Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Bait and Switch

Why do we ask what we already know? Why is forbidden fruit always placed out front? So easily obtainable for we deficients suffering from physical and spiritual malnutrition The historical curse of the human condition Temptation... Too easily obtainable with barbed strings attached that carry the potential to extinguish us wayward sinners

Monday, January 27, 2025

Pitter Splatter

 There goes

my heart again

Rolling down
the front steps
and into the indifferent street

Just another human tragedy
littering the crimson city

I wander aimlessly
through the boulevard
of lost souls
beneath the
flickering street lamps

Plunge into the excess
of useless regret

Anything to forget
her toxic existence

Damage control
always requires time
to fix this condition

These wounds will heal

The blood will congeal 

Only then

can I proceed
to my next relationship

Friday, January 24, 2025

All Me


As the years accumulate
and gently rain down on me
my mind has slowed
to such an extent
that I have landed
in a place
of contentment

My universe has slowed
to a glorious crawl

I am not stressing anymore
about shit beyond my control

Happiness is this acceptance

But in the back of my mind
buried beneath the suppression
I know the grade of my decline
will land me in dementia
like my parents before
when we called it senility

I'll descend there eventually

But not today

Gonna for once take it easy

Close the time capsule
and just be

Ponderous Ponderings


If you came face to face
with the truth
would you know 
what to do with it?

Can you even believe
your perceptions?

Can you still trust 
past assumptions?

Those hazy recollections
of all we have learned
and applied
do so
cloud the new reality

Doubt seeps in 
and obliterates
our concrete paradigms

Until the core is infected
with the paralysis of doubt

Once we lose the
protection of our
self confidence
we begin to question
our very foundation
and ponder
if truth is even still possible

Is this evolution or dissolution?

Or both?

The Hell if I know

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hammer Time


There is no hypocrisy
like religious duplicity

Not only do these phony
children of the Pharisees
make a mockery
of the teachings of Jesus
with such toxic hateful rhetoric
their intellectual dishonesty
gets weaponized
by those very same zealot types
who nailed Christ to the cross

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

That's All Folks

I am going to die..

Sooner than I had hoped Timelines being so fickle Are they not? I hope you remember me Maybe fondly Maybe not I used to think that mattered The fallacy of legacy Just pissing into a hurricane

A harmless self delusion

Is it not?

Life is not fair

Death too

Neither was ever meant to be

Neither were we


The Messenger Wins


When a sliver of light
slashed the night
bisecting the darkness
and the emptiness
of those manipulated
by ignorant deceptions
lashed out at the source
in a desperate reflex action
of futile self defense

Their shame
of past venomous deflections
now staring back at them
in the unforgiving mirror

As if their flailing denials
and personal attacks
against the courageous messenger
ever had a chance
of prevailing
against the blinding power of truth

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Louder Than Words


I believe
in Heaven and Hell
more than ever before
And not in the dogmatic sense
bound in ancient texts
with prayers and ancient incantations
that have zero relation
to the swirl of tribulations
we face daily here on Earth
where Heaven and Hell
are not only very real
but challenge our faith severely

This is where the action battle
between good and evil rages daily
and where we stake our claim
with the choices we make
that defines 
not only who we are
but where we will roll ultimately
on our path custom made
to spiritual eternity

Swing and a Miss


The ice queen
gave me a sly smile
which I
in my state of need
took as a subliminal
romance invitation
Moving in without hesitation
for a kiss with the object
of my potential affection
I puckered up for the chance to share
a sensual liaison
with those lips so fair
She slipped my advance
with the grace of a ballet dancer
as I smooched
nothing but thin air

Of course
my blocked amorous humiliation
was captured for all posterity
by a voyeur hand held device
to such an extent
that my failure mass posted
is now a forever meme
in the public domain of shame

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Smooth Operator


Fold the page

Execute a clean crease

Bisect the universe vast

Fold it again

Continuous segmentation

Diminishing subsets

Yet the sum space
of our canvas
remains the same
if you can manage
to see past
the ripple effect
that distracts

Embrace the big picture
elegantly framing the totality
of this infinite perception game

Friday, January 17, 2025

King Stealth


The man on the periphery
slow dancing on the edge
of relevancy
has come to cherish
his transparency
for there is a certain majesty
in his cloak of anonymity

For he is the sole sovereign
of his domain

The ruler of The Great Unknown

The Lord of Invisibility
does so cherish being alone
and is petrified
of ever being exposed

And if the walls
of this stealth existence
were ever to be breached
he would mourn
his loss of freedom
previously locked away with him
in his solitary kingdom

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Blind Jammed


God how I wish
our existence
was not one big
ongoing conflict
on a grinding loop

Words I can do
but visual cues
and physical inflections
remain as foreign to me
as the moon

Can't read your face
without proper annotations
which always makes
our compromised communications
a problematic
tragically fractured equation

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Burned Out


Took my empty bucket
down to the lake
for some much needed
fluid replenishment

for parched me
and all of us fragile 
Terra inhabitants
our life source had gone dry

As was the mighty stream
that til very recently
had filled our cups to the brim

Now nothing but a cracked
rock hard drought highway
leading us to extinction

We looked to the acid sky
seeking environmental relief
but nary a cloud was to be found
over this now desperate landscape
of self created
rapidly diminishing returns

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Fossilized Us


Had this weird premonition
about my sudden extinction
by an event unforeseen
Ain't that the way it happens?
A stray meteor drops from the sky
The ash mushroom cloud
blocks out the sunshine
Our shocked asses freeze and die
And just like that
my temporary friends we're bones in a museum

Reconstructed fossil novelties
dug up by future
alien paleontologists
who will hypothesize
about what made us tick

Stuffed puffy doll merchandise
of our projected
cuddly existence
on sale in the lobby
to pay for the science
of reconstructing our long gone kind

Friday, January 10, 2025

Memory Cleanse


Another fucking retrospective
nobody requested

It all seems so desperate
in that clingy sort of way

So let's not dredge up yesterday
any more than necessary

Perhaps use as a reference point
for future mistake prevention?


Think back..

Can we at least all agree
our past was not exactly
all that?

Nostalgia is a band aid remedy I guess
when the present is such a complete mess

No way these could possibly be
our "good old days" someday?

The best thing about remembrance
is our editing can be very selective

Invoking the healing powers of suppression

Time is a canvas that covers all wounds

Swipe Left


What should be self evident
too often is not

It's just too damn dark
in our thought silos
to see all the storms
we could have avoided

Cause and effect
has zero respect
for the laments
of the purposely ignorant

It's you.. It's me..

It's our whole damn humanity
with our souls

buried in smart phones
that truth be told
ain't very bright

We have devolved
into obscene blips
locked in a flat screen environment
that in reality
has become our prison