Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Monday, June 29, 2015
2015 Space Odd We
Here in the fourth dimension
of galactic existence
we be parallel Universe tripping
Atomic overlay
Antimatter souffle
Reverse Earth
in the invisible
continuum mirror
The trip ends
as they always seem to do
and now we find ourselves
lost in far out nowhere
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Sound Proof
In the void of space
the silence is pure
A black hole of sound
Nothing around
to pollute the peace
we never seem to find
here on Earth
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Volcanic Ashley
You wear your frustrations
so much better than I
Though I do try
to play the cool guy
but my cutting jibes
always expose my edgy side
Your simmering anger
you mask
with a sweet smile
Who would ever surmise
the delicious evil
that resides inside
your raging head?
Angelic assassin
with volcanic passion
concealing lurking potential
to blow
at any time
Such the dangerous obsession
are you
Riding the Time Line
From it's perch high
here on the edge of eternity
Time watches over
Circus Humanity
as the Calendar of Forever
regulates the great clock in the sky
tracking the morsels of minutes
that Time allocates
to all Earthly inhabitants
who exist obliviously
beneath the umbrella
of a force
they can not directly see
but the remnants
always resonate
the ultimate reality
to be navigated collectively
Friday, June 26, 2015
Confessions of a Cynic
These lofty ideals
I use to carry
in my attitude
now lie in the ruins
of this gray crime scene...
Crumbled dreams
chipped away
by decades
of steady disappointments...
by the sharp jagged bricks
of current bitter indifference...
Now I'm just another
cynical commentator
blasting a society
that failed me
though in reality
beneath my wrecked facade
I know full well
I failed myself
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Freedom Dreamer
So here we are
deep into this
commitment abyss
Every moment
a tug of war
for control
as you tie me up
with all your
constricting restrictions
so today you may have
the upper hand
someday I will escape
the maze of destruction
you have constructed
Find my way
over the wall
and never look back
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Under the Influence
Don't waste your indignation
on heartless cretins
who are beyond
any hope of redemption
Save your rage
for those who teeter
good and evil
Maybe they can be saved
from a life depraved
if you use
your powers of persuasion
to properly shame them straight
Of Myths and Us
I do so regret
that I will never
get the chance
to impale a dragon
on my unicorn's horn
and take the bloody carcass
to the meat market
and have it sliced
into serpent steaks
I love mythology so
even though I know
it has no practical value
here in the 21st Century
Friday, June 19, 2015
Keeping Company
Hi Ho
to all my fellow
bottom feeders !!
Come commiserate with me
and we can share
our varied tragedies
Collective misery
that flows
deeper than the sea
Let's forge unity
as we join forces
to blow away our enemies
Maybe together
we can elevate
each other
and levitate
out of this hole
At the very least
we'll love each other's
miserable company
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Well Hung
Noose in tree
Hanging free
Neck in noose
Moment of truth
Feet off ground
Snapping sound
Limp body
Swinging loosely
Cut him down
We took a life today
the eye for an eye way
like the Roman's did
when they crucified dissidents
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Loco Motions
The first step
on that bumpy path
to happiness
is to accept
none of this
was meant
to make any sense
Tis all an illogical
free style dance
of random circumstance
where we make up
the steps as we go along
So there is nothing wrong
with stumbling
and taking a fall
We all do
but we get back up
dust ourselves off
and adapt as best we can
to impractical reality
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Strained Bedfellows
Load cannon
Aim at the wall
Fire repeatedly
Stand back
and watch it fall
Roll the artillery
over the ruins
of our enemy's tragedy
After the glorious victory
the vanquished
line up for reparations
Suckling the funds we send
to rebuild them
and hope some day
they'll be our friends
Our aid
they will gratefully take
but their appreciation
will be fake
There's no forgiveness
from those we have wrecked
Just simmering revenge
behind the hand shakes
of our gunpoint allies
Monday, June 8, 2015
Love It Up
Dinner time TV
The news blasts daily
Prejudice and bigotry
Ignorance begets misery
Our curse throughout history
The fix is no mystery
To mend the global tapestry
an open heart is the key
Let your love flow free
and redirect the destiny
of our troubled humanity
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Earthly Inheritance
The future of humanity
may hinge ultimately
on how we take care
of those in extreme poverty
We better heed
the growling rumblings
in the rapidly
diminishing distance
for someday
the abject poor
we choose to ignore
may grow into
the nothing to lose majority
Then we will notice
the economic inequities
we have thrived on
when the peasants
storm our castle walls
Pulled Plug Apocalypse
Morning power up
as we enter our devices
to access our world
when much to mass chagrin
the country is devastated
by no connection
The mother of all hacks
had occurred while we slept
The magic data cloud
we could no longer access
So who stole our internet?
All the usual suspects
are contemplated
in a last ditch attempt
to make sense
of this unusual
and unprecedented circumstance
The Chinese government
Those hard core capitalists
top our suspect list
or maybe the Koreans
are still pissed
about that dictator flick?
and the Russians
can never be dismissed
That Putin dude
always the joker
in the global deck
Enemies all
as our economy stalls
The stock market falls
as the brokers
scramble to find
ticker tape
The best techies will be called
to solution this national calamity
A geek convention in DC
to be convened
as a state of emergency
is declared
The worst side effect without a doubt
now that we have to do without
is that we now
may have to actually
talk to each other!!
No more tech time buffer
to edit what we say
We are live and real time
personally connected
Oh my oh my!!!
How will we survive
living so 20th century???
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Don't Poke The Wizard
Once again
we are undone
by our misplaced
good intentions
that sought to regulate
and stifle the powers
of forces
we did not understand
Laws were passed
in secret midnight sessions
under the broad umbrella
of homeland protections
Of course
the keepers
of the sacred myths
would have none of this
They rallied their army
from the bowels
of the Under Earth
and mounted
a fierce resistance
Now we find ourselves
in a desperate war
with an enemy we created
All because
we chose to stir
the scalding cauldron
of Hell
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Wedded Duress
Marriage vows
Real life fairy tales
played out daily
all over the world
Such a pretty litany
of lovely promises
Rose petals
paving the way
to eternity
We all know the reality
Statistical history
that measures
prior nuptial disasters
will fully quantify
the wreckage
of happily ever afters
In spite of the odds
they line up anyway
to take that leap of faith
chanting the ancient liturgy
hopeful that their words
do not fly off
like a mocking bird
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