Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Mirror Mirror Go Away
Don't wanna be me
I never really did
but I've played along
as programed
Being a hollow man
for what seems an eternity
Don't wanna be me
Wearing all these labels
Husband, father, friend,
Half ass professional
bean counting clown
Too many clever perceptions
weighing me down
Trudging in place
with all the other
sorry souls
hiding behind smiley
Facebook facades
All the fucking self pity poetry
from this "Count Your Blessings" guy
sure does reek of hypocrisy
Such is the price one pays
when their whole one act play
is based on a worn out cliche
Tis such a locked in existence
once the path of settlement is taken
This desperation too shall pass
as long as the medication lasts
Monday, September 25, 2017
Captain Chaos
Captain Chaos
owes his very existence
to constant friction
A child of turmoil is he
Can not exist in serenity
Peace is his kryptonite
So he pokes the hornet's nest
whenever his powers wane
and ravenously feeds
off the negative energy
supplied by
his growing legions of enemies
A dangerous game he plays
inciting tension's domain
but conflict is all he knows
and hatred his premium rocket fuel
Of course the poison spewed
will splatter him dormant eventually
as it has throughout history
on all rabid dog demagogues
This comforting assumption
is based on the calculation
our deranged captain
does not waste us first
owes his very existence
to constant friction
A child of turmoil is he
Can not exist in serenity
Peace is his kryptonite
So he pokes the hornet's nest
whenever his powers wane
and ravenously feeds
off the negative energy
supplied by
his growing legions of enemies
A dangerous game he plays
inciting tension's domain
but conflict is all he knows
and hatred his premium rocket fuel
Of course the poison spewed
will splatter him dormant eventually
as it has throughout history
on all rabid dog demagogues
This comforting assumption
is based on the calculation
our deranged captain
does not waste us first
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Uncover Charge
Plying the flirt babe
with drinks and humor
All my best material
she was buying
Putty in my hands
til I was advised
she was pay for play
Much to my dismay
I lacked the proper capital
to successfully invest
in her sexual affections
Thursday, July 6, 2017
The Good Sisters Of Merry
Mary's enthusiasm in bed
was matched
only by her nympho sister Maggie
They loved sharing their men
(Who worshipped their
generosity religiously)
So competitive were they
to be the top lay
their bedsprings did sing
Nearer My God To Thee
Now those of a repressed
Puritanical bent
sought to strip them
of their carnal habits
with a stained glass blast
of fire and brimstone guilt
but the girls could not be swayed
by lame biblical passages
drenched in hypocrisy
(since those bible dudes
were always begatting
with multiple wives)
In the end
the merry sisters
kept doing what came naturally
just as the Lord intended
when he created woman and man
in that lost paradise of Eden
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Ode To Sheep Dogs
Every click we inflict
on the world wide web
is registered in a database
sprinkled in the cloud fields
of gray artificial intelligence...
These ghost ships ultimately
define our identity
as our dreams get categorized
and marginalized
into the blender
of trend analysis
which allows the Data Masters
to know what we desire
before even we do...
Tis not as bad as it seems
this apocalyptic nightmare dream
of corporate government thought control
fueling the totalitarian inclinations
of the long established ruling class
now armed with this useful cyber tool...
Unburdened by the constraints
and poor choices that excess options bring
to us overwhelmed fodder fools
we will now finally be totally free
to be the very best sheep we can be...
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Flight Of The Enabler
So tired am I
of being your fall back guy
every time you require
a shoulder on which to cry
My back grows weary
from boosting constantly
your wavering self esteem
The needs
of this pillar
will no longer be secondary
to the whims
of my drama queen
Time for me to go
before I lose my identity
and become
a pitiful mess like you
Nearer My God To Me
In my dream
the Lord cameth to me
seeking advice
on a query of theology
Told his high Divineness
I was not qualified
in what should be
his area of expertise
He smiled that sacred smile
and let out a soft sigh
cause he had no idea why
he would ask this befuddled guy
anything about anything
Maybe he was just feeling lonely
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
The Final Dissolution
These days keep bleeding together..
Time is accelerating..
Too many years gone..
Loved ones moving on..
Friendships evaporate..
Pain accumulates..
Critical mass reached..
Shredded denials breached..
Time for me to disintegrate..
The whole dust to dust rap..
Whisked away by the wind
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Load Bearing Peeps
These chains of obligation
we carry like beasts
Day after day
dragging our weighed down asses
up mountain steep
to do what must be done
for glory unseen
For there are no medals
to be awarded
on the hollow pedestal
of real life
At the end of the journey
after the task is complete
we can finally find respite
and rest our weary feet
Take a long sip of eternity
savoring the knowledge
we did our duty
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Rebel Dust
From pulpit high
that foaming at the mouth
phony pious guy
is ragging again
at his demons du jour
What hateful
fire and brimstone
defenders of the faith
and persecutors
of perceived deviants
will never understand
is that Jesus LOVED freaks
Truth be told
he was viewed
as one himself
by the religious establishment
who in fact
went out of their way
to persecute his sacrilegious ass
Such is the fate
of all who poke
the rigid boundaries
set by the naysayer class
So the next time
you get crucified
for your non conformity
remember that you're in good company
throughout history
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Read All About Me
Back in the day
I never knew what to say
On perpetual mute was I
Which peeps misread as shy
but twas really just abject fear
of living inappropriately
This of course happens
when lacking self confidence
in the field of public expression
Then I stumbled into social media
Twitter specifically
Where I found my voice
posting micropoetry
Hashtag venting in the public domain
Emptying my soul anonymously
The release felt so good
I found a creative addiction
Now I ramble on daily
Free from the demons of uncertainity
with text friends I shall never meet
who unlike my flesh and blood pals
give a damn what I have to say
I never knew what to say
On perpetual mute was I
Which peeps misread as shy
but twas really just abject fear
of living inappropriately
This of course happens
when lacking self confidence
in the field of public expression
Then I stumbled into social media
Twitter specifically
Where I found my voice
posting micropoetry
Hashtag venting in the public domain
Emptying my soul anonymously
The release felt so good
I found a creative addiction
Now I ramble on daily
Free from the demons of uncertainity
with text friends I shall never meet
who unlike my flesh and blood pals
give a damn what I have to say
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Destruction Construction
We use
the tribulations of today
as stepping stones
for the glory of tomorrow
like the good
brick layers we are
Building character
from the fragments
of exploded stars
one disaster at a time
Monday, January 30, 2017
Rules Of Dissent
Henceforth and forthwith
any and all acts of dissent
will be regulated by the government
and every placard will be taxed
to cover the high cost
of the first amendment
Prospective mind numbing
repetitive chants
must first be submitted
to the Patriot Media Center
where a committee
of carefully vetted linguists
will edit out all obscenities
or any other language deemed obscene
by the censorship bureaucracy
Those who can not abide by these rules
or still feel the need to disobey subtly
will be summarily tossed over
our shiny new state of the art wall
to be forever cast out
with all the other enemies
of 21st Century democracy
Saturday, January 28, 2017
March On By
To all the very recently awakened
hyper activated
righteous crusaders
seeking to recruit converts
to their latest glorious cause:
Go save the world without me
I got bills to pay
and that damn clock
keeps ticking away
This is my selfish injustice
that needs to be rectified
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Buried Treasure
Those who tell the story
keep the version simple
Free of any messy complexity
to cloud the narrative
or contradict their
black and white slant
At the end of the tale
when the last page has turned
tis up to the reader to discern
any and all truth they can find
taking up residence between the lines
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Damnable Man
After the revolution
intelligence became irrelevant
as emotion ruled the day
and a payback mentality held sway
State sponsored media
spun incendiary stories
to stoke mob insanity
as violence became
the sanctioned way
to obliterate dissent
Then the inevitable consequence
when the beast pushed too far
the pendulum swung and hit back hard
Those who ruled by the sword
were eventually sliced and diced
Their bloody remains
stain the pages of our history
To be repeated again and again
The cycle of stupidity
The curse of humanity
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Off Switch On
Political vigilante mobs
on the job 24/7
polluting social media
with their partisan bullshit
Perpetually angry outsiders
sabotaging the exasperated powers that be
on the job 24/7
polluting social media
with their partisan bullshit
Perpetually angry outsiders
sabotaging the exasperated powers that be
with stinging rants of hyperbole
but on January 20th
come Inauguration Day
antagonists and protagonists
but on January 20th
come Inauguration Day
antagonists and protagonists
dutifully switch shifts
as a whole new crew
of naysayers move in
to replace
the now jubilant obstructionists
as a whole new crew
of naysayers move in
to replace
the now jubilant obstructionists
who formerly lobbing down opinion bombs
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Inevitable Expiration
People die
It happens every day
Tis planned that way
to reshuffle the deck
so overpopulation
is held at bay
Death is the fearful reality
shared by humanity
Rich or poor
Famous or infamous
There is no buyout clause
Tis a non negotiable
natural law
All things must end
So we best do
with all our might
this gift of life right
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