If you can,
perhaps so can I
and me and my mutt self esteem
can exit this frickin dog house 


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Writ of Reality

Wither the concept
of absentee Justice...

She used to exist
on a marble pedestal
long before the current days
when corruption clouded our way...

The battles have all been fought..

Once proud banners lie tattered and charred 

All that remains are the incriminating scars
covering the harsh verdict of history

No appeals will be forthcoming

No reprieves to be received

Karma laws are now in full effect

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ghost Letter

On the eve of battle
a soldier wrote his love

"If I die come morrow
please temper your sorrow
with this hopeful refrain:

If this be the last war
and men die no more
then my death was not in vain"

He perished of course
many many wars ago
in yet another pointless conflict
where nothing was gained
and everything lost

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Minimal Resistance

I have nowhere to go
and nothing to do...

If I ever got to nowhere
nothing would get done...

The life of the contentment...

Far beyond your petty judgments...

The ultimate benefit...

Unrepentant minimalist... 

Zero sum zero...

Isn't retirement fun?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Make America Bland Again?

Us against them

ad infinitum

Blame the Dems

Us against them
ad infinitum

Expose and dispose those fiends of msm
poisoning America with hidden agendas

Imprison those radicals of BLM
before they scale the walls of suburbia
and bring darkness to our well manicured land

Stick it to the Socialists

Neuter those freaks of LGBTQ

Crucify heathen non Christians

Stir our growing enemies list

Deflect Deflect

Unleash the mighty algorithm

Divide and conquer their diversity weakness

When "them" has been vanquished
and their threat ceases to exist
we will have achieved glorious bland oneness

But what happens
to our uni thought collective
when a system breach
causes a data malfunction
and the dystopian beast
we did release
turns on us?


Saturday, December 5, 2020

FAKE Inside Out


Foam at the mouth conspiracy theory zealots
are rapidly becoming my favorite entertainment

These players now demand a precise body recount
of the stiffs laid out by the coronavirus 
since they have never met personally
nary a one of these obviously contrived statistics

This leads rational peeps to conclude logically
that these brave seekers of alternate reality
truly need to get out of their basements more

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Buzz Kill

Time to bludgeon those past prejudices
which have finally outlived their usefulness

Bigotry is not a good look anymore

It lacks the legitimacy it had before

Though we continue to deal with lingering ignorance
cause too many still harbor ancient tribal bullshit
but this does not mean we need be part of it

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Homo Moronicus

That's just great...

Now I gotta retaliate
for the slight you laid on me
unintentional as it may be...

For I am a man you see
and these chains of toxic masculinity
demand I avenge every disrespect
lest I be portrayed as weak

This curse does make me ponder
if my gender will ever evolve fully?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Ode To Bacchus

Let us respect the buzz
this chemical addition
to our bloodstream brings

Fear not the potential addiction
to achieve this euphoric state
(temporary as it may be)

Reality sure ain't that great

So what if our mood enhancing vice
hastens our inevitable demise
why not enjoy the thrill ride guilt free?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Disorderly Transition


Back and front...

Out and in...

Our orderly sequence
has gone astray...

Tis that kind
of transposed day...

We can either strain
to make amends
and get back to the original intent
or accept 
this permanent reversal variation
and learn to embrace life's deviations

Saturday, November 21, 2020


the truth of the moment....

my moment in time....

is that i treasure current contentment
over gaudy tangible accomplishments
that would only serve
to muddle my mundane existence...

i am who i now am...

the blip i was born to be..

a place holder at the table of humanity...

an unabashed unapologetic mediocrity..  

i am...

a happily boring man... 

                                                   quote lifted from j. lennon

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Closed Looping


We came not for the show
but the bloody spectacle
of our cultural dissolution...

Rabid beasts were released
to assist the thought police
in canceling contrarian dissent...

Once the complicit population
was worked into a sufficient frenzy
our extinction is complete...

Add caption

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Case for the Persecution


I must be guilty of something
so you may as well prejudge me...

No lame self defense arguments
will be presented today...

No use wasting good alibis
on a blind, deaf, and dumb jury

Those distractions only get in the way
of my inevitable prosecution
for the crime of being alive

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tripping Nostalgic


I find myself lost yet again
in the mist of remembrance

A respite from the current indifference
infecting my mundane existence

This shadow oasis of soothing simplicity
may soon be my permanent residence
as I selectively shed the bad memories
til all that remains for down sized me
is a rose colored sanctuary

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Desperate Attentions


What women do not understand

that the best way to get a man

is to submit to their every demand

Now that those of a feminine gender

have been triggered by my sexist audacity

maybe they will temporarily cease ignoring me

Even anger is preferable to silence

when you roll this lonely

down the boulevard of the unloved

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lucky Me


As bad as 2020 has crashed out...

This veritable Murphy's Law litany
of seemingly endless calamities
infecting the strained soul of humanity

It's not as easy as it use to be
for me to invoke my overplayed
"count your blessings" cliche
but I do cling to the one absolute truth
that never fails to pull me through
all these days of maddening strife

When faced with the challenges
of this grind of a life
it's not such a daunting task
to climb this slippery peak
with you forever by my side
as my loving and always patient wife


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Requiem For Jefferson

One can live quite comfortably
within the confines of alternate reality
where chewable truth is dispensed
in easily digestible increments

In this antiseptic environment
the air is purified crystal clear
There is no "them" pollution in here

Dissent is kept outside the bubble
No radical elements will be admitted
Contrarian agitation only leads to trouble

For in here there is just one train of thought
running on a one track collective mind
reinforced with soothing repetition
that serves to solidify the party line

As our real Universe continues to spin

Exploding perpetually out of control
the alternate reality mode moves in
to fill the void with darkness stability

So maybe this is how democracy expires

Not with a bang, but with a flickering fire  


Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Projectionist

The Master of Projection

(a.k.a the pot who calls the kettle black)

is doing mass toxic scandal deflection

calling on his minion network again

for maximum smear distribution...

Facts of course are irrelevant...

Context gets drowned out by rapid repetition...

On such distraction the con man thrives...

Sleight of hand guides gullible brains

into contrived conclusions pre ordained...

Pick their pockets while they praise your name...

This is the true art of the steal...

Sp lit Self Destruct ive

My left side despises my right

who responds to every slight in kind

with blistering attacks on it's opposite

This perpetual state of needless conflict

is going to greatly shorten my life span

if I can not perform an internal reconciliation

on my lack of mutual self respect situation

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Baa Baa Club

We can take the sheep to water

but we can't seem to make them drink

Knowledge will always be elusive

to those who refuse to think

Stuck sucking on the shriveled teat

of mythical orthodoxy

These are the lost children of history

sadly destined never to be redeemed

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Down the Rabbit Hole

How bad can it be?


Interesting query

Or are you waxing rhetorically?

Seeking misery variations of degree
metaphorically with your half full glass
of dispassionate introspection?

Add this tidbit to your analysis
to gauge our current state of sadness

When pondering depths of misery
there is always a dungeon
with a rabbit hole addition we created
awaiting us
deep beneath the basement

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sin Bin

The God we did invent

to track this sin concept

has become quite antiquated

and thoroughly irrelevant

in this age of mass discontent

The chains of behavior control

have been loosened permanently

All that remains

is the residue of guilt

from a bygone age

when peeps still gave a damn

about consequence

Cannibal Clubbing

Wanted to hook up with this chick so badly

I looked past her radical Antifa tendencies

So she took me to her favorite Deep State eatery

The Cannibal Club based in socialist L.A.
where all the best leftist celebs go to feast
on the succulent tender flesh of children

I always thought this was just a kooky QAnon myth
but there were the Clintons standing next to me
as we walked past the all you can eat Carnivore Buffet

At a corner table were the Obamas
dining on finger food munchies
as they chatted with the Spielbergs
who were busy sipping their blood lattes

My date order the Creamy Infant Bisque
which she proclaimed to be the house specialty

Seeking to avoid political confrontation
I told my dining companion I was a vegan

She called me out on my lie immediately
and screamed that I was a closet MAGA fascist
whose interest in her was purely prurient

The mood in the boisterous bistro grew tense

The Cancel Maitre d came over to denounce my existence

Banishment from this horrible establishment was decreed
for this was no place for such a fussy citizen like me

I wish this doomed relationship
with the sexy communist
had a happy ending
but at least I got a taste
of how the depraved half lives

Saturday, August 22, 2020

More Than Worthy

 Unacceptable return on investment

was the label I once wore

back when I was not such a hot commodity

This brutally universal assessment

was the genesis of my depression

that extended deep into this century

til I finally came to realize

the folly of letting others devalue me

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Confessions of a Frustrated Puppet

Deep down we all knew
truth on social media was skewed

Our click algorithms fed the slant

Dividing us into warring camps

Each side with their own versions of truth

Advocate text soldiers fighting battles fervently

Harsh debates raging on perpetual loop

Friendships became collateral casualties

Deflecting attention from our true enemy

Yanking our chains strung from shadow clouds

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Life Redefined

Today's fluid ambiguities

are wrecking prior reliable metrics

to such an extent

that no one knows where we're at

For us to get back knowledge

we gotta lose these pointless measurements

Recalibrate standard definitions

and reboot the glossary

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Bitches and Brats

Why in these days of mass discontent
I find myself constantly invoking
the "Two wrongs don't make a right" argument?
One would think by now this would be obvious
but uncivil discourse has become so childish
with all this tit for tat bullshit

Frustrated zealots now two sides
of the same tarnished coin

Instead of engaging contrarian views
in spirited, constructive debate
partisans instead hurl fire bomb invectives
which only serve to create
a culture of "us versus them" politics
This lack of civility is very depressing

For we as a society truly are regressing
when we should be stepping up
to collectively meet the challenges
of these trying times

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Out Of My Depth

Don't mess with my depth perception

It's hard enough for me to see
where you are going to be
if you take away my scale

Are you coming
or going?

There's just now way of knowing

Truth is so multi dimensional
and I'm too damn superficial
to visualize properly
this distorted reality

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Censor Tripping Bitching

Perpetually pissy minded purveyors of erasure

Wrecking the current conversation with censorship

Slathering on their suffocating versions
of what passes for art in their narrow minds

Tis a power tripping orgy of dangerous bullshit

Today their suppressions are but a mere annoyance
but beware the path of slotted thought
as the cancel culture drags our asses down
into the tyranny of one size fits all perceptions

No Means NO

I finally nailed little Miss Tease last night

Took a lot of alcohol to spread those legs

She protested meekly through her drunken haze
but I know deep down she wanted it
despite her lame hard to get protestations

Just another of her coy flirtations
I had to power through

This morning she said
I raped her fine body

While studly me contends
the hook up was consensual

I ain't worried

The slut has no case

She would get roasted before a jury
given her sleazy whoring past

and yet....

Her tears do seem very real

Perhaps I did move too fast

I wish I could take being such a dick back
but I gotta play out his harsh denial rap
lest my rape culture ass goes to jail