Saturday, March 1, 2025

Escape Hatching


Sun is done

Now darkness
rules the scene

Nocturnal debutantes dance
on neon moon beams

Stylish carnivores cavort
on the tightly packed roar floor

Glazed rocket riders streaming live
getting their cyber blast on

The forces of frolic
eventually converge
and merge with the light

Taking flight in the night

Soaring high
into the celestial vortex

Light years above the pull
of gravity's morality

The clock strikes dawn

Magic now gone

As we bleary heroes
tumble out of the clouds

Landing back
into the cold steel arms
of the flat line monotony
we desperately tried to escape
in a time stream temporarily
when we journeyed to the stars

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

End of the Line Dancing


Tick tock
I seem to have forgotten where I left my specs

Gotta work around the blur
Tick Tock

Did I take my meds?

Can't find them anyway
What's my number again? Written down on a scrap somewhere What's the name of that face I should know? I know I knew it not too long ago

It seems lately
these gaps are happening
with greater regularity My brain seems to be dripping
snippets of my mind as in rolls the dementia fog The insidious onslaught
of cognitive decline

Soon I won't even realize
how far gone I am

In the end
it will be better this way

Blissful self ignorance

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bull Doged


Don't lay
this darkest before the dawn
played out comfort cliche
on me and my
scared shitless society
of former rational creatures

Let's push the panic button
if we can somehow find
that modern security blanket
amidst all this darkness..

And in our desperation
we turned to the Disruptor
and his agents of chaos
to perform shock therapy
on our malfunctioning nation

The fatal flaw in this plan
is that rampaging bulls
don't give a damn
about the consequences
of shattered plates in their wake
strewn all over the place
Now we few adults who remain
are gonna have to clean up this carnage
along with the bloody mess
the long gone stampede crew made

All because we fools opted
for mindless random
mass destruction
over the nuanced adjustments
of precision reconstruction

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Duct Tape and Chicken Wire


Things break

in this existence

of wear and tear

People snap

when tensions

become too heavy to bear

We do our best 

to fix what we can

Replace broken parts

Patch up the holes

Not easy to do repairs

when spinning out of control

As we learn to accept

we gotta work around

these stubborn defects

that define

our flawed existence

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cause and Respect


Today's parade
will commence
promptly at eight

This will be
a mass celebration
of the brave
arsonist fireman
who has started many a blaze
but quickly extinguished
the horrible conflagration
of his own creation
much to the amazement
of we gullible
hero starved sychophants
clad in our best
gasoline saturated threads

Monday, February 3, 2025

Mushroom Soup


In a land where light never shines mushroom citizens reside Consumed with raging bitterness at the oblivious oak tree which steadfastly blocks out the sun from their little black patch of ground Task force meetings are constantly convened Shadow removal action plans proposed and bounced around How to take down this anchored obstruction given their limited resources and budgetary constraints of a fungi economy? In the darkness it’s so very hard to see the futility of current reality

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Shit Storm Part Deux


What we thought flushed
is back with a vengeance

This unrepentant
overflowing mess of a man
once again has risen
to obliterate
our fragile existence
flooding out this thin veneer
of no longer reliable denials

Our arrogance did this
as the stench of his ignorance
blasts our nostrils
with yet another reminder
that blind faith
in flawed institutions
over common sense
has drowned
many a complacent empire

Scorched Bricks

 May I have your attention

for an important announcement
from your Department
of Homeland Rearrangement...

Our cultural dissolution
will commence promptly at eight...

Please don't be late...

All toxic relics of our corrupted civilization
will be promptly set ablaze
in a raging bonfire you won't wanna miss...

Bring your camera phone devices
to get the best conflagration flame shots
and then toss those hand held beasts
into the cleansing fire
for a fitting ironic conclusion

Stick around for the mandatory after party
scheduled for around midnight
where a plethora of filthy dissidents
will be tossed into the inferno we did create

Their cowardly screams 
will serve as a scorching reminder
that we here at your DHR
are serious to the extreme
about making America Hate Again

Eating In

Power to the people

At least in theory
cause all these Indians
need a strong Chief

Enter Oligarchy

Compassionate stewards are we
of the frustrated electoral majority
who have been conditioned to view
their government as the enemy

We will burn it to the ground
and piss on the ashes
of your frail democracy
that we in our benevolence
have permanently wrecked

The bill
for our self serving services
will be due immediately
cause we predators gotta eat
the prey who invited us in

Mr Lighter Fluid


From out of the Wasteland I came
to burrow my way
into your already infected brains

Setting off a festering insanity
that was boiling just beneath the surface

Go ahead and decry my existence
and blame me
for your raging sickness

I am not the root cause
of your current inferno
fever condition

I was just the ignition
and mine will be
the last face you see
before you get consumed
by the searing flames
self inflicted

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Bait and Switch

Why do we ask what we already know? Why is forbidden fruit always placed out front? So easily obtainable for we deficients suffering from physical and spiritual malnutrition The historical curse of the human condition Temptation... Too easily obtainable with barbed strings attached that carry the potential to extinguish us wayward sinners

Monday, January 27, 2025

Pitter Splatter

 There goes

my heart again

Rolling down
the front steps
and into the indifferent street

Just another human tragedy
littering the crimson city

I wander aimlessly
through the boulevard
of lost souls
beneath the
flickering street lamps

Plunge into the excess
of useless regret

Anything to forget
her toxic existence

Damage control
always requires time
to fix this condition

These wounds will heal

The blood will congeal 

Only then

can I proceed
to my next relationship

Friday, January 24, 2025

All Me


As the years accumulate
and gently rain down on me
my mind has slowed
to such an extent
that I have landed
in a place
of contentment

My universe has slowed
to a glorious crawl

I am not stressing anymore
about shit beyond my control

Happiness is this acceptance

But in the back of my mind
buried beneath the suppression
I know the grade of my decline
will land me in dementia
like my parents before
when we called it senility

I'll descend there eventually

But not today

Gonna for once take it easy

Close the time capsule
and just be