Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mr Cruise Control

I'm not a big adventure guy anymore

Performed all that derring do before

Crash and burned so many times
pushing that envelope to the max
as I flew right off the tracks

These scars I carry today
an ugly testimony
that failure is part of life

Not that I let regrets
weigh me down
as long as I remain a member
of the above ground crowd

but somewhere along the way
maturity somehow found me

So I just wanna chill these days

recline in my rocking chair
and do the vegetate thing 

Go ahead and label me a bore
cause I'm not a player anymore

at least I got memories to keep me warm

Now go forth and do the same  


  1. Oh your far from z bore Dear Stevie you great hooker of the pen n ink how I love your poetic verse :) n you 💛🐝x

    1. Thanks my honey bee and mutual love and hugs to thee
