Sunday, January 22, 2017

Buried Treasure

Those who tell the story
keep the version simple

Free of any messy complexity
to cloud the narrative
or contradict their
black and white slant

At the end of the tale
when the last page has turned
tis up to the reader to discern
any and all truth they can find
taking up residence between the lines


  1. Love this!
    Are you foreshadowing what is to come?

    Not to mention, those who tell the story give you the version they want to give you - truth or otherwise.

    Back to the poem, I really liked the flow to this one and the idea of not just reading between the lines but having to colour them to "discern any truth".

    Keep on writing Steve

    1. Thanks Nada...I always love reading your comments...It never ceases to amaze me With all this information at our fingertips the truth is so difficult to find
