Tuesday, January 7, 2025

My Church

Our loose congregation
of gratuitous freaks and sinners
convenes every Thursday Eve
in a condemned tavern
deep in the urban wilderness

Prior to the evening's festivities
the Minister of Quasi Salvation
will creatively conduct
our version of vesper services

These rites will fit nicely
as a spiritual condom
to pre absolve
our scheduled debauchery
and protect we marginal souls
from scary eternal damnation

As an extra layer of pious protection
on Saturday for a slight fee
the man of the tattered cloth
will offer those soiled pilgrims
who went below and beyond
a very special blanket confession
to catch all those slippery transgressions
that may have fallen
between the pre absolution cracks

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Truth Rules


Let's agree to be protective
over all matters subjective
We got that precious First Amendment
ensuring free speech after all
Even those with whom we disagree with
for views we may even find repugnant

In fact especially those whose opinions
may reside on the fringe minority
deserve the right to be heard

The free and open exchange of ideas
makes us all stronger
when all is said and done
But let's not add disinformation into the mix
especially when the lies are deliberate

Those who mislead with fabricated facts
and flood social media with contrived bullshit
only serve to muddy the waters
of intelligent contemplative discourse

These spinners of fraud have no business
being included in any discussions

Let's all agree

to let their toxic lies rot on the vine

Power Fucked


The giant is oblivious
to the sickening symphony
of bones crunching beneath his feet
since the great disparity
from squished victims
to his privileged consciousness
is such a massive distance

Because the beast is so
grotesquely large
it was decided by those
desperate for power
to put President Musk in charge
in the misguided hope
that such responsibility
would motivate the oligarch
to tread more lightly

Not likely

For you see


narcissistic Neo Nazis

don't relinquish

the power they paid for

before they have exacted

their pounds of peasant flesh