Saturday, September 30, 2023

In the Cards


Let go of the desperation
that is paralyzing your situation... 

Lose those chains of self pity
holding you back currently...

Time to embrace today's reality
and play the dealt cards as best you can...

Embrace the what should be obvious realization
that they can't all be aces 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Mental Health Mitigation


Not only
do miserable peeps
love company
they actively seek recruits
to join their misery symphony..

Fueled by unsocial media
we as a country
may have reached the tipping point
where depression is now the norm
and happiness the mental disease..

Until science finds an attitude vaccine
we need to put negativity on quarantine...

Let the naysayers keep infecting each other
with their rampaging bitchfest nonsense...

Try and stay above the contentious fray...

You'll be much happier this way

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Callous Calculations


We the people species now classified
by the autonomous bots
as a rough approximation
of the standard median deviation
duly notated in the analytic bible
we are required to pray from...

So our inevitable dissolution
will be an impersonal data execution
of a cold blooded algorithm
installed to maximize program efficiencies

Once we skewed variances have been classified
and human imperfections properly identified
a massive data dump will be launched
on all infected servers
to flush undesirable outliers
replete with defective deficiencies 
out of the now purified system

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Hurray for Singapore


If a writer composes and nobody reads him
did he really write anything at all?

Welcome to the barren Island of Me...

Scribbler of anonymous poetry...

A total global non entity...

Invisible everywhere but there...

A far off speck on the map
where according to analytics
I am daily widely read...

Welcome to the Republic of Singapore..

Far far beyond the rainbow...

A sanctuary for my unclaimed words...

Don't ask me why I am a hit on these shores..

Maybe spies transmit my prose as code?

Secret messages embedded in the fine print..

Perhaps every syllable I scribe is  plagiarized?

Repackaged and recrafted as their own
for massive fame and fortune...

It all matters not in the grand scheme
these theories nothing more
than rocket fuel for my dreams...

I hope my new Singaporean friends read this
and use this blurb however they see fit
along with my sincere appreciation
for taking the time from their daily lives
to click on the shit that I write

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Down Is Up


Been hanging by a tether thread
for so long
over this frickin abyss...

Twisting ever so slowly
in the indifferent breeze
with nothing below me
but the cruel force of gravity...

Fretting over the fiber shredded
in tearing increments
a fraction more each day
til all that remains for support
is a thin filament
with a broken future...

I realize finally
after much wasted consternation 
the crashing disconnect
I have long dreaded
will in reality
be my liberation
from chronic anxiety

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Rise Up


God is there for you 24/7..
365 days a week to pray to and is a made to order solace source in times of grief but for God's sake he really needs you to eventually stand on your own two feet..
Free will atrophies if you use your deity as a crutch permanently

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Down the Mudslide

These hardened walls we did create
of packed down dirt and delusions
have been dangerously softened
by the drip drip fact droplets
threatening our very denial existence...

Once mud saturation is reached

all barriers to truth will be breached

and our alternate reality bubble 
will collapse under it's own weight...

Push back blame will be dispensed
in one last gasp of accountability
by the citizens now muck drenched...

Deep down we all realized
our newly fashioned shroud of lies
carries the brand of the self deceived
who believe only what they wanna believe

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Wither MAGA


Deeper we sink into this pit
of rationalization bullshit..

Weighed down by the chains
of denial and embarrassment
it's now beyond a daunting challenge
for us to climb out..

Pride will not allow us to admit
we were duped by a slickster 
who sent us down the wrong path
that led to our current descent...

Now comes consequence
we can no longer deflect ...

When history passes judgement
will it condemn our mass ignorance
or take into consideration
the slow boil desperation
that drove a large segment of the populace
to abandon common sense
and leap into this dark hole

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Jumbo Machine


Tell me no painful truths..

Tell me no contrary reality..

No limits to lie dimensions
if it fits the current narrative
we've been programmed to believe..

Give us this day
our ration of blast grievance
to focus the hatred of the Collective
on our designated enemy

Crank the dial of prejudice
to full scapegoat mode..

While we are at it
let's throw a monster rally
like they did back in times
when mega nationalists held sway

Cult Leader will crank the volume
as only the great man can..

Owning our insidious enemy
with blistering buzz phrases
of glorious negativity 

Telling the assembled throng
we are guaranteed to win
in this media photo op age
where crowd size makes right