Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pesticide Genocide

I squished an ant

that had the audacity

to crawl across my floor

My son

asked me why

I squashed a bug

that had done no offense

except cross my path

in a place

it knew not

was culturally inappropriate

His query took me aback

because I had never

properly analyzed

an action

I had mindlessly performed

a million times before 

Was I power tripping

as if

I was a vengeful God

terminating a life

I deemed inferior?

Guess I could 

always fall back

on the ten commandments

Judeo Christian tradition


that the mini sinner

had broken into my home

to steal my crumbs

Truth is

I cold bloodily murdered

my victim

for no other reason

than this was how I

was brainwashed 

from early childhood

that we

as the dominant s

have the right

to dominate

and even

exterminate those

we feel

are beneath us

Then I realized

after humanity

in the name

of religion

politics or


trendy hate device

finally squashes

and squishes

itself off the globe

the lowly bugs

who for now

scurry beneath our feet

will survive our

self carnage

and inherit the Earth

They shall have

the last laugh

on their




  1. Wait, are you saying that the "eeeek!" shall inherit the earth?

  2. lol....and they'll probably do a better job than our species
