Sunday, March 26, 2023

I Reboot


Anytime a new concept
or unfiltered idea
contradicts my programming
I reboot back to factory settings..

This reflex protection
is hard wired in to my model
by those who design mass opinion
to regulate and control the thoughts
of we easily swayed populace

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Applied Solution


Take your main problem 

and break it down

to it's core components..

The solution to this mess

rests in your hands

if you have the courage

to face the truth

staring you in the face..

But first one question..

Why are you holding

that sledgehammer

over my head?

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Seeds of Apathy


As the rhetorical thunder
now just outside our walls
grew in volume
we knew Ignorance
whose threat we had neglected
would be here by nightfall
to devour truth
which could no longer be guarded
by our feckless institutions..

Panic now dominates the realm
as blame is dispensed in all directions
by those who were charged with our protection...

If only they had applied this new found energy
to combat the insidious forces of Lethargy
which slowly eroded our fortifications
into soon to be useless rubble

A tarnished monument
of society's shameful capitulation 
to the forces of darkness
we allowed in with open arms

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Glorious Accommodations


You say tomato
and I say anchovy.. 

You say potato
and I say rigatoni..





It seems our perceptions
are way out of line..

Which is fine..

Variance need not be a calamity..

We can agree to disagree..

Differing opinions need not be a crime..

I respect you and you respect me..

Isn't this easier than fighting all the time? 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Conflict Brothers


The primping matador
struts into the arena
of public opinion..

This golden assassin
reeks of arrogance
and a sense of entitlement...

His bull adversary
charges into the fray
determined not to be
the victim today..

Matters not who wins..

To these lonely warriors
the battle is the thing..

Deep down they both know
how much they need each other

Even if they'll never admit it

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Fashion Nonsense


Sexy supermodel
forever burdened with maintaining
the perception of perfection..

The outside world can never see
her patchwork goddess reality..

Illusions must be meticulously maintained..

Erosion each day will be restrained..

Makeup covers the seams..

Gotta protect the dream
and the cosmetic industry
which feeds the glossy beast...

Pushing out high priestesses
with their pouty expressions..

Emaciated bodies
pimping overpriced fashions..

Setting impossible standards
on what constitutes true feminine beauty
in this narrow runway world
of shallow delusions

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Award Tripping


Upon retrospective review
of my greatest life hits
most of my finest triumphs
were off stage away from the spotlight...

The shadows of anonymity
was where I did my best work
so the victories I achieved
big and small alike
were known only to me
and my empty trophy case...

I choose to leave the kudos
and public accolades
to the attention whore masses
forever grasping for validation...

Did I mention my ultimate
life trip accomplishment?

Lame self esteem soothing rationalizations...


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Thread Bare Reality


There are daze 
when I feel overwhelmed
by things that were
once so simple only yesterday...

My frayed brain synapses 
temporarily disconnected
from how to perform
basic functional tasks...

Gotta step back...

Take a deep breath...

Slow down
this spinning carousel
and come to grips
with my elderly driven
cognitive limitations...

Mick was so correct when he foretold...

What a drag it is getting old

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Props To The People


While our country is hemorrhaging
from a thousand cuts 
of condescending arrogance
public discourse sinks
further into the abyss
of scorched Earth politics...

All the while we real people
roll our weary eyes
and trudge through each day..

Grinding away
into the permanent mist
of this most challenging existence..

Gloriously oblivious
to the daily carnage
of our out of touch government
that is determined to divide us