Monday, December 31, 2018

Club Humanity

Let us concede
that hatred had a really big year

Riding a seemingly endless
winning streak
fueled by mutual fear
and a sense of dread
that by next news cycle
any one of us could end up dead

Constant retaliations
leave us seeking isolation
behind walls of false insulation

Treating the symptoms
without curing the disease
simply delays
the body's demise

If we are to survive
we gotta realize
we are one species

one humanity
sharing the same planet
for a limited time

No one country

No one ideology

No one theology

No one person

is better than the next

Peace will only come
to this troubled blue speck
when mutual respect
and global equality
begin trending

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Night Terrors

Too restless to sleep

Too desperate to succumb

The banging bass drums
pounding exclamation points
deep into my consciousness

Swirling scenarios collide

All lead to the same inevitability 

Past, present, and future
shacked up in the fog of obscurity

Just another late night obscenity

Sweat stains paint the bed sheets

A masterpiece of empty dreams 

Friday, December 28, 2018

Fixation Anxiety


Convention demands this be


but I've become so accustomed
to this soothing defect
the consequence of silence
from such a simple repair
would lead to nostalgic despair
as I glumly reminiscence
about lost reassurance
from the melodic


This liquid symphony

I would sorely


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dented Religion

Cue gratuitous sex scene to boost the relationship with the proper physical friction to validate this couple in a very natural way Moralists do say loose fornication outside of procreation is a carnal sin

An indecent abomination their version of God frowns upon

I say
with the greatest
of pious sincerity


and the hypocritical high horse
they rode in on

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tinsel and Flash

When the No Nothings met
in the Great Hall of Ignorance
they were all quite self impressed
by their spectacle of shiny excess...

A love fest of flash over substance...

Potential encased in sparkle dreams...

The grand master mounts the stage

Proclaims the start of a new age
where camp is the new elegance
and extravagant irony reigns supreme

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Text Based Confessional

I seem to have misplaced
the precious commodity
you trusted me to hold

This cherished stealth truth
formerly in my care
slipped through my fingers
and flew off into cyberspace

I rode that cryptic message
you posted late last night
in a desperate cry
to be read between the lines

I am your conscience

Now gone viral
cause deep down
you wanted to be self exposed
for the fake saint you are

Inside Job

Vomited all over a blank page

Took this instant finished product and called it art

For the work represents the inner me
unshackled by the chains of civility
with all those archaic rules
of proper literary etiquette

Like all clever inventions
it defies the standard intentions
to achieve respectable artistic conventions

As with all forms of communications 
the subject matter at hand
is prisoner to personal interpretations

So now I drop this wretched creation
on the doorstep of the public domain

Submitted for your approval...

Or not

Either way

I hope it at least speaks to you

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Dumbing Down To The Ground

Once the shell of civility was shattered
by stealth forces embedded in our history
events began to spin out of control rapidly
as we were now descending without brakes

Panicked prisoners were we
Victims to the accelerations of gravity

The architects vainly tried to deflect fault 
of this tragedy they were now powerless to halt
but their creative rationalizations fell flat
in the raucous court of public disinformation

For fear was now the new currency
and the bill was coming due soon

From the depths of this dark anarchy
arose a demagogue with quick solutions

Hoisted high by the desperate mob
their newly anointed mad man
proceeded to systematically
dismantle the institutions
ignorantly blamed for our fall

Students of history
who warned this would not end well
were rounded up and labeled
enemies of the people

The war on rationality
would inflict numerous casualties
and in the end this mass stupidity
would bury our ignorant asses

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Unchained Calamity

It only hurts when I sleep
when the safeguards
I constructed so meticulously
are lowered involuntarily
and the suppressed me
becomes liberated temporarily..

These are only nightmares technically
but what makes it all so frightening
is the disturbing fear..

What if the safeguards someday
fail to reactivate when I awaken?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Terms of Surrender

When I began to skim through
the tragedies of the day
over my morning coffee
and high fiber corn flakes

When I conveniently commenced
to compartmentalize and relegate
the daily fire storms of humanity
to the spam folder of my soul

When I found myself fleeing
directly to the sports section
for all the scores
of meaningless competitions
performed by sweaty
millionaire gladiators
in tax payer funded stadiums

It was then

my heart ceased to beat

and capitulation

to the cynical apocalypse

was complete

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mass Cleansings

Now commences the process
of scrubbing away

these stubborn bathtub like

propaganda stains

Your thinking must be retrained
to now associate bodily pain
when radical ideologies
attempt to penetrate your brain

We will get your head right
even if it means

loss of former core values
previously infected

by this insidious freedom virus
that has contaminated 

many a messed up patriot

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Valentine's Day 1918

We greet the dawn
from our bed of mud
in a nameless place
that we must defend

Bland rations digested
we prepare our weapons
loading up ammunition
for the coming demolition 

In the cathedral silence
prior to yet another battle
my weary eyes
can see
the cloud of death
now hovering over me

Attack and counterattack
two stubborn forces
dance over charred real estate
in a fiery embrace

Late in the day
as the sun yields the field
I feel that warm sting
ripping through my heart

The bullet forged for me
that I never did see

On my back I collapse
my extremities going numb

Alone with
my crimson unrestrained

Life ebbing away

My fate now written

I'm a casualty today

Into the ledger of death
with tears in my eyes

I gasp
fighting to my last breath

I see the fading sky

The last scene
before I die

And my last thought
is of my first love
far away
beneath the same setting sun

Into the light 
I must now go

but I know

we will be
together again some day

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Demolition Position

Let's take dynamite
to the walls of hatred

Hit it hard from both sides

Pulverize all prejudice
that built it brick by brick

Build a new bridge
from the rubble of ignorance
and speak not
of past impediments again 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Truth Written In Pencil

What use to be before
now is no more

Nary a trace 
of yesterday's reality remains

Speculation now saturates
revisionist history
as PHD's pontificate unrestrained
their best pet historical theories

After many high priced consultations
scholarly consensus now proclaims
what had passed for absolute truth
back in the day
never really was

Interpretations have been revised
to polish the textbook lies
that will exonerate departed martyrs

Victims of unyielding authorities of the past

Bone crushers of  contrarian dissent

Self righteous burners of all heretics
who did not salute the dogma
of a black and white world
science defined as flat

Remember this lesson
next time a self righteous fool
preaches to you about absolute truth 

A Thousand Points of Tripe

Random patterns

Orbiting constantly

Prisoners of gravity

Can you dig my analogy?

I'm communicating metaphorically
about the human condition
and it's relationship
to Universal laws
when coincidence exceeds
the laws of probability

Or maybe...

I just smoked some bad weed
so my perceptions are clouded
and this flash of insight philosophy
can certainly be doubted
though I rigorously contend
when the fog clears finally
we should be able to find our car keys

Body Work

What a mess am I 

To such an extent
I probably will die

Not an uncommon fate

We all have expiration dates
hard wired into our souls

For this biodegradable species
is an inherently flawed model
and when not maintained properly
our lights often darken prematurely

So a little self maintenance would not hurt 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Nationalists and Zealots

For the greater glory
of the Red White and Blue
let's ship your children off to war
to fight and die for fabric on a pole

Of course the other side
spins similar propaganda
for their version of God

Better salvation through religious genocide

Tis such a rigged game

A deadly mind control charade 

Religion and ideology

Incestuous fuck buddies throughout history

The Big Con run for influence and money

Always to profit the powers that be   

These insidious forces
screwing us royally behind the scenes 
who in the end are the true global enemy

Poetry 103

Fuck Yeats and Wordsworth
Screw Whitman and Dickinson
Joyce and Angelou too

Fellate Ginsburg
and your precious Bukowski
while you're at it( gasp)

Go curl up with these moldy dead poets

Dazzle the world quoting literary ghosts

Spare me the lecture on their modern relevance

I'm more concerned with hearing your words

Wanna write poetry but not sure how?
Since you never learned in school
how to write a proper haiku

Can't find a decent tutorial on YouTube
on proper iambic pentameter construction?

I suggest you don't fret ignorance of archaic rules

Just say what you need to say

Let your heart and soul guide the way

Don't let structure impede your course

No need to count syllables like a monkey 

Leave that to the English Lit professors
in the corner stroking their hard ons
over the majesty of classical poetry 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Consider The Source

Before spilling your confession
when offered redemption
by those who were offended
do a little self assessment
if the sin they say you committed
was truly a major transgression
or just an over reaction
by self righteous
overly critical

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The High Cost Of Nothing

The commissar of commerce
took a high level confab
with the czar of finance
to discuss the collapse
of public confidence

After weeks of statistical chatter
and thorough graph analysis
neither one of the experts
could figure out
what the Hell was the matter

So finally the President deemed
a blue ribbon task force be convened
to determine once and for all
the cause and effect of this economic fall

Of course this being
a production of government
meant millions would be spent
in fruitless pursuit of where our money went

Two years after the charade began
they produced a 600 page document
which no one would ever read
lest their eyes bleed
and their hearts break
thinking about the abject waste
of the pot calling the kettle black 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wither Gutenberg ?

Final words
from the final chapter
of the last book ever printed
now that hard copy is officially dead

'To be continued... " it read

Delicious irony

A fitting requiem
for this closing chapter
of literary history

Or maybe tis a warning

A sentence of prophesy
if the entire world wide web
ever got permanently hacked 
and all our precious
hand held devices
became pricey paper weights

Library doors would be unsealed

Book stores could make a come back

Is this a dream or nightmare?

Tis probably a question
of which generation hymn book
you grew up reading from 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Gender Blender

Me in the men's room
for a quick pee

When quite unexpectedly
a quite hairy she dude
in a sequin dress
enters the tiled scene
with a similar relief plan
in the urinal next to me

I cannot contain my curiosity
so I sneak a quick peek
at the serpent mighty
rising from his thicket

Of course he catches my eyes
sizing up his privates
in a blatant violation
of urinal decorum

In my red faced embarrassment
I mutter softly

“I’m not that kind of guy”

He hikes up his lace panties

and gruffly advises me
and my homophobia

“Neither am I”

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oh Say Can't You See

This rock I picked from the rubble
of the latest calamity
fits my hand so perfectly
I almost hate to throw it
at our oblivious enemy

Of course I am required
to avenge sins of the past
so I throw the projectile
and score a direct hit 

We scurry a hasty retreat into darkness
to avoid being payback targeted 

Everyone riding the cycle of hatred

A litany of futile gestures  

The whole eye for an eye bullshit rap
we as a species can't ever seem to get past

Monday, October 8, 2018

Bird In A Box

I like my box
though I use to not
relish the restrictions
cause I had been indoctrinated
by the whole freedom myth

That "birds need to fly" bullshit

So one day I flew away

Crash landed

Bad choices

Shit happens

So I traded in my wings
for the safety of conformity

Now I like my box
and the security it brings

False as it may be

Since life does have a way
of seeping through
these little cocoons
and permeating
our orderly containers with stains

At least I still got
these crumbling walls
to keep me company 

Since I did pay a steep price for them 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

So This Is Low Self Esteem

... one hundred pounds later
I have become the fat fuck
I never thought I would be

Obesity sort of snuck up on me

Denial will do that to you
but the mirror eventually
shatters our best self deceptions

Tough break for my enlarged heart
now struggling to propel blood through
gooey blubbery clogged arteries

At least this battle will be short lived

Then the arduous task falls to my pall bearers

Hopefully they will be in better shape
than the load they are hauling was

Wither Americana

The MAGA legions
wear red threads made in China
and preach American exceptionalism
dispensing missives of ethnic nationalism
that have sparked conflicts
throughout history

Wrapped in red white and blue
the  America First crew
eschews the world view
for a narrow myopic reality
that have fueled wars
throughout history

Peeking out from behind the wall
the protectionism mob
of anti globalism guardians
practice excessive tariff levies
guaranteed to wreck economies
that have led to recessions
throughout history

and so it goes...

Events will spiral out of control

Of course
those pulling the strings will profit

Strife will be the norm for the rest

Perhaps this time
our ignorance proves fatal

Death being the ultimate destiny
of all empires throughout history

Friday, October 5, 2018

A Day In The Strife

The alarm clock tolls
earlier than I need

Out of bed I roll
with all my aches 
and creaky joints
that scream out middle age 

I feel old

Thread bare and worn

Way too much time spent
on self induced detours
that took me 
to my home here in Nonessential 

Not enough minutes left
for a course alteration
to offset the accumulation  
of time wasting trips 

Missing out on all the things
I should have done 
and could have been
when I was young
and so full of potential

The die is cast
buried deep within
the sins of the past

For an aging plow horse
saddled down
with all these
useless regrets

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Pigging Out

You can comfortably exist
within the narrow parameters
of standard contentment

Max out your credit cards
on superfluous excess

Social media boast
about your choreographed happiness

Level set with meds
when your conscience starts to ache

Mute that nagging voice
when it whispers 
about a life that is so fake

This illusion is all in the presentation

Yes, you can comfortably exist

Contently suckling on society's teat
with millions of ravenous piglets

Growing more bloated by the day

What a great ham sandwich you will be
when the butcher comes your way


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Men Overboard


It's payback time

The shattering of past inequities
for misdeeds committed by our side 
though we were not participants
in any offending situations

We're all gonna take some hits

Penance for sins we did not commit

The whole guilt by association bullshit

Just hope this sledgehammer
out of control pendulum
does not leave any permanent scars

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

It Is What It Ain't

Truth is
not made of steel

It's a pliable material
we easily bend 
to fit our current needs

A gloppy balm 
to soothe the stinging realities
of abrasive conflicts

An application
of convenient definitions
to justify the rationalizations
of our orderly hypocrisies

Truth be told

True is false

Nothing more than lies
wrapped in cotton candy alibis
and shiny contrivances

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Did You Hear About....

Step right up
my fellow misfits
to the social media trough
and confess your best sins
for text backs of cyber sympathy
from your faceless friends
who secretly revel and gossip
about your human failings
with that smug superiority
that pollutes the airwaves
of the online sewing circle cathedral

Monday, September 10, 2018

Down Draft

Trapdoor opens

Floor support is no more

as we struggle to prevent
our tragic descent
into the waiting arms
of Chaos Town

A disintegrating place
with crumbling infrastructure
betraying a proud history
of empire and power

Now a mountain range
of smoldering rubble

where frazzle is currency
and the truth served up daily
with a dash of absurdity

cause tragedy
becomes comedy
when it marinates
over the centuries

and all the survivors
who fell through the floor
unknowingly become
the shadow ghosts 
of post apocalypse 

Do you recognize
these apparitions
and the truth behind
their plummeting demise?

They are us

and our sin
was arrogance

The recurring
poison of humanity
throughout history 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Reminiscing at the Ostrich Cafe

Down at the Ostrich Cafe
the wifi accessible crowd
plugs in their wireless buds
and blasts the pop culture loud
in an effective attempt
to drown out the protesting hordes
marching right outside their secured doors
seeking to improve this flawed world..

I sip on my sugary latte
and fondly recall
those bygone days
when music and dissent
were one and the same 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Dealing For Eternity

Back in the day

I use to consort
with demons
of ill repute

We sinned
just for the Hell of it

Made up
our own rules
along the way

That was me

A pagan disciple
of immorality

Until  I found religion
on late night TV

An infomercial
for this
miracle product
called Jesus

or maybe

it was some sort
of magic mop
that sopped up stains

In the end
tis all the same

except the mop
comes with a money back guarantee
while Christianity
is an all souls
all sales final
total buy in commitment

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Exit Carnage

Don't wanna fight anymore
in the political maelstrom
not dissipating any time soon

My views on the controversies of the day
simply don't matter anyway
and the crushing redundancies
of these circular arguments
is really wearing on me

So whether you wanna #MAGA
or ride the #Resistance
please proceed without me

I'll take my seat in the peanut gallery
and hang there until a return of civility 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Pretty Chicky In A Cage

She desired to be
more than your eye candy

Weary of being a lust magnet

All she wanted was respect

The crime of our cosmetic society

So obsessed with surface beauty
we never allowed ourselves to see
the light trapped within the pretty shell
that eventually became her living Hell

Long after the sultry corpse icon 
became the stuff of cultural legend
her well chronicled tale of tragedy 
is still buried beneath the glossy pics
celebrating an innocent sexuality
that was as fake as her naughty smile

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Fire Sale

We set a vagrant on fire last night

He did not seem to mind

It being a chilled evening after all

Admittedly twas an impulsive thing to do
with consequence we should have foreseen
but nobody thinks ahead these days
where instant gratification is the rage
as we swept away his charred remains

Now our sins are all over the Evening News

Transgressions gone viral on YouTube
cause everyone with a phone
is a documentary director 

Social commentators now torch our asses
with their self righteous views
about the decline of Western civilization

Political pundits of course chime in
citing our deplorable actions
as proof positive
that our blatant insensitivity
is a metaphor that represents
the current administration

After this high rated media investigation
the cops felt compelled to lock us perps away

We did not mind all the notoriety
as we were now trending celebrities

Loss of freedom a fair price to pay
since we were not into liberty anyway

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Write Stuffing

I was there that fateful day
when the one and only Jesus Christ
our Lord and Savior
rode in
on a gorgeous white horse
to cast Satan 
and his godless minions away

so maybe twas a close approximation
of an apocalyptic busting situation
I viewed on a live stream
that may have been
a chemically inspired dream

I'm allowed my binges 
of creative exaggerations
to make the story flow
and proceed in a forwardly direction

It says so 
right here on my poetic license
I bought online for 99 cents
though it as well as myself
may fast be approaching
literary expiration