Saturday, June 21, 2014

Riding the Tornado

Early morning slumber 
shattered by siren's blare

Warning song false alarm
played out so often
we no longer cared

Rain drops dancing
on the window pane
can be so soothing

Winds pick up

Thunder rolls in
on the back of a locomotive
without tracks

Our complacency is shattered
by the whirlwinds sneak attack

All that we've known

Everything we owned
now belongs to the
cyclone blender

Panic and fear
does deposit
extreme perspective
when survival priority
blows in

We somehow survived
and made it out alive

Shock always dissipates

Pick up the pieces

Rebuild our house of glass

Embrace the generosity
of charitable humanity  

Count your blessings
while praying for those trapped
inside the eye of the storm

That they too find their way out

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