Wednesday, September 30, 2015

To Be Or Not

Tis just another

overdose suicide plunge
kind of day

but we really don't
need to die that way


no matter how hard

always beats death

in a stink comparison test 

Canary Island

The canary loose in the world

Such a pretty bird is she

Living out there in the wild

Flying a life so very free 

All the caged birds envy her celebrity     

for she is all they desire to be

If only they knew
the pressure cooker reality
of having to be
always on

and the river of tears
her fans
would be shocked to see 

The feathered fall out
of a dream gone wrong

For fame is a cage
without steel bars   

The canary loose in the world

Such the pretty bird is she

So weary
of caged sycophants
living through her
For she is NOT

the dream

society wants her to be

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tough Loving

Enough lame lamentations

about your incessant
boo hoo situations

Thicken your skin

Take ownership

Lose that self pity rap

and get your sorry ass

back in the game

Travel Guide

Damn! This hill before us is steep!
Will we ever make it to the top? 

Geez! This rain seems perpetual! 
Is it ever going to stop?

Why is life such a struggle?
Even simple tasks a chore

Things we once took for granted
Don’t seem to work anymore

Perhaps we need to fix ourselves
And put our expectations aside 

Seems we are no longer driving this bus
We’re just passengers along for the ride

Monday, September 28, 2015

Pop Goes The Junkie

Room is spinning

Perform self diagnosis

Seems I ingested too much
forbidden fruit

Vision blurred

Body chemically compromised

Brain synapses fried

Hallucinations strobe flashing

Walls bleeding

Pulse rate exceeding
safety regulations

Finger down throat

Expel the poison

Stabilize the situation

Hang on til morning

Vow to never again
ride the dragon

Saturday, September 26, 2015

It Is What It Is

We wander these empty pale corridors that all look the same Like rats in a maze bouncing off blind corners desperately seeking a way out of this mundane story line Perhaps tis time to turn off the persistence and find serenity in acceptance of our labyrinth existence

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mortal Confession

I am going to die

You are too

Nothing new

but forever true

So why do we deny

impending mortality?

We better make haste

and not waste

this gift

before it


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Internal Problem

We complicate matters
when we should be simplifying 
to achieve the necessary understanding
required for good solutions

We hesitate and procrastinate
when we need be finalizing
to achieve the crystal clarity
required for decisive actions

Seems obvious to me

that we seem to be

our own worst enemy

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Keep The Change

I am today
not who I was yesterday

Nor am I now
who I shall be tomorrow

Is this evolution or erosion?

The natural ebb and flow
surfing the currents of time

Or perhaps change
is nothing more
than a state of mind?

A wisp of clouded perception?

I don't know

Who's to say?

Tis all a crap shoot anyway

Keep the change

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bugging Out

Looking up
from the underground
after my post chemical
crash down..

I feel a million bugs 
crawling up and down
my arms..

When I look around
nothing but darkness is there..

Now the crawlies
are all over my legs
but I still can't see them
as they infiltrate
my clouded brain
and gradually
come to dominate
the pathetic junkie personality 
I have become

A giant frightened insect
scurrying for cover
when and if 
the lights ever come back on

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Off the Wall

Let's build a wall

A mega
red white and blue barrier

to keep "those people" out

You know exactly who 

I'm talking about

We'll sell it to the PC crowd

as protection of our fragile economy

but we know better


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Poison Propaganda Pills


The self righteous crew
of Mr Red, Mr White, and Miss Blue

Fake patriots
preaching to the glazed eyed mob
what REAL Americans should think and do

Persecuting those who hold opinions
that do not fit
your hateful world view

Pushing hard
the party line
which glorifies
all the ancient lies
about the "good old days"

Scapegoaters of the marginalized
poorly organized outsiders
under the guise of national unity 

Self proclaimed guardians
of the Aryan bloodline

You useful idiots are in power today
but we are on to you
and ultimately
are gonna whip
your fascists asses again
just like we did in World War II


Gray Matter

The truth you hold absolute through those hard lenses you wear with such certainty may not reflect the same shade of gray that I see..
Acceptance of variation perceptions on the opinion spectrum is the first step toward our eventual
long over due reconciliation

Sunday, September 13, 2015













Access Uplift

Sunday morning searching
in the 21st century

Cast your net
into the sea
of cyber spirituality  

Click on the sacred link
to download
Digital Jesus

For just 99 cents a minute

your sin saturated soul
will be delivered
to the heavenly site
of all access salvation
where our staff
of angel professionals
will direct express you through
to the one and only Messiah

Offer us up
an additional nominal fee
when we pass 
your account collection plate
and you can access
the Virgin Mary too

Say Hallelujah !! 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Groundhog Daze

This sad anniversary

I don't wanna remember

but can't ever forget

Always the media show
as politicos scurry to and fro
to get that coveted photo op 

Victim families on display
to validate that tragic day 

to our annual scab picking

as the pain flows freely
from the forever scar
gouged out at ground zero

that I fear
will never heal properly

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Extreme Solutioning

To eradicate the threat perceived
we burned the structure down
and poured salt on the ground
so nothing would grow again 

Some say

the whole scorched Earth scene
was taken to the extreme

A gross overreaction
to problems that could have been
easily corrected

but this is what we
historically  do

when we yield to fear

and let panic rule

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Who I Am

Feel free to see me
in whatever light you like..

Dim or bright..

False or true..

My reality remains the same..

For I am who I am

and will do what I do

regardless of your view

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Painting Perceptions

All the world

now an electronic stage
where we click out
our slanted narratives
for public consumption

Posting heavily edited
rose colored selfie productions
we can rarely duplicate
outside the flat screen 
in our unregulated real lives

Always take the cover story
at it's face value

Decide for yourself
how much you view is true

and try as best you can
to filter out the fluff