Sunday, May 28, 2023

Play Dough


The true master of deception
crafts the arc of deflection
to deftly shift focus of the eyes
from the truth to the lies
til the illusion becomes reality
as the fish take the bait
and then rise to applaud
the art of the con
that suckered them in
and relieved them of some coin 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Erroneously We


Bad thoughts..

Bad deeds..




Life is series
of mostly correctable mistakes
that leads to wisdom



We can stop riding this error cycle..

In theory anyway

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Supreme Being In Charge


The God I once knew
pre shit hitting the fan
would never had allowed
his piousness 
to be politicized
like it is today... 

The Lord from past editions
would have vengefully laid
a pestilence or plague
on our disrespectful asses...

OK, so maybe he did
fire off a shot across our bow
with a little boss reminder called COVID...

Next time we may take a harder hit

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Jelly and Peanut Butter


Fits and starts.. 


False bottom..

Comes and goes..

Feel the rhythm..

Anywhere is somewhere..

Nowhere here..

Anything goes....


False bottom..

Fits and starts..


Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Outsider


I am 
now and forever
situated in the wrong place
at the wrong time
though I've come to accept
my perpetual spatial displacement
in this indifferent Universe...

Being this far out of it
does allow outsider me
the clean perspective to finally see
the complete landscape
in it's glorious entirety 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Muzzling Dumbness


Prejudice and Ignorance...

Keep these yapping mutts on a tight leash
lest they break loose from your grip
and bite you in your crass opinions..

No shame in being uninformed
since reality is such a downer
but there is no need to broadcast
the full extent of your mental darkness

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Be the Driver


Your dreams
are all YOURS...

Never fret
what others say
or allow them
to diminish or demean
your soul spun possibilities...

Respect the boundaries of reality
but do not allow these confines
to become your prison...

At the end of our story
let it not be said
by those whose paths we crossed
that we did not craft
our own special narrative