Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Experiment
The mad sociologist
is at it again
Conducts social experiment
Picks ten strangers
from the text generation
Random cross section
Locks them together in a room
Takes away all hand held devices
No televisions too
Forcing them to interact socially
like real people use to do
Two silent days later...
to ignite a conversation
a book of assorted poetry
is introduced
At first they resist
Reading off pulp
is like so 20th Century!
but eventually
the monotony is too much
and they dive into
the literary world
and heated debates ensue
over concepts subject
to interpretation
Live human interaction
still possible
in a laboratory environment
Can it be replicated
by choice
in real life ?
Monday, May 26, 2014
The Corrupt Family
Once a maligned cult
Labeled by the main stream
keepers of the faith
as the lunatic fringe
Of course this missive
brought down the hammer
of self righteous persecution
as only religious bigotry can do
Blood was spilled
on the martyr assembly line
Cranking out the saints
who would one day
have their names
attached to lofty cathedrals
twist the gospel
of intolerance against those
who sing from a different
hymn book
and so it goes...
All the saints and sinners
now congregate in the same place
With stained glass eyes
behind dark glasses of hypocrisy
that conceal their lies
and unyielding hate
Confessional Crock
I use to counsel people
slices of philosophy
You ALWAYS have options
Which leads to choices
and control of your destiny
Mastery of your fate
It all sounds so great
And now .....
a word from reality
a hard blast of clarity
Shit happens
We don't control the flow
"So how do we react?", you ask
How the Hell should I know!
I'm not even the director
of my own horror show
ad libbing my way through
this maze of uncertainty
Yet another
sleight of hand
bullshit artist
bluffing bad cards
Saturday, May 24, 2014
The Case For Heat
True love is always
a roll of the dice
a shot in the dark
steamy lust
is as simple
as inserting a plug
into a willing outlet
feeling the charge
Why deny yourself
high octane passion?
Even if it's random
Don't get trapped
forever longing
for story book romance
which may never come
Take a chance!
While waiting around
for Prince Charming
to sweep you off your feet
Have a quickie roll in the hay
with the sweaty farm hand
and create
an off the fairy tale
books memory
Even when
I am shunned
by my society
Even when
I am mocked
by my enemies
if I don't
no one else will
Friday, May 23, 2014
Night Butterflies
Sun is done
Now darkness
rules the scene
Nocturnal debutantes dance
on neon moon beams
Stylish carnivores cavort
on the crowded roar floor
Glazed rocket riders streaming live
getting their cyber blast on
The forces of frolic
eventually converge
and merge with the light
Taking flight in the night
Soaring high
into the celestial vortex
Light years above the pull
of gravity's morality
The clock strikes dawn
Magic now gone
As our bleary heroes
tumble off the conveyor belt
Landing back
into the cold steel arms
of the flat line monotony
we desperately tried to escape
in a time stream temporarily
when we journeyed to the stars
Light Up
Our tour
will now descend
into the deep
dark hole
that is my soul
We guide you
to these depths
not to dazzle you
with historical
Nor do we wish
to unleash the
fear beasties
temporarily suppressed
The lesson to be learned
serves as a future bridge
over your personal abyss
is the antidote
to darkness
Particles fill the void
and illuminate the soul
Only an open mind
can fast track
the healing light
It's the only way
So do as I say
not as I do
and don't
shut yourself off
from the world
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
The blank clock
nailed to the wall
knows nothing at all
Hands hang broken
Batteries long ago drained
No one around
knows how
to replace them
The clock maker creator
no where to be found
Time supports
those who believe
even when there
is now way to explain
what they can not see
Belief in a broken concept
forever tested
by apparent silence
Faith in the tick tock
existing in the vacuum
of impossible
If a clock chimes
in the Universe
and no one hears it
does eternity
even exist?
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Inequity Account
Life is UNFAIR
Always has been
Always will be
Accept this hard reality
Embrace the core philosophy
That while justice
is one fine ideal
Happiness resides
in living real
So lower the bar
when it comes
to expectations
and find joy
in the astonishment
of occasional fair play
Saturday, May 17, 2014
One Way Talk Up
If I can self love
a wretch like me
you surely can too
what 's that you say Mr G?
Are we on for all eternity?
are you going to continue
messing with me?
What kind of deity
are you anyway?
Always dangling temptations
in front of your flawed creations
Why must you entrap us
in sinful situations?
Be a God
we can all be proud of
Enough with the tough love!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Freak Show Revue
Step right up
Share a little coin
Come inside our
state of the art
canvas tent
Move to the back
Ladies and gentlemen
We have assembled for you
an all-star review
of freaks and geeks
you can feel smugly
superior to
Gasp and laugh
as our abnormal crew
degrade themselves
for your entertainment
and maybe some perspective
We will count your blessings
on your behalf
Since you can't seem
to do it for yourself
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Pumping Real
The true test of strength
is not how much iron
you can bench press
or many reps you can do
The true measure
of human power
is how much
you can uplift the spirits
of your friends
when they need you
Friday, May 9, 2014
Shaded Love
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Spark Life
Inspiration blast
Brain excavation
My solid thought
became an idea
evolved into
a great concept
which resonated
and exploded
into the swirl
of pop culture
Elevated through
into a fad
Went through
the spin cycle
came out
a cliche
A punch line
of a joke
Tried desperately
to rewind my creation
Too late
I had to sue myself
Messy self litigation
for misplaced
intellectual property
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Junkie Confessional
On those days
where all I wanna do
is stay in bed
and not
come out to play
I force myself
to ignore
my inherent
anti social
and choose
to live in this
I can't hide
from life
Believe me
I've tried
by technology
to my
flat screen society
with all my fellow
social misfits
Island blips
clever quips
Tangled in the
delusional web
Our cyber
shell game
a soothing
soul numbing
You can't do
by yourself
lose the media
from social media
and don't be
an oxymoron
Telescopic Truth
Black backdrop
Sky canvas
Speck of light
silently flickering
in a far off galaxy
Light wave express train
rolls through my eyes
Supernova flame out
Solar explosion
Expiration date
millions of years ago
with the dinosaur crew
So you see
Even stars die out
As do we
Accept time reality
and don't chase eternity
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Ghost Club
Roving spirits of the night
These apparitions
I use to fear
when I was afraid
of things
I did not understand
So worried was I
about my mortality
The whole finality deal
really spooked me
but now I see
there is no need to be
When I die
I shall return
to haunt the Earth
and join the legion
of ghosts who once
frightened me
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Mount Suppression
They drift in and out
to be seized or ignored
These time locked refugees
fester in our memories
My window of opportunity
slams on my hands
Fingers broken
and gnarled
A grotesque display
Dreams dashed
She walks away
into the mist
of our
could have been history
Fairy tale gone
Now I gotta move on
No choice
Tis all I can do
to climb over this pile
of buried tragedies