Saturday, November 30, 2024

Change My Mind


The Boomer man
that I will always be
will never comprehend
pants made of denim
with holes in them
by design..

By design?

As in on purpose?
This fashion statement blows my mind..
And not little rips anymore
with teasing peek-a-boo intent..
We're talking huge gaping shredded caverns..
Showing more skin than thread..
Which is the prurient intent I guess..

And a trend I have never been against..

But why not just wear a short dress?

(Feel free to Google this torn clothing concept)

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Not Entertained


Your positions
steadfast and true
belong to you..
As mine belong to me
with equal adamancy..
On most issues of the day
we stealthy agree..

More than the bloodthirsty mob
consciously chooses to ever see..

Common ground lies dormant..

Buried by the fog of pointless disagreements..
So we slice each other to shreds
for the sheer entertainment value
of those who stay above the fray
Which is where we would be
if only we had the good sense
to work out our differences
like mature adults are supposed to do

Monday, November 25, 2024

There We Blow


Yes we built the bomb..

The biggest yet with the best ever tech to destroy not only our planet but the moon at night too..

It's what we do..

Zero consideration to consequence of the biblical style apocalypse that will be an unequivocal man made event as the Lord rolls his eyes and laments the eternal folly of instilling free will in such a flawed creation forever Hell bent on it's own self destruction

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Long Gaming


One gray morning
we awake collectively
in the midst of a nightmare
that was now the new reality..

Where up is down
and monsters long suppressed
are elevated to the dominant species..

Here in our current warped universe
facts are now subject
to the ravages of harsh refraction..

Even truths that once seemed obvious
in the days pre apocalypse
have been bent and twisted
to such an extent
as to make past standards irrelevant..

This is a dangerous existence
cause it's thoroughly logic resistant
and merciless in it's application
to nonsensical tests of loyalty..

The only way we can survive
in this new thought gulag
run by trolls and bullies
is to hunker down in our bunkers
and wait patiently
for the arrogant beasties
to devour each other

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Hard Times


In this conveyor belt existence
the shit just keeps coming..

God how I hate this place..

These unrelenting shadows
slowly sapping my resolve
to get out of bed in the morning..

So in a flash of defiance
I toss my nemesis
into the nearest trash bin
only for the bitch to ricochet
and hit me in my stunned face..

All the while
the object of my disaffection
grows exponentially..

Mocking these feelings of futility
and hopeless disillusionment..

Now a bloodied mess..

I gotta confess..

I hate this fucking place
even more than before

Love the Sinner


My salvation
isn't going so well.. 

Though I do believe
in Heaven and Hell..

For you see
I've been to both locales
and the place down below
ain't exactly a choice destination..

This should be a sufficient moral deterrent
next time I cuddle with temptation
but I know damn well it won't be..

The flesh sure is weak
but still way stronger than the mind
which is a major flaw design
the absent manufacturer
is sinfully not inclined
to ever repair even partially

Monday, November 18, 2024

Lighten Up


How dour can you be
that you take this bullshit
so damn seriously?

All your panicky hyperbole
ain't gonna change today's reality
one damn bit..

All your boo hoo scenarios
that may or may not come true
are gonna play out without you
and your apocalypse predictions..

So let go of your self generated strife
that's ruining the grinding trip
and look at the bright side
of this all too fleeting life

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Best Clique


Meet the new cool kids..

Citizens of the best clique..

They may be dweebs individually..

Losers of major social inadequacy..

But together they roll trendy..

Soaking up outsider's envy..

Because they collectively
are the cult within the Cult..

The high priests of MAGA Force One..

Top of the depraved chain..

The next level Brat Pack

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Falling Up


Life does seemingly
play senseless
like a warped top
spinning out of control
but if you can embrace
the randomness
and slip into the proper
it's all bullshit perspective
you may begin to appreciate
the entertainment value
of this unscripted
off the rails production..

So shed without reservation
the suffocating monotony
of contentment serenity
and make chaos and anarchy
your we're all fucked buddies

Friday, November 15, 2024

Deafening Thoughts

As I get older I find
I gotta constantly raise
the volume button.. 

Straining to hear
diminishing praise
fading in the distance..

As the audio fades
I have finally found
the time for contemplation
free from noisy distractions
that drowned out my thought process

Now I find refuge in the silence
and the age old solace
of never again having to hear
what I don't wanna believe

Alone in my warm blanket of tranquility..

Liberated from the maddening cacophony
that now rolls on loudly without me

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dread Knock


The closet nihilist in me
is really looking forward
to January twenty
when the orange shit
splatters the fan
and the clown show
rolls into town..

The day when our national penance
will commence
as our tribe wanders the wilderness
for four fucking years..

Such is the price of mass ignorance
compounded by the arrogance
of the dumb ass majority
awash in apathy
and emotion fueled delusions..

Maybe crash and burn
is the only way
for the fever to break
so the body politic
can purge this MAGA virus
from our national consciousness
once and for all..

Then again
maybe I'll be wrong
and this new administration
will be a hit sensation..

Perhaps the projected pessimism
is all in my negative head..

If so, I will be happily mistaken
because unlike the many zealot partisans
on my defeated side 
of the political divide
I want my country to succeed 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Dead Fools


And now
the end is near
as we face
the final curtain..

The barbarians at the gate
were invited in
that much is certain..

The carnage they will bring
can not be overstated..

Now comes the tragic irony
to our little horror story..

Seems our ruination
as a functioning nation
was self inflicted
by ignorant fools..

Hey.. It's majority rules..

The tyranny of the stupid..

But we of the now pissed minority
are not absolved of blame..

Our apathy and arrogance  
to the threat we knew was there
makes our collective death
a case of suicide by mass negligence..

So let our epitaph say
when historians sift though
the rubble ashes of the U.S.A. 

We imploded our way

Monday, November 11, 2024

Perspective Street


My side lost..


How will ever I survive
the reign of the bad guys?


Like I did the first time..

Maybe..Just maybe
it's time to minimize
the sky is falling hyperbole
that serves for currency
these contentious days
and commence
living on the bright side
of this too short for comfort life

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Self Autopsy


Stunned us assembles post explosion
in our new bunker lair..

Brushing hysteria from our hair
finger pointers everywhere
commence the orgy of blame..

The played out ass covering
accountability deflection game
that blackens all mirrors
and perpetuates
the same lame self deceptions
which caused this massive disaster
in the first place..

Friday, November 8, 2024

Wither Us


When the mob

of dubious reputation

entered our fine establishment

at the express invitation

of our less discerning members

who thought we needed

to loosen our stuffy standards

the world was turned upside down..

Now that they've been forever shattered

and the shady element

we once shunned now has validation

our once respectable institution

crumbling before us

will never be the same..

Nobody is really to blame..

Erosion is Nature's way

of taking down ancient structures

that have outlived their usefulness

as it reshuffles the deck

to push the illusion of progress

down our now parched throats

Serious Dump


Riddle me this..

Why so serious?

More and more
on this interminable journey
to nowhere in particular
I've learned to grudgingly embrace
the absurdity of it all
and make this philosophical query
about excess trip seriousness
my base core philosophy
when I find myself
taking this bullshit too deeply
on a macro or micro life level..

So gather ye levity where ye may
cause all the grim problems of today
we fret about incessantly 
will be dust to dust memories
they'll bury our stressed out asses in

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Push Back


Feeling very dystopian today

as if a storm is coming our way..

Even the rainbows are trending gray..

Time for a little mass penance

for underestimating our adversary

yet again..

Turn the page..

Lose that self pity..

Channel that internal rage..

Make the enemy rue the day

they peed down on our democracy..

No more playing meek defense..

Now we get to go on offense..

Make their every breath a misery..

Welcome to the Resistance 

Fruit Salad


Apples and oranges
really despise being the poster fruits
of impossible unmatchable comparisons...

They celebrate their personal differences
and together reject all lame analogies
that these days grow on trees
in our contentious
us versus them society..

Monday, November 4, 2024



All those loose truths you do
with minimum respect
for the sanctity
of tethered reality
as you dance with narratives
that never come with attached
adverse fact checks..

All the scrapes
with exasperated authority
who despite their best
Wile E. Coyote persistence
can never tag you with consequence..

No one can touch you..
Ferris Bueller..

Who grew up to be
the 45th president of our country
and may well do an encore..

The brat we hate and envy
with equal intensity..

The likes of this character
never seen before
and unlikely
to ever come our way again

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Opiate of Numbers

We masters of future events
have moved on from primitive
crystal ball tech..

Instead we harvest targeted data
to confidently project tomorrow
based on our very best
quantitative sample analysis..

Modern prophets of a philosophical bent
rely heavily on these black and white stats
to such a skewed over reliant extent
they oft overlook statistical anomalies
tucked away in the mystical margin of error..

Ignore not the ancient sage of prophesy
warning us to beware the beast of improbability
slight as the long shot odds
that the catastrophe may seem to be..

We need to always respect the possibility
that our best laid statistical projections
are no match for the power of destiny..
That most overlooked shock variable
throughout human history

Weed Removal


All the slimy whine seeds
have been planted deep
and fertilized with bullshit..

Come next election cycle 
the latest toxic crop of weeds
will once again threaten
our garden democracy
and grounded traditions of fair play..

Another sore losers symphony
of alternate reality conspiracy
will seek to choke off
the will of the people
which repudiates
the narrow warped vision
their hatred culture did create..

We good people
from all sides politically
need to finally agree
that we as a society
gotta remove permanently
these noxious weeds
of the obnoxious minority
by their thick headed roots
so that next time around
our crop will not be polluted
by all their performative
sore loser posturing crap
that has stained recent history

Friday, November 1, 2024

Out of Conversation


The rambunctious man
of limited filtration
and minimum intellect
never disappoints
when asked his opinions
that always skew
consistently unhinged..

Critics will predictably
jump on the maniac
for his irrational rants
tinged with careless language
but you know deep down
this deplorable clown
will be secretly missed
by these very same critics..

For this force of darkness
who thrives on conflict
has long been the focal
talking point topic
for these purveyors of views
that while rationally conceived
always lack the entertainment value
of Public Nuisance Number One..

What will these chattering pundits
have to communally fret about
when their go to monster is gone?