Sunday, December 31, 2023

Left to Write


I write.. 

Therefore I am..

Or not..

It depends in every way
on what I have to say..

Or not..

You read me..

Maybe not..

Too many redundancies..

Bereft of originality..

So here I be
at the bottom of your pile..

Languishing in obscurity..

Just another anonymous author
writing only to himself..

Or not?

Maybe someday..

Dead Ahead


There comes a point
in this trip that seems endless
deep into
the indifferent horizon
that you have to trust
the power of motion
to pierce the inertia
determined to hinder us
from our current destination..

If we do survive
and somehow manage to arrive
don't you dare look back
deep into the abyss
of over analysis..

No need for pointless remembrance..

All that post trip bullshit
that sticks to our shoes
and leaves behind
the clinging accumulation
retrospective residue
which only serves to slow us down
like a persistent drag demon
as we set out to embark
on our final journey

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Que Sera Sera


A scribe of some note
once profoundly wrote
that all the world's a stage
and we're but mere players
in this long running show..

The dude neglected to include
that we are also spectators
to this oft criticized production
rolling both ad libbed and scripted
seemingly without direction..

Life does tend to play senseless
like a warped top spinning out of control
but if you can embrace the randomness
and slip into the proper 
it's all bullshit perspective
you may begin to appreciate
the pure entertainment value
this chaos does create..

Bleeding Greed


Here on the island where I be
we got water on all sides..

Here in the inlet
where the land kisses the sea..

Man we were living peacefully..

If you are into existing naturally..

Beneath this natural beauty
they found a bounty of oil..

Black gold..

Texas Tea..

Our landscape once pristine
now a tapped natural resource
to feed the beast
that raped the land
on the alter of supply and demand..

For the cause of energy independency
cause we need to be A-rab free
and masters of our economy..

We the disciples of the profit motive
know deep down that our gluttony
is gonna sink our species someday
into the same murky swamp
that buried the dinosaurs

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Action Figure


I will never be a touchy feely
hands on huggy bear.. 

Tis the Northern European
in me I guess..

It's not that I care any less..

So do not be dismayed
if my feelings
are not publicly displayed..

Let my actions hold sway
and let these deeds 
offset my exasperating silence


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Word Arrows


I have been edited
and condensed
so many times
by censors inclined
to obliterate the oxygen
that existed between my lines..

My message diminished
to the point of irrelevance
which was always their intent..

But I did manage to deposit
a word seed narrative
in the fertile soil of resistance
that will blossom and live on
long after disposed of me
is gone

So for what's left
with the rest of my days
gotta keep up the transmission
fractured as it may be..

One never knows who is listening...

Sunday, December 17, 2023

oh me of little faith


I don't know God..

Never met him..

And since I be

an empirical


rational creature

tis hard for me

to fully buy

into the concept

of a supreme being

who resides

in a dimension

forever beyond 

my limited grasp..

I don't know God..

but I sure wish I did..

How comforting

would it be

to exist

in a fortress of faith

where belief

in a force

of benevolence

would provide me

a rock solid moral foundation..

Why can't I shed

these doubts?

I'd fully buy

into the faith program

if I only could..


I shiver outside

agonizing alone

on these cold church steps.. 

Too agnostic

for my own damn good

Cracked Country


The mold now broken
began with a hairline crack
which of course we ignored
cause twas just a cosmetic defect... 

Or so we thought...

Now we have a real mess
all because we did not respect
the terrors of consequence
when mass ignorance
and non benign neglect
wrecked a once noble concept 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Respect the Misfits


I try to hide but the night goes fast..

Strive to fly but the high won't last..

The past has got a hold of me..

Life is a battle versus gravity..

Rotting alone in this pit of misery
with only the darkness for company..

No help is coming cause nobody cares..

Vultures descend to get their share..

Don't look pass me like I'm not there..

You can't ignore what's everywhere..

Politicians cynically exploit our plight..

Demonize us as symbols of urban blight..

It's so cruel cause we're people too..

Trying to survive as best we can do..

We the designated weakest links of the economy..

Retreads of a throw away society

Every day our homeless legions grow..

We'll save you a spot in the shadows

Fear Shredding


It's been my experience
that the key to happiness
and semi contentment
is found in the acceptance
that nine tenth
of the shit we fret about
is irrelevant nonsense
in the grand scheme
of this all too condensed existence...

Of course I have to self confess
that the identifying and shedding
of these false sources of anguish
is never an easy task
in this world of mass information
where we can Google confirm
all the scary monsters out there...

A few of them may indeed cross our path
but most of these demons never do
so don't let them be an obsession
that leads to the insidious joy paralysis
too prevalent in the horror show narrative
we far too often craft for ourselves

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Mind Manipulations


Here in the interim
where the words are a blur
and all lines skew curved
we trend toward darkness.. 

In here the view is clear.. 

Light loses relevance..

Truth reduced to an empty concept..

Reality can be made to disappear..

The certainty of ignorance
that's easily manipulated
into pliable perceptions

In this propaganda abyss
nothing becomes everything
inside this cesspool of bullshit
passing for modern politics

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Giving and Taking



The young brats we use to be
learned the lesson eventually
of limitation reality..

The power of the word NO..

The need for denial necessity..

Chains to restrain the tyranny of I ...

Self interest suppressed for the greater good..

Life is learning the art of compromise..

Share..share... that's fair...

We can't always get everything we want.. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Jamming Frustration


This ancient jar of jam..

A recently discovered gem
buried in the clutter of my fridge..

Between me and the contents 
is a determined lid
that keeps freshness in
and contaminating air out..

This cover vacuumed sealed
and reinforced by time
can not be freed
by the brute force of me..

So the locked treasure goes
back into the Frigidaire abyss..

Residing out of sight
in the shadows 
safe from the door activated light
as to not torment my soul
with the shame of my past weakness..

Perhaps someday
a stronger future generation
will release this beast
for now safely tucked away
in chilled obscurity

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Head Tripping


Your desperation
is your own..

As is mine..

Meticulously crafted
and cultivated 
from our core insecurities..

Anxieties uniquely conceived
to custom fit our psychotic needs..

Bring all your personalities
in for cranial adjustments
and we'll get you properly medicated
for what's left of this trip