Sunday, October 28, 2018

The High Cost Of Nothing

The commissar of commerce
took a high level confab
with the czar of finance
to discuss the collapse
of public confidence

After weeks of statistical chatter
and thorough graph analysis
neither one of the experts
could figure out
what the Hell was the matter

So finally the President deemed
a blue ribbon task force be convened
to determine once and for all
the cause and effect of this economic fall

Of course this being
a production of government
meant millions would be spent
in fruitless pursuit of where our money went

Two years after the charade began
they produced a 600 page document
which no one would ever read
lest their eyes bleed
and their hearts break
thinking about the abject waste
of the pot calling the kettle black 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wither Gutenberg ?

Final words
from the final chapter
of the last book ever printed
now that hard copy is officially dead

'To be continued... " it read

Delicious irony

A fitting requiem
for this closing chapter
of literary history

Or maybe tis a warning

A sentence of prophesy
if the entire world wide web
ever got permanently hacked 
and all our precious
hand held devices
became pricey paper weights

Library doors would be unsealed

Book stores could make a come back

Is this a dream or nightmare?

Tis probably a question
of which generation hymn book
you grew up reading from 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Gender Blender

Me in the men's room
for a quick pee

When quite unexpectedly
a quite hairy she dude
in a sequin dress
enters the tiled scene
with a similar relief plan
in the urinal next to me

I cannot contain my curiosity
so I sneak a quick peek
at the serpent mighty
rising from his thicket

Of course he catches my eyes
sizing up his privates
in a blatant violation
of urinal decorum

In my red faced embarrassment
I mutter softly

“I’m not that kind of guy”

He hikes up his lace panties

and gruffly advises me
and my homophobia

“Neither am I”

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oh Say Can't You See

This rock I picked from the rubble
of the latest calamity
fits my hand so perfectly
I almost hate to throw it
at our oblivious enemy

Of course I am required
to avenge sins of the past
so I throw the projectile
and score a direct hit 

We scurry a hasty retreat into darkness
to avoid being payback targeted 

Everyone riding the cycle of hatred

A litany of futile gestures  

The whole eye for an eye bullshit rap
we as a species can't ever seem to get past

Monday, October 8, 2018

Bird In A Box

I like my box
though I use to not
relish the restrictions
cause I had been indoctrinated
by the whole freedom myth

That "birds need to fly" bullshit

So one day I flew away

Crash landed

Bad choices

Shit happens

So I traded in my wings
for the safety of conformity

Now I like my box
and the security it brings

False as it may be

Since life does have a way
of seeping through
these little cocoons
and permeating
our orderly containers with stains

At least I still got
these crumbling walls
to keep me company 

Since I did pay a steep price for them 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

So This Is Low Self Esteem

... one hundred pounds later
I have become the fat fuck
I never thought I would be

Obesity sort of snuck up on me

Denial will do that to you
but the mirror eventually
shatters our best self deceptions

Tough break for my enlarged heart
now struggling to propel blood through
gooey blubbery clogged arteries

At least this battle will be short lived

Then the arduous task falls to my pall bearers

Hopefully they will be in better shape
than the load they are hauling was

Wither Americana

The MAGA legions
wear red threads made in China
and preach American exceptionalism
dispensing missives of ethnic nationalism
that have sparked conflicts
throughout history

Wrapped in red white and blue
the  America First crew
eschews the world view
for a narrow myopic reality
that have fueled wars
throughout history

Peeking out from behind the wall
the protectionism mob
of anti globalism guardians
practice excessive tariff levies
guaranteed to wreck economies
that have led to recessions
throughout history

and so it goes...

Events will spiral out of control

Of course
those pulling the strings will profit

Strife will be the norm for the rest

Perhaps this time
our ignorance proves fatal

Death being the ultimate destiny
of all empires throughout history

Friday, October 5, 2018

A Day In The Strife

The alarm clock tolls
earlier than I need

Out of bed I roll
with all my aches 
and creaky joints
that scream out middle age 

I feel old

Thread bare and worn

Way too much time spent
on self induced detours
that took me 
to my home here in Nonessential 

Not enough minutes left
for a course alteration
to offset the accumulation  
of time wasting trips 

Missing out on all the things
I should have done 
and could have been
when I was young
and so full of potential

The die is cast
buried deep within
the sins of the past

For an aging plow horse
saddled down
with all these
useless regrets

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Pigging Out

You can comfortably exist
within the narrow parameters
of standard contentment

Max out your credit cards
on superfluous excess

Social media boast
about your choreographed happiness

Level set with meds
when your conscience starts to ache

Mute that nagging voice
when it whispers 
about a life that is so fake

This illusion is all in the presentation

Yes, you can comfortably exist

Contently suckling on society's teat
with millions of ravenous piglets

Growing more bloated by the day

What a great ham sandwich you will be
when the butcher comes your way