Saturday, March 30, 2019

Implosion Us

After we finally drove
our ancient enemy
into the sea

After all the pilfering, plundering
and general mayhem

Our victory was complete
as we peed on the ashes
of their leveled cities 

Generations of strife
fueled perpetually by hate
spent on a war
we never dreamt would end

Now was the time
to make the peace
but no one knew how

It had been so long

Media cheerleaders pondered 
"If we turn off the war machine
what will become of our economy?"

and what will our holstered warriors do
without death jobs and a cause to die for?

So in this vacuum of sanity 
our glorious military
took control of all diplomacy

The media was brought into line
ensuring the panic message
kept the coordinated hate fires burning 

Conscientious politicians
who objected were summarily shot

Internal dissent
was brutally crushed

War was declared
on all enemies of the people 

be they real or imaginary

Those they deemed impure
were made to disappear

Our new culture of fear
had redirected the war inward

Against an enemy
that use to be part of us

Friday, March 29, 2019

Currents Of Currency

Gray skies
wrapped around
the former majesty
that was Factory City

Weeds breed unrestrained
blasting through
the cracks of forgotten time 

Beauty long ago drained
from our forgotten garden

Strategically abandoned
when the money migrated
to more cost efficient climes 

Generations of worker bees
classified as collateral damage fall out
were systematically erased 

Down trodden victims
of the man made economic drought

Blue collar refugees
from the outsourcing calamity
of the late 20th Century

Today the modern scourge 
has begun to scrub away
the white collar class
as the money flows
to the sweat shop
cyber linked jobs
of the third world

The leveling effect
of capitalistic greed
where the one time haves 
are rapidly becoming 
the have nots
as the bottom rung
of unwashed masses
finally move up to get their shot

The total global
redistribution of income

Not the class revolution
Marx envisioned
but the financial evolution
of capitalist history

One group’s untimely demise
is another’s prosperity

So these nasty weeds
we are currently choking on
on the flip side
are blossoming flowers 
in lands formerly barren 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Uncivil Disunity

The staunch defenders of matrimony
standing arm in arm at the sacred wall

Holding back the tide of history
The forces of gaydom moving in

Queers trying to crash the party
that’s been going on for centuries
and there lies the proverbial rub,
since this institution has survived all stupidities
and really does not need to be saved
from any imaginary assaults 
by people of a different persuasion
who only seek the same rights we enjoy

So here we are dealing with prejudice again,

Hatred wearing the face of moral indignation

Another guise that’s gone on for centuries,

Stupidity never seems to go out of style 

So long as ignorance exists to fuel it

Dead Meat On A Stick

Don't tell me Jesus was not pissed
when that son of a bitch Judas
betrayed his bff with a kiss

And don't give me that
he died for our sins bullshit

I'm not buying that narrative

Our species did what we always do

Execute prophets of peace
throughout our bloody history
for preaching love and equality
to the cheers of the adoring beasts
who will slaughter the messenger eventually

Cause you see
violence is so ingrained in our DNA
we butcher those who seek
evolutionary acceleration
of this knuckle scraping species

Monday, March 18, 2019

Greasing The Skids

Deep down we know it's all gone wrong
but the myth of the American Dream
remains very strong

Way too deeply ingrained
in the national psyche
for any hope of the major changes
we need so desperately

The gulf of economic disparity

Growing exponentially

So go ahead and chant away

Protest the obvious inequities
of institutionalized hypocrisies

Sure there may be more poor
than ever before
but the rich massahs still hold sway
and will scare enough sheep in 2020
with their time tested fear machine
to hold the socialist wave at bay

Please do not shoot this messenger

The pain will be only temporary

History runs on it's own timetable

Though it does try the patience of Humanity

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Have Not Soup

I hate it when anyone hurts
anywhere in our world
of massive resource

All the suffering
of the human condition
showcased on my flat screen
seems to me
to be quite obscene

Why can’t we share
and pool our wealth?

For in the end
after all the coins have been tallied
we do share same humanity

Does this make me
a bleeding heart
commie socialist
sissy boy?

Perhaps I am
by your definition

but in the end

I don’t give a damn
about you
and your selfish ways

Better fortify your castle
while you can
cause the time will come
when these serfs you minimize
will have their day

Pry Net

When we built the machine
out of rubber bands
and impractical dreams

so pleased were we 
with our implausible creation
we donated it
to the central government

Who of course
insisted we be paid
a nominal fee
for advancing the cause
of modern humanity

At the great unveiling ceremony
the Minister of Conformity
gave a stirring invocation 

A new age
of peace was declared

The public would benefit
from security derived

Courtesy of 
the cloud extracting device

Your life information
personal and formerly private
would now be shared 
with the Ministry
of Homeland Homogeneity 

Little did we realize at the time
amidst the patriotic pageantry 
that the seeds of our nightmare
planted in this swamp of panic
would forever 
change the landscape

Today the light of freedom
we long took for granted
grows dimmer by the day
and the shadows will not abate 
til we take back
our individual identities
and finally summon
the courage to unplug the machine
we naively created

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Yesterday Man

I am
cursed by erosion

Today a latent sentimentalist

An out of the closet traditionalist

My once rapier
cutting edge
has been dulled
by time

Tis the natural
erosion of age
as I tumble into
the tranquil pool
of reflection
over all things nostalgic

To dwell in the past
instead of residing
in these sad
middle age daze
where dreams
get buried
by the crushing weight
of adult reality

So here I am 

Harvesting memories
thumbing through
a dusty scrapbook

Reminiscing late at night
with that damn clock on the wall

My relentless enemy
who stares down at me impassively
with unwavering efficiency

Grains from the hour glass
from above us fall

On a mission
to bury us all

Carpe Diem


Friday, March 15, 2019

Power Waltz

Follow the line  ________________________ 

Follow the line  ________________________

Blind obedience
is all a state of mind

To play or not to play
by the asinine rules
written by demented fools?

How long
can one bite their tongue
and endure
the slings and arrows
of outrageous egos?

Sometimes you gotta break
from the twisted conga line

Jump the barbwire fence 
spiked with mindless ignorance

Dance with consequence

Give truth a spin
around the dance floor
and maybe 
empowered wallflowers
will join in

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Conceptual Living

The blender  
of a few well placed
electrical discharges
in our underutilized brains
is where inspiration
dances unrestrained

Creations of virgin purity
immaculately unstained
by doubt bombs
of internal and external scrutiny

The blueprint always
displays perfection

If only we could live
in this secure womb
of abstract excellence

Instead we gotta endure
these broken implementations
that perpetually leave us wanting

Forever seeking
the next future
unfulfilled inspiration 

Tech Wreck

How could we have known
the awesome power
of these hand held devices
that lived in our pockets
would one day 
fry our neighboring reproductive organs
and leave
the whole wired world sterile?

Such delicious irony
that today the only people left
who can advance our species
are the citizens
of so called under developed countries

and to think that the extinction
of our tech worshiping society
so addicted to technology 
could have been prevented
if we kept these machines we loved
at arms length

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Conspiracy Industry

My conspiracy
that I've polished and perfected
to the point 
where it could conceivably 
be true 
could be your conspiracy too
if we can find a way
to get our paranoia straight
and coordinate our distrust
of the official story

We could start a blog
to spread some viral suspicions 

Fan the flames of public doubt

Become an expert TV authority

Ride the media wave we created  

Maybe merchandise our hysteria

Sell an overpriced t shirt or two  

By the time the fact checkers
ruin our tale with inconvenient truth

Profits will be neatly tucked away
to reinvest in our next treachery fantasy

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Jesus The Sequel

What if...

one day
in the history of your life
the skies parted
and the Lord poked
his omnipresent head through
the clouds and proclaimed
for all the scared sheep to know
that YOU were the Chosen One Part II

What would you do?

How to handle this upgrade?

I'm not sure 
of the exact job description
but MESSIAH as a title
surely has a lot of perks

Comps wherever you go

Preferred parking
for your white limo

I wonder if celibacy
is still a required necessity
like it was
with the first edition dude
who got nailed to a cross centuries ago?

One would think this time around
such hardship restrictions would be lifted
given the all the modern day temptations 

Verification of your true divinity
would be no problem in our tech age
given all us pilgrims have cameras
to post messiah miracles daily

Social media would explode

You'd surely be trending perpetually

All the gossip rags
would be working round the clock
dredging up all your buried skeletons
that occurred before your heavenly promotion  

Doubters would be forever 
looking for he hidden wires
determined to prove you a fraud and liar

Not to mention
incurring the skeptical wrath
of conspiracy theorists
who are eternally belief challenged

So would you accept
this complicated savior position
or stay the course
on your current civilian path
and leave the saving of souls
to the professionals ?

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Age of Entitlement

Cookie jar

sits on the counter

beyond the reach
of the hungry child

who strains
to achieve
instant gratification
that defines
the Now Generation

Patience rapidly
replaced by frustration
as sweet dreams
go unfulfilled
(an early taste of adulthood)

Most will scream
and cry for Mommy
who of course
will give their baby
what they need
if only to shut them up
so they can get back
to their secret
online romance

The special toddler few
will learn to use their heads
and find a way
to overcome the denial obstacle
with a chair

They will also find
satisfaction is multiplied
when you achieve the goal yourself
instead of having it handed to you

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Esteem Weavers

Examine the mirror
that reflects before you

Explore those surface imperfections
and forgive them all

These visual insecurities
our plastic society obsesses on
and modern advertising 
harshly dictates culturally

Land mines strewn about
in the artificial fields
of this cosmetic prison
should never cast shadows
over your shining star

For ultimately
the image projects
you are only as beautiful
as you believe you are

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sticks and Stones Rap

I've never cared
about the nasty things
people say behind my back
or my front
for that matter

My self esteem
is self sustaining
and can never be damaged
or diminished
by the numerous dick heads
who pollute my existence
with their petty bullshit

By the way
the only assessments I value
are rendered by those
I love and respect
which happens to be
an exclusive and minuscule universe
of a select few

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Faith and Evidence

Seeing is believing
here in this skeptical age..

Proof positive is required
before commitment is made..

Can't sell a concept sight unseen..

Google now a prerequisite of belief..

So how to wow the disciples of today?   

Seems all the good miracles
were used up in antiquity..

Well before the age
of modern communications..

There's no analytic way
to verify biblical feats that defy belief..

No one today can quantify
how the Miracle Man
changed water to wine..

Cured the sickly..

Even beat death..

For you see..

Miracle Man had a plan
to wow the masses
so they would buy in
and listen to his far out speeches 

Peace and love...

Faith in that dream
straight to the heart
of God and man

Centuries later
this is why
the J Man is still a star..

Not for the stunts
forever unproven
but for the message
of hope conveyed..

This is his greatest miracle
that still resonates 
in these jaded times

Head Ache

In an isolated
corner of Passion Street
my lips probe the source
of my raging desire

Hands sliding and caressing
seeking to find her button
waiting for that joyous moan

the arch of the back

slight buckling of the knees

that gives me the proceed sign

If I move too fast
and prematurely unleash
my raging beast
she will surely recoil
and cast me into
the blue ball pit
where all prior
frustrated Lotharios are consigned 

Failed cast offs
classified as shallow guys
who only sought
to penetrate her
luscious thighs

Which of course
is an accurate assessment
of ALL members
of my perpetually in heat gender

So I had to spend hours
plying her with 
inhibition reducing drinks

Enduring her feminine
up and down
pop culture blabber

All to arrive at this
do or die moment
on the cusp of blissful completion 

She directs this passion play

Gives me a naughty smile
and fiddles with her bra snap
that cries out for release

So is it coming off
or staying on?

Are we done with 
this fucking foreplay???

God I hope she's not
another Satanic tease
insidiously designed to torment
me and my in heat breed
and drive us all
to the hooker side of town

Respect Time

Why can we not see
life as a recurring theme?
Always racing to catch flickering shadows Unseen but always there Treadmill souls on a long trek to nowhere oblivious to glorious periphery spread out everywhere but not viewed as vital enough to merit precious attention

As we ratchet up the speed
So intent on selfish conquests

The folly of false triumphs
that while they may
inflate our egocentric bottom line
ring hollow eventually 

As the tick tock symphony
which started out ever so faintly
reverberating in our ears
as our constant companion
was mere background noise
during the early go go years

A secondary percussion player   
providing a soothing beat

Then much to our surprise
we find ourselves gone
beyond the point half way
as Time,
now a deafening
growling storm 
becomes the hunter
and we the wounded prey

The tale always ends the same 
with minor variations to the story



So do as the old poetic cliche says:

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Knight Fall

In the news today... 

The Noble Knight of Dudley
who gained fame
during the Middle Ages
taming dragons
was arrested early this morn
in Ye Olde Skid Row
for wench solicitation
and possession
of illegal potions

The disheveled
former front man
of the long defunct Chivalry Gang 
now reeks of grog
and unrequited regrets

A modern day victim
of mythological obsolescence

Friday, March 1, 2019

Suppressed Evidence

Well dressed
well connected peacocks
step over and around
the tattered retread people
who fight to survive
on the crumbs that fall
between the cracks
of our cold city

Those with means
look down
on those tattered ghosts
with a disgusting touch
of condescending smugness 

Never wanting to see
the empty faces of poverty

Cops are called
to sweep the riff raff  out
under the guise of public safety
lest the tourists stay away

but in reality 

they come to bury
our safety net hypocrisy
and hide society's shame