Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Too Much Truth


Strolling through the fields of envy
I take myself and my gray reality
toward a better perception
in the fast approaching horizon..

Hopped over the fence..

Landed on my feet
on the other side
where the grass
was allegedly greener..

Stepped on the snake
in residence there..

It bit me so deep in my naivety
all my best cliches bled out
leaving behind an ugly scar 
of painful disillusionment..

The truth is never as good as we dream..

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Embrace the Gray


My mood today
is a somber grade 
of unrelenting shade..

But that's OK..

A little depression
now and then
is good for the soul..

Every day can't be sunshine
and glossy rainbows..

In fact these very human
cyclical pit stops along the way
increase our happiness appreciation
when the great pendulum
lifts our saggy asses
in an upward direction again


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Type Casting


At the bang bang party
the sleek feline moved on me
like she was attacking her prey..

I put up my best token resistance
in a lame attempt to save face
which was about to be ravaged..

It was all for show..

Cause both of us did know
we were born for these roles
and this assigned destiny

Damn Unicorns


All your self righteous indignation
about the dark storm rolling in
threatening to rain on our parade
not only clouds your judgement
but hinders our now much needed
Plan B preparations
to weather what could very well be
a tragic future reality
if we stubbornly refuse
to accept the proposition
that life is not always fair..

In fact it rarely is..

Shit does tend to happen..

So you unicorn riding
head in the cotton candy clouds
starry eyed idealists
who refuse to pitch in
with our disaster preventions
are every bit as dangerous
to our ultimate success
as any obstructionist is 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Release Point


You may or may not know
that the gaping truth below
flows with inevitability..

The tyranny of time and gravity
comes for us all in the end..

The whole dust to dust mortality
we fight with pointless futility..

Fear of transitioning naturally
when the lights go out
on this destined to close show..

Sometimes it's best to let go
and land into that shared reality
where all spent souls repose

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Loser Influencers


Time to post noble sentiments
like all the other hypocrites
pleading we tone down our hate rhetoric.. 

Now we firemen arsonists
are compelled to lecture you rubes
about unity
and the need for mutual respect
of your fellow human beings..

Yes, even our enemies(wink)..

All that Kum Ba Yah 
thoughts and prayers bullshit
we are forced to dispense
every time
one of you triggered psychos
takes our hatred hyperbole
way too literally..

Can you stop being so damn gullible
and start THINKING for yourselves
or at the very least don't embarrass
your influencers with over the top violence?

Stand back and stand by..

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Garden of Useful Idiots

Now that all the hatred
has been fully allocated
we shall now apply prejudice
to load up the arsenal of the ignorant
so that these useful idiots
can freely dispense
full scapegoating venom
on the heads of those poor bastards
seeking a better life
who lack the fire power to fight back.. 

Whatever it takes
to grow our influence base..

Feeding the starving weeds
their daily ration of bitter poison..

Losers desperately in need
of their superiority fix..

Little do these fools realize
that the steady stream of lies
are nothing more than rocket fuel
to push through our twisted
propaganda power agenda
that was never intended
to include ignorant them

Click Reality


I use to believe
back in my younger days of innocence
that the Truth would set us free..

Twas the most powerful force
in the Universe
that cut through all loose bs..

That was then..

Today Denial dominates..

Custom fit
to whatever bullshit narrative
you choose to create
or faithfully regurgitate..  

Pounding that square peg
into the round propaganda sphere..

Where we're at today is chillingly clear..

Social media posts of mass quantity
are valued far more than factual quality..

The tyranny of click reality..

The more the scarier..

While we of the Truth minority
cower in our bunkers
waiting patiently
for the bill to come due
to give us naysayers
a little vindication

Monday, July 8, 2024

Pushing Through


The improbable flower
somehow pushes through
this most hostile environment.

It grows
wherever it chooses
contrary to standard logic
or long standing rational rules..

It grows in the most
at the most inconvenient times
in the most improbable locations..

It grows every which way
and it can not be stopped
by antiquated boundaries
with traditional restrictions..

This is a persistence
that plants the seeds of possibilities
in all of us
beneath the surface creatures
dreaming of breaking out some day

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Keyboard Man

I am
a keyboard man
living in a touchscreen world..

Wiseass kids mock dinosaur me
as being hopelessly obsolete
and out of touch
with current modern realities ..

Their assessment
of my lack of basic competence 
regarding all things tech
is one hundred percent accurate..

Though I freely profess
despite my device ignorance
I do possess common sense
that can't be found on any hard drive..

Not that any of this human insight
is transferable in any way
to the current microprocessor existence
we reside in today
rapidly growing beyond our control

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Lone Stranger


Locked away in solitary
alone with myself
in splendid isolation..

Label makers reflexively
leap into action to label me
as pathetically lonely..

I have no problem with that
if it fits your narrow narrative
that we all need to be
social animals on display..

I instead choose to be happy..

Picking my spots
when and where
I choose to participate
in this society
I've never been comfortable in..

You should do the same..

Whatever floats your boat..

That's my solo narrative

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Brave Old Fart


Blood in the water
sure attracts them sharks
looking to take a bite out of my ass..

Just another foolhardy scrape
in this trip of a life..

Should have practiced
safe existence and checked  
before leaping into a pool
of an unknown depth..

They say
in that condescending way
I could have died..

Oh really?

Since ancient me
rapidly closing in
on natural mortality
has finally conquered
the deterrent of death
I can finally dive in unafraid..

Liberated from the fear
of death's inevitability
we mortal ghosts to be
roll with nothing left to lose..

Our brave elderly crew
looking to go out with a bang

Doppler Tripping


We can no longer ignore
this mutual friction
wreaking havoc 
with the success equation..

Our expedition trip variance..
playing out in two rear view mirrors..

A disturbing element
as the gap widens between us..

An unrelenting constant..
that has taken on a life of it's own..

Now the unstoppable norm
for we prisoner spectators..

Acceleration in different directions
with each passing rotation..

The current source of great frustration
as we are hit with the mutual realization
that we'll never be together again