Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Modern Savings
Out and about
on a pilgrimage
to the retail cathedral
for eternal bargains I seek
I take the escalator
to the top floor
and find God marked down
on the clearance rack
desperately trying to be sold
to indifferent pilgrims
for a ridiculous price
Down by the food court
I see his boy Jesus
hanging with Allah
working the kiosk scene
offering up major savings
to harried consumers
who ain't buying
cause neither accepts credit
Out in the multi level parking lot
I buy a full length mirror
from a grungy vendor clad red
peddling product illegally
with his off the books mentality
As a special bonus
for my valued patronage
the slick salesman
throws in a bag of apples
free of charge
or any moral obligations
When I get to my vehicle finally
a feeling of serenity settles over me
as my soul shopping cart is now full
and the angels do rejoice
for the greater glory of our blessed economy
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Show And Tell
We've reached
the crucial point
where the pain
of commencing
a truthful discourse
could not possibly be worse
than the hurt
from our current
slowly corrosive
silent denials
that are eroding
the foundation
of this relationship
So let's put aside
these pointless reservations
Lay our cards on the table
and play them out
as best we may
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Gimme A Break
I often despise me
for all I'll never be
or never was
for that matter
but I must confess
I ain't the worst either
So I think today
I'll cut my sorry ass some slack
For in the end
I am who I am
and in this way too flawed finite life
that should be enough
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Paper Mache Royalty
Buried deep in the abyss
of her ravenous
insatiable self esteem
I descend through layers
of festering past failures
Once a foothold is established
in the core of her self confidence
I commence to blast out
those embedded doubts
with a cliche barrage
of my best insincere bs
drawn from my well stocked supply
of innocuous bogus lines
Now that her ego
is boosted properly
she will realize finally
that she is way too good
for a lowly guy like me
So the current truth
liberated by my stroking lies
put the princess beyond my reach
though this patient minstrel
will be there to catch her
when she becomes a pauper again
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Depreciation Appreciation
Please cease and desist
from your incessant persistence
of dredging up past indiscretions
from the cesspool of yesterday
we all once swam in
when we were young and dumb
Share with the skeptical congregation
the path you currently run
and more importantly
where you plan to be
once this fishing inquisition is done
For in our world of stained imperfections
allowances must be granted
for the dents and scratches
we accumulate over the years
Saturday, October 8, 2016
The True Meaning of Halloween
I can't remember the last time I've so looked forward to Halloween(at least since the days I was a chocolate crazed kid)..Gonna be a blast laughing at all the nervous Nellies wringing their hands fretting about internet sensation Killer Klowns deviously infiltrating the bands of costumed trick or treaters. This lame tamed down holiday will be infused with some much needed tension this year
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Mosh Pit Politics
The right man
ain't always the righteous man
The strong man
rarely is much on tolerance
The addiction
to these contradictions
by our desperate for a hero
frustrated nation
begs the question
if this American democracy
is still the solution we want it to be ?
or maybe
just maybe
We finally see the inherent hypocrisy
streaming in our faces daily
under the tattered banner of freedom
As the top shelf elite wring their hands
Pissing into a fire storm they don't understand
Even though deep down they know
they will be the first to go
With each news cycle day
Mother Media influence wanes
The beast their conflict journalism created
now beyond their power to contain
Even fear tactics tried and true
can not quell the frenzy
as growing masses
cheer the monster
pounding away at our gates
And to those of you
who still have no clue
how the Hell
the groundswell
for this freak show pitchman
grows like a populist tsunami
Just look in the mirror
and peel back that civilized
decaying rational facade
Embrace the monster you are
Put your fist through the glass
Smear your bloody hand on the wall
Give in to the inevitability of our fall
and most of all
Monday, September 26, 2016
Happy Anniversary
The private man am I
behind my many guises
Hugging shadows out of sight
Hyper allergic to the spotlight
The curse of the chronically shy
which of course is why
displays of public affection
never come easily
but today my heart runs free
on our glorious wedding anniversary
and I am wholly liberated to proclaim
for all who care to hear
my life upgrade that day
twenty three years ago
as we began the dance
of happily ever after
when me became forever we
I hope you will always know
how my love for you grows
even though I struggle so
to freely express
how my life would be a BIG ZERO
without you
I really really REALLY do love you
(Let's keep this between us, OK?)
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Compromising Positions
Our little war
Blasting high volume
Constant conflicts
Big things
Little things
We clash over everything
Can we agree on the reality
that what's true for you
may not always be true for me?
This truth gap
creates uncertainty
Constant anxiety
Grinding insanity
So we need to meet
Proceed as adults
and compromise
away our frictions
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Modern Realism
Ever feel overwhelmed
by the randomness of it all?
Events drifting in and out
on the currents of time
with no apparent reason or rhyme
Humanity always in react mode
collectively theorizing
in a futile attempt to make sense
of the sporadic nature of chaos
Flying tattered kites
in a raging tornado
Never quite knowing
which way
the wind will be blowing
Destruction is the fate of man
So close your eyes
hold on tight
and embrace your ignorance
for as long as you can
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Desperately Seeking Completion
Fireworks show tonight
down by the steamy springs
Do you want to come?
You know the way
and I can show you how
Let's take that delicious path
where we can savor the sensuous blast
An inhibition free destination
inhabited by natives who are willing
Sharing endings guaranteed to be happy
Take me to Completion
Be my pleasure GPS
You won't regret the trip
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Welcome To Disconnect
Our base of operations
transmitting mixed messages
on a garbled frequency
in all directions
A contradiction symphony
wrapped in static
dancing in and out
of comprehension
Huddled around
the ancient speaker long obsolete
we quickly realize
the answers we desperately seek
will not be shared today
So we turned off
the flawed revelation
and let out a collective sigh
Cause our grand illusion
was now blown
There would be no savior
We are all on our own
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Do Nothing Know It All
I never use to care
about the production
of disjointed thought
that flowed so easily
from my previously
clogged brain pores
The unsuspecting page
was simply there
to be filled
at this author's discretion
with zero regard
for form or substance
Though secretly envious was I
of talented writers displayed
on social media walls
who crafted language
with such soaring grace
Eventually I clumsily
stumbled in and found my place
like a cave man amongst
cloud dwelling artists
Using blunt force technique
I found my voice
in a format formally
foreign to me
Picking it up as I went
Perhaps I learned too well
Cause today I suffer
from the dreaded
analysis paralysis
Parsing words
in a sticky web
of literary self critical
Unable to finish lines
Incomplete thoughts
litter my keyboard
The creative flow now dammed
by boulders of process
and these damn standards
I formerly never had
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Peter Pan MIA
Far removed
from the playground anarchy
I walk by every day
on the way
to Big Boy Land
I seek a boost of energy
from the turmoil I envy
of kids running and jumping
every which way
Feelings of melancholy
descend upon me
as the shrieks of joy
fade in the distance
Once so full
and unabashedly free
Dries up precariously
once we leave
childhood games behind
to wear these chains
of adult responsibilities
Sunday, July 31, 2016
So What Do You Think?
There use to be a time
when I was of a mind
to cast my influence
into the raging river
of public opinion
Such was my hubris
in powers of persuasion
with logical arguments
as the primary weapon
in my word arsenal
It did not take long
to realize this core premise
was flawed
Penetrating locked in minds
requires more than a quick wit
or clever repartee
People don't wanna budge
out of their comfortable
entrenched positions
So after many years
of banging my hard head
against inflexible walls
I finally saw the fallacy
of pointless debates
Now I let friends and foes alike
rant their pet philosophies unopposed
Biting my heavily scarred tongue
for the sake of keeping the peace
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Consumerism Prison
Pay the infomercial man
as best you can
Tis well worth the price
to upgrade your bland life
with the latest hi tech gadgetry
that will eventually be
as obsolete as you
and your insecure
brand of humanity
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Lose Lose Scenario
In this cynical
political environment
the numb electorate
no longer gives a flying fuck
about candidate morality
Ethics and politics
when the two are mixed
beget the ultimate oxymoron
Crooked is an accepted prerequisite
Embedded lies infect broken promises
The only ideology
is whatever brings victory
with pre packaged homilies
designed to herd lazy ass consumers
to look up from their hand held devices
and march to the voting booth
Long ago focus group wizards decreed
fear is the optimum way to succeed
When your product is not moving
demonize the other guy
The more grandiose the lie
the best chance to grab
the market's fleeting attention
Media outlets you can buy
to do your bidding
with costly
but efficient negative ads
So as we begin
the serious phase
of the political cycle
Prepare for the shit to fly
like a monsoon from the sky
In this corner
the demagogue incompetent
dispensing fear and hate
from his crass reality show plate
Up against
the bought and paid for
ultimate insider
Her lips chapped
from excessive suckling
at the currency teat
of special interests
At the end of this crooked road
those still with the stomach to vote
will have a poisonous choice to make
The viper or the snake
and then take a long shower afterward
to wash away the shame
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Footprints In The Sand
As the the revolution unpeels
Ugly truths are revealed
Former friends choose to repent
as they are led in chains
to the televised guillotine event
Welcome to disillusionment
as disingenuous corporate demons
clad in smug victory
hold out their slimy hands
"Join our lesser of two evils crusade"
they hiss cynically
to the numb prisoners
who really never had a chance
fighting armed only with idealism
against such an institutionally stacked deck
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Comfortably Snug
At this point in time
tis way too late for me to be
anything other than I am
This truth affords me the luxury
of no longer having to give a damn
about living up to expectations
I never really embraced
in the first place
Once these dreams have been spent
it's time to go about
existing comfortably content
Slow it down
Pour a glass of wine
Find that perfect sunset
and settle in for the duration
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Skipping The Slant
The lynch them first
ask questions later
flash mob
of micro public opinion
are polluting the stream
of social media consciousness again
with their unrelenting riled up ferocity
Quickly jumping to conclusions
that conveniently fit
an agenda ridden narrative
Their numbers swell rapidly
as hatred reposts virally
getting reported internationally
as contrived speculations
eventually mutate
into perceived fact
Til the value of truth itself
is reduced to a disposable commodity
Sold to the pliable masses
as fast cooked
easily digested
blended reality
Friday, July 8, 2016
Turning Point Dead Ahead
The cancer of hate
can not be erased
til all the healthy cells
who comprise the majority
band together
to eradicate the disease
In the end
the silent blue wall
must fall
and the good cops
gotta drive out
their murderous brethren
The cancer of hate
will never abate
til the millions of healthy cells
finally use their untapped strength
to obliterate their destructive elements
Only when good Muslims
stand together and fight
will the extremist terrorist minority
be driven into the sea
but for now
let us not allow
these rotten apples
to turn us bitter
against the suppressed forces of good
who silently abhor
the bloody stains on their names
Monday, July 4, 2016
Nest Break
So now you say defiantly
you wanna be free
Take full responsibility
for your life's course
Choking on my repressions you say?
These rules I lay cramp your style?
Fine and dandy
Cut loose you shall be
Just don't come crying to me
when you fall victim to enemies
from outside and within
Maybe then you will finally see
the need for the umbrella of security
our hard structure provides
Maybe then
when all your precious freedoms
come under attack
you'll wanna come back
to the secure prison
you seek to flee
to start your own
tenuous country
You'll be back
my wee eaglets
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Speaking Up
Good morning God
Hope things are well on your end
Things sure could be better down here
but of course you already know that
being a super natural being and all
Of course we must own up to our faults
since you graciously gave us free will
but we can't seem to stop fucking up lately
Perhaps we're just in a slump
though we been trending down for quite awhile
So call this a prayer S.O.S if you must
We sure as Hell could use your help
to get back on the straight and narrow path
and hopefully make you proud of us someday
Hope things are well on your end
Things sure could be better down here
but of course you already know that
being a super natural being and all
Of course we must own up to our faults
since you graciously gave us free will
but we can't seem to stop fucking up lately
Perhaps we're just in a slump
though we been trending down for quite awhile
So call this a prayer S.O.S if you must
We sure as Hell could use your help
to get back on the straight and narrow path
and hopefully make you proud of us someday
Friday, June 17, 2016
Walking The Flat Line
The man from Zero
is impervious to pain
This makes him torture proof
from the daily agonies of life
He can never feel loss
cause he has nothing to lose
No emotions to befuddle and confuse
No hurt can penetrate his nothingness
No flashing signs of life inside the void
Now there are those
who pity this empty existence
So why do I envy him so?
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
See No Evil
Breathe through your mouth
as to not smell the stink..
Power down your brain
so you don't overthink..
Keep those tired eyes shut tight
to block out our daily moral blight..
Embrace protective denials
Monday, June 13, 2016
Messed Up
Reached without looking
and spilled my drink
as I cursed fate
which I blamed
for the error puddle
I did create
This mistake left a stain
on the world
that will remain
if I don't take the time
to do clean up
instead of waiting
for Nature to evaporate
the mess of the century
OK, maybe I exaggerate
though I do know
in many less enlightened cultures
a woman would be obligated
to mop up the tragedy
this clumsy male created
but alas, I live in modern times
where the girls are perfectly free
to ignore my needs and me
Now where does my queen keep the mop?
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Friend Power
When those you love
feel the sting of defeat
like we all sometimes do
and their world
is bleeding loser's blue
love them even more
Because the pit of self doubt
is where we need friends
to help lift us out
and get our sorry asses
back in the game
Fire Storming
The raging inferno
we thought was out of range
is now dancing in our back yard
Our once mighty firewall
now lays tattered and charred
as the raging fire devours
the diminishing perimeter
Leaving us soon to be
victims of this tragedy
nowhere left to run
All because we procastinated
and stayed too long
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Father Out
Daddy dear
never here
road trip
in absentia
just a voice
on the line
Novelty fades
over time
tossed aside
Saint Mom
how much
he loved us
from the
hymn book of
economic necessity
We grew up
because we had to
Moved out
and started
our own
shattered families
home now
Died alone
in his
hotel bed
the maid
found him dead
Gonna bury
our ghost Dad today
along with all
his lost
Saturday, June 4, 2016
The Greatest
During turbulent times
he was our dancing magnet
A new kind of athlete
who did so polarize
young and old
This transcendent soul
the powers that be
tried to bury
but eventually
the champ beat them all
inside the ring and out
til there was no doubt
this man was exactly
as self advertised
Float like a butterfly
Sting like a bee
The greatest force in sports history
Rest in peace
Muhammad Ali
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Making The Best
Enough with the somber
egocentrically inspired
dark orgy of introspection
Cease living
in a reflective pool
and apply your current view
to the reality in front of you
It may not seem to be
the stuff of successful fantasy
but we can all agree
tis the only life we have
egocentrically inspired
dark orgy of introspection
Cease living
in a reflective pool
and apply your current view
to the reality in front of you
It may not seem to be
the stuff of successful fantasy
but we can all agree
tis the only life we have
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Gender Blender
Went to the mens room
for a quick pee
When quite unexpectantly
a she dude in a sequin dress
had the same action plan
in the urinal next to me
Could not contain my curiosity
I just had to sneak a quick peek
at the serpent mighty
rising from his thicket
Of course he caught my eyes
sizing up his privates
In my embarrassment
I muttered softly
We So Thorny
The risk we take
every day
when we arise
and venture forth
to make our solo play
with this chaotic society
is very necessary
despite the high probability
of emotional pain
if you don't ever hurt
you really ain't doing
life right
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Everything Optional
Time to turn on
the scenario generator
Plug in the possibility equation
Rev up rampant speculation
Scales will be provided
to weigh options
However no guarantees
will be rendered
that you will embrace
the final product produced
All we can do
is tip toe through
the minefield
of unforeseen
plot twists
the scenario generator
Plug in the possibility equation
Rev up rampant speculation
Scales will be provided
to weigh options
However no guarantees
will be rendered
that you will embrace
the final product produced
All we can do
is tip toe through
the minefield
of unforeseen
plot twists
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Free Current
Swimming with electric fish
down a serene stream
of consciousness
Bouncing on bubbles
that can only exist
in this artificial environment
Mother Earth keeps spinning
as we dancing inhabitants
free float toward the sea
inhibitions dissipate completely
Time now increasingly irrelevant
which is a scary development
for crusty traditionalists
who insist we drop anchor
to hold onto the past
but the hooks won't hold
cause the current flows too strong
the future humming in the wires
for our arrogant brand of humanity
Monday, May 9, 2016
Fall and Rise
Soldiers rejoice
War is over
Arise comrades
on both sides of the line
and forever exit
your blood stained trenches
Time to finally
put away the big guns
and parade on home
Give Mom a big hug
Kiss the girl next door
and before
you lay your grateful head
on your greatly missed bed
say a silent prayer
for friends and foes
all equally dead
Honor those souls
who now sleep forever
beneath well manicured
carefully marked
plots of Earth
Waiting patiently
for the angels to play reveille
so they may rise again
and forever forget
their scars of war
War is over
Arise comrades
on both sides of the line
and forever exit
your blood stained trenches
Time to finally
put away the big guns
and parade on home
Give Mom a big hug
Kiss the girl next door
and before
you lay your grateful head
on your greatly missed bed
say a silent prayer
for friends and foes
all equally dead
Honor those souls
who now sleep forever
beneath well manicured
carefully marked
plots of Earth
Waiting patiently
for the angels to play reveille
so they may rise again
and forever forget
their scars of war
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Glorious Wetness
Stop running from the rain !!!
You ain't gonna melt
like that bitch of a witch
from that classic flick
who had it coming
but I digress...
Take the time
from your neatly pressed life
to open wide...
Allow the drops
to bounce off
your parched tongue..
Treat your crusty self
to a full service soaking
and let yourself get
gloriously wet
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