Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pause Missiles

Come dance with me

on an egg shell stage

For our whirlwind tour
of superficiality 

played out daily

to a sold out house
of virtual ghosts

Just shine those lights bright

and keep away the dim

Together we share
a mutual terror
when silence falls between us

Those awkward
hard to forestall
chatter lulls

that force us to face

our relationship fragility

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fly In Web

Sweet viral girl
pops up on my screen
like a sweaty dream

She reeks of spam
and other devious worms 
as she entices me 
with a tempting invite
to click her easy access link

My rational head properly warns
that if I take the vixen's bait
havoc will be my fate

Logic implores 
this naughty boy
to practice safe text

but as always
desire rules the day

Of course it did

Now I pay the price
for my late night cyber vice
with an infected device
and a broken heart

Just how do I explain
this ill conceived sin to my wife?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mr Cruise Control

I'm not a big adventure guy anymore

Performed all that derring do before

Crash and burned so many times
pushing that envelope to the max
as I flew right off the tracks

These scars I carry today
an ugly testimony
that failure is part of life

Not that I let regrets
weigh me down
as long as I remain a member
of the above ground crowd

but somewhere along the way
maturity somehow found me

So I just wanna chill these days

recline in my rocking chair
and do the vegetate thing 

Go ahead and label me a bore
cause I'm not a player anymore

at least I got memories to keep me warm

Now go forth and do the same  

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Leper's Tale


this warning label 
I am required to wear
by the powers that be
weighs heavy 

All their top witch doctors agree

A more toxic individual 
they have never seen

People therefore avoid me
like a plague infested rat

It use to really hurt
to be ostracized like that
by my judgmental society

but somebody

has to play the role

of designated village freak

Truth be told

I rather enjoy the privacy

that being an outcast affords me 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Canned Propaganda

Throughout history
the slick masters
of media manipulation
create demand
throughout the land 
by planting the seeds
of popular opinion

The formula
of consolidating power
is elementary

spoon feed the masses
the glossy causes 
they think they need

Spark them emotionally 

and they will rally
around the banner fervently

Cause in the end

the sheep want to be led

without the burden
of thinking

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cold Flame Down

The other day
an old man passed away

They say
he was a cold warrior
from yesterday

All his passions had been spent

screaming about the red threat

Fighting those godless commies
who sought world domination
were his obsession

When communism fell

he rejoiced as did we all

but with their extinction
his purpose died too

Never fully recovering
from the wall coming down

This fallen refugee
of history

we bury today

with all the other lost warriors

of yesterday     


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Indie Production

Long ago
in the sweltering sauna
where we began

In a darkened room

secret plans

conspirators gather

plotting their treason
against the mother
who bore them

risking everything
for an ideal
never before tried

A document is produced

cutting tyranny's cord 

Bells ring

a new nation
on that steamy
July day

when the world was forever
turned upside down

Friday, July 3, 2015

Prime Choice

So here we are...

at the fork in the road

seeking the proper path 
to that off the map 
destination called happiness 

Everything is optional

Choices to be made

Everyone is disposable

All recycled material

You and I

The Earth

The constellations in the sky

Spinning constantly

The stuff of dreams

No matter where we be

I need you there with me