Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Fall Into the Class Gap
When a group feels
they are
a special breed apart
Preferred residents
in a state of grace
above all the rest
of the commonplace
and misguided populace
Prejudice is inevitable
against those deemed below
the self proclaimed
guardians of exceptionalism
and then
resentment builds over time
in the hearts of those
stuck in the pressure cooker
of poverty
toward the elite citizens
of snobbery
who can never understand
the turmoil they scornfully see
on their 84 inch screens
when the depressed class
they ignore
finally explodes
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Fixer Upper
In this broken globe
that spins through space
seriously off kilter
take an imperfection
the first one you find
cause we got plenty
and upgrade that sucker
to a better version
than it was before
Find a shattered soul
we got lot's of those too
take their pain
and make it your own
Sign up for reclamation
one chipped brick at a time
If enough of us join up
to effect repairs
there'd be no denying
the power
of uplifting returns
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Check Your Sole At The Door
Down through history
all the way back to antiquity
in the course of human events
shit happens
and when
the inevitable
fecal reaction occurs
there's not much we can do
to prevent the crap expulsion
other than try
to sidestep the mess
with footwork deft
or wipe the stink of life
clean off our shoes
when we can't
the stench residue
fate leaves behind
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Seeking Sense
All the answers you seek
to riddles that confound
are contained somewhere
in the loose solution fragments
rattling around
and bouncing off the walls
of your muddled brain
You have all the pieces
to the puzzle in your possession
Find your guide
through the power
of positive visualization
Take the time
to sort
and collate
the jumble cells
in an orderly progression
Connect the dots
of elusive truth
until you finally
get the picture
that was staring you
in the face
all along
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Wind Blown Us
At the official dissolution of us
she inquired (as they often do)
where we went wrong
and what did become
of our great relationship
As the song proclaims
The answer my friend
is blowing in the wind
Untied things
of insecure means
that lack substance
tend to blow away
when the weather goes stormy
Friday, April 24, 2015
Marked House of Cards
You do know of course
that this life game we all play
is totally rigged
but we gotta compete anyway
to fight over the scraps
that trickle down
into the massive pit
where we have been consigned
with the rest of the ballast
Maybe this is our destiny
to settle for comfortable mediocrity
while playing the daily lottery
just in case fortune finds us
Royal Crush
Being a prince
is not all glamour and glitz
All this awful protocol
of arcane traditions
no longer relevant
Oh, and did I mention
the princess is such a bitch
but this side you will never see
behind the fairy tale fantasy
she is the sparkly doll
that every little girl
wants to be
married to a phony
miserable prince like me
who can't walk away
from this crystal prison
Here in the kingdom of hyprocrisy
Smile and wave for the cameras
Sometimes I miss
my old frog's
once upon a kiss
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Night of the Nothing
One cloudless night
twas nary a star in the sky
Even the full moon
scheduled to appear
had disappeared mysteriously
No one could figure why
the celestial lights had taken
it's leave of our view
Apocalyptic theologians
and perplexed scientists
fiercely debated
the meaning
of this impossibility
Was it an anomaly of astronomy
or maybe
God simply forgot to pay
the electric bill?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Dead Debt
Old man of means
knows his time is waning
Believes his piles of money
can buy his wrinkly ass more time
How much cash it may take
is anybody's guess
Sets up a Grim Reaper meeting
to cut a deal with Death
For three days and three nights
the conference drags on
All to no avail
Negotiations fail
No extensions granted
for the dead man
whose credit has expired
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Feed Bag Rap
The starving man
can be fed
hard stale bread
and it will be
ravenously consumed
Show a woman
with low self esteem
a little complimentary love
and they will eat it up
feast for the soul
could possibly
satiate sinful me?
I am
spiritually anorexic
De Weave The Day
Those calamities
we bring
on ourselves
are the hardest knots to untie
We have to unravel
not only threaded consequence
but also the stubborn core
of tightly wound ego
we arrogantly applied
when we let our emotions decide
the course of future events
Now we need find
the required humility
to break down our deficiencies
and extricate ourselves
from the morass we made
Only then
once we have untangled
and the fix implemented
can we proceed
to get back
on the road to evolution
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Truth in Heroism
A true hero
does not need
to be thanked daily
or honored with
medals bright and shiny
True heroes
do what needs to be done
without fanfare
or parades of glory
even though
those they save
know the true score
Pressing Love
Her smothering
oppressive 24/7 love
slowly wearing me down
as I choke on the
excessive affections
flooding in my direction
I know I should be grateful
to be blessed
with such emotional riches
in this love starved existence
but we all need to breathe
do we not?
If I can't find a way
to temper her fervor
I may overdose
on her hard core crush
Friday, April 17, 2015
Static Soup
So here I be
ranting away incessantly
to foes and friends
on my crumbling soapbox
pissing into the wind again...
Bitter splash back
drenches my frustrated face....
Nobody cares
about my worldly views...
Which only reinforces
my chronic negativity...
Fast approaching is the day
when I will forever go away...
Will the indifferent world miss me?
Probably not
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Blessed Be the Mirthmakers
Here at the Church of Humor
the faithful congregate
to celebrate the gospel
of the comic greats
Chaplin, Groucho, and Lewis
to name just a few
immortals of schtick
and slapstick
We climb
banana peel laden steps
and enter
the pie in the face shrine
inside our comedy cathedral
where laughter is sacred
as we worship
clever wordplay
and forever believe
in the lofty power
of light hearted levity
So come one
come all
Join the fun congregation
Find your smile salvation
and be absurd again
All are welcome
Monday, April 13, 2015
Heavenly Ascension
Reservations now available
for a get away trip
to eternity together
Before signing up
for your forever
ever after adventure
please ensure you
have the right travel partner
and that all your affairs
are in order
cause the trip is one way
and definitely
non refundable
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Stable Condition
your emotions in check
when panic is in vogue
The jittery wrecks
who created the mess
will get incensed
and label you
Throw their indignation
back in their faces
Maybe your cool
can be contagious
Saturday, April 11, 2015
All Good
If it feels good
simply accept the sensation
as a welcome respite
from our desperate situations
Don't overanalyze your joy
Defer the guilt trip
You are a very worthy
of happiness
And you know what?
we here below
are going to be
living vicariously
through you
Looking to bask
in your smile residue
Cause feeling good
is always GOOD
Through Blood Shot Eyes
Misty with the butterfly tattoo
Travels light
Glides through this life
riding rainbows at night
Constantly suckling
the nectar of neon flowers
that line Pleasure Boulevard
The city is her playground
but the lifestyle comes with a price
Those Hellish morning afters
exact a heavy toll
on those who still
cling to remnants of their souls
The truth of this future abyss
hangs over all creatures
of the night
The sun always rises
burning away those
convenient denials
that darkness protects
As Misty once again
kneels before her porcelain throne
and purges the poisons accumulated
from the evening's debaucheries
Foggy reflections
yield to the reality
of the day
One last self confession
seeps through her walls
of hedonistic obsessions
In order to survive
she must someday
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Destination NullandVoid
I so wanna go
but got nowhere to go
Trapped in these days
piling up like eternity
Drifting in a sea of monotony
Compass is busted
I can't even concoct
stimulating fantasies anymore
The rut keeps deepening
You know what I mean?
Are you stuck
in nowhere like me?
we can keep each other company?
Funny Tragedy
Humor can unite
Lightening the mood
when we need a smile
Poking fun
at our shared absurdities
Group smiles soothe
a variety of calamities
but we sometimes can offend
even though
we did not intend
to wound bruised sensibilities
The humor we wield
can become a weapon
that cuts deep
Friends become enemies
at these perceived comedy slights
Maybe it's not right
but we really need
to always know our audience
lest the nuclear power of words
turns on us
and the explodes in our faces
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
The Book of Rigid
When self righteous
holier than thou types
descend from the mountain
with their chiseled truths
and moral imperatives
take a crowbar
to their closed minds
and remind them
that all unbending
stone monuments
to stubborn dogma
erode over time
As they will preach
with clenched teeth
that old time gospel
from the dusty books
printed by Gutenberg
centuries before
So very time insensitive
to the swirling
behavioral vagaries
of the text age
Adapt or die
Why don't dinosaurs ever listen?
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Final Verdict
After the music fades
and we receive
our final performance evaluation
about the audition
that is our lives
The last thing
we need hear
from the booming voice
sitting beneath
the blinding white light
"Try it again
once more with feeling"
Monday, April 6, 2015
Over the Top Rap
In all the fervor
of rarer than rare
black and white certainty
it's so easy
to lose perspective
in passions fire of intensity
and magnify the degree
of the nasty offense
in this unjust
world of ambiguous gray
Lead us not
into the nuclear powered fervor
of self righteous indignation
and deliver us
from ourselves
truth be told
nobody hears
the condescending
know it all
even when they're right
Fan Dumb
Here on the sidelines
it's so damn easy
to mock and criticize
those below in the arena
who dare play for all to see
Win or lose
the naysayers
will abuse
those they
openly resent
for a lifetime
of dreams unfulfilled
and all their realities
of mediocrity
So don't be
an angry
overly critical spectator
Try a little supportedness
Sunday, April 5, 2015
March of the Drones
We just launched
our latest model
in death tech
It's a kite drone
that drifts
over enemy lines
til it finds
our target du jour
Another advancement
in push button war
Missiles now
camouflaged very pretty
until they fall to Earth
and obliterates
our unsuspecting enemy
Some say
it's an impersonal way
to inflict casualties
but who needs
out dated
boots on the ground
costs and inefficiencies
when we can kill
much more safely
and effectively
from trailers
loaded with
pimply faced
soldier gamers
thousands of miles away
War in the 21st century
will be fought
in cyberspace battlefields
of touch screen technology
Friday, April 3, 2015
Celebrate the Brain
I am
the sum
of all I have met
You are too
The accumulation
from all the out takes
of scenes
played out daily
spliced together
in the mosaic of memory
Past snippets swirl
and form behavior
constantly evolving
forever learning
from the triumphs
and mistakes
of ourselves and others
We store this knowledge
stacked high
on the shelves of experience
Processing choices
with amazing efficiency
Such the marvelous
device of biology are we
though never at
the brain capacity
we think we should be
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
I want
to color in
all the phony innocent
not so well intended
white lies white
with an avalanche of truth
to forever render them
and irrelevant
Caged Tomorrows
My kind resides
outside the lines
drawn by
the authorities
of society
We are
by all conventional
marginal types at best
To be tolerated
but always kept
at arms length
as freak show players
tagged and caged
as to not infect
the insulated populace
from our peculiar brand
of behavior labeled aberrant
Their restrictions
we accept
as we acquiesce
to the whims
of the alpha mutts
but we know
the wheels
of change do turn
so we bide our time
til that day
of critical mass
when we freaks
and overwhelm
the freaked out
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